Look what we got. Vans has come through once again. Their customer service is second to none. Now lets put this bad boy to work smashing rivets.
The Spar is finished and the rivet squeezer is back in the box. All that is left is to put the bottom skin back on and the spar repair will be complete.
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Rock on! I have to I say I have been following this thread with interest and have been quietly cheering you on. I really admire your perseverance!

Look what we got. Vans has come through once again. Their customer service is second to none. Now lets put this bad boy to work smashing rivets.
Thats about as close to an RV grin as I can get right now. Now, on to the 500 or so wing skin rivets and I can call this repair done.

I was looking at your photos and noticed that wing has the origional type angle brace at the bellcrank rib. Later plans called for a bigger angle. I wouldn't sweat changing them, but if you wanted to do that, this would be the time. Might check the thickness of the bellcrank mounting angles too...
later changes made those thicker.

its alway nice to see a good repair job.

Chris M
Thats about as close to an RV grin as I can get right now. Now, on to the 500 or so wing skin rivets and I can call this repair done.
Getting that spar repaired was the big hurdle - it's all downhill from here!

Awesome job Arlie, it's really motivating to see you tackle such a challenging repair and have it come out so well.

Spar Repair Complete!!

The wing is back in one piece. We got the bottom skin back on in three evenings. So, we are back to where we originally started. Time to set the wing sweep and incidence.
You will probably still fly before me. Nice job. Meet you half way to your place once our fastbacks are flying.
Edge clearance?


Sorry to point this out but the edge clearance on the bottom tank attach plate is not good!