
You have been working way too hard. Take a break, sneek into OSH and just be one of the masses. Do what you want to and avoid what you don't like. OSH is a great place to refresh your juices if you don't have to work. I would advise you to stop by the RV 10 headquarters in the campground, but too many folks know your face and would not let you just veg out and be one of the guys. Take care of yourself.

Gary Specketer
You know who I really enjoyed meeting last year at the BBQ? The folks from The Netherlands. They were cool (although i felt stupid when saying goodbye, i didn't know you're supposed to kiss on BOTH cheeks. I'm such an...... American!). Wonderful people.

And then a couple of years ago at the BBQ -- I think it was '05 -- Beverly and Stan Jones from new Zealand. He was standing around a guy who was just talking about having spent $14,000 to put in an instrument panel. So he moved to the other side of the campsite. "$14,000 for a panel," he grumbled, throwing in some expletives. I LOVE that. I think of it whenever I price out stuff I want to put in the panel. They were great fun.

Now were talkin............ Keep thinking of reason TO go, and stop thinking of reasons not to go. IF you don't go you are just a pilot for 12 months, if you go you are an aviator. The Greatest Aviation Event in the world. Glad to hear you at least thinking about it Bob. We need ya man!
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That was

a Classic!
RV4chick had to chase a guy out of the ladies showers who got tired of waiting in line at the mens showers.
Bob..I think you should reconsider

I would like to bet you a dollar (like Duke and Duke from "Trading Places"!!).. That if you don't go you will think about it all week..and then be pissed at yourself for not making the effort...!

Like the swallows returning to Capistrano, it is good for me to "go back to the well"..to draw my strength to build. My project has been stalled for 6 months
and I am mad at myself for losing my drive..I'm hoping that OSH will get me back on track. Don't know about anyone else, bust the biggest mistake I made building was telling several people what I was doing. Now I can't go ANYWHERE unless forty-eleven people ask me "How's the Plane coming..got it in the air yet?"...Since I don't have a good answer, and am fresh out of lies, I hope OSH will give me that final push that I need...by the way, I have NEVER been to OSH where I didn't learn at least 2 or 3 things that will make me a safer pilot or a better builder. never.

Bob,If you don't change your mind, I'll shoot you an E-mail where to send my buck.

Brian Cutler
N433BC (reserved..for a long time now)
7a Firewall Forward and panel

Don't let these people change your mind! You just stand tough and say I ain't... WHAT AM I SAYING??? Hope you see your way clear. We understand your point, however.

Bob Kelly
Aw, dangit. Just when i thught I had my schedule set.

I see what you are doing you old fox. (sorry about the name calling ;))As I go through this journey called life I have come to realize a few things. If you really look forward to something you are usually let down. If you don't really want to go, then go, you have a great time because expectations were low. You are just setting your expectations low so when you go you'll have a great time! One of those fancy reverse psychology schemes right?

You old fox. ;)

Now I'm not going. :mad:

about the name calling ;))

Wasn't referring to you, Larry, with that reference. Not to worry.

Anyway, I wish my wife or kids (now grown) would go, though I understand why they don't. Still, that coupled with so many of my Osh friends missing the thing (Darwin, Glenn, et. al) does damper things a bit.

Hey, have you guys been following J.W. French's "Sam Burgess Memorial Junket"? He's flying to all 48 lower states before Osh. Sport Aviation wrote about him a month or so ago. I thought THAT would be a great way to get psyched for Osh so I sent him a note inviting him up to the Twin Cities, which weren't on his stop for Minnesota.

I thought surely EAAers all over the place would like to come meet the guy and sit in a hangar for a BBQ and chat about all the people he's met. Perfect, right? I started putting out notes on it a month ago and with a couple of exceptions... chirping crickets.

I can't put my finger on it but there's this feeling I have that aviation isn't holding the magic it once did. I wrote about this a week ago on the blog (When Passion Dies). I think RVers really are the exception to the rule on this; our community seems more captivated by flying still than the mainstream pilots... but maybe this is a Twin Cities thing.

anyway, I'm off track but I think it's all connected. The guy seems like a modern day barnstormer and even most of the people in aviation round here don't seem too impressed.

Maybe I just need to get out of Minnesota for a awhile -- although Wisconsin hardly qualifies. :D
I would like to bet you a dollar (like Duke and Duke from "Trading Places"!!).. That if you don't go you will think about it all week..and then be pissed at yourself for not making the effort...!

Ha! I'm way smarter than that. I've arranged for a local trucker to drive by my house at 3 in the morning to blow his truck's horn.... it rained last night so I threw my sleeping bag out in the rain and it should stay wet enough so I can sleep in it during that week... and there's a porta-a-john over at the park next door that I'll use for the whole week. I'm going to take a shower with the garden hose.. and I'm going to ask the guy with the John Deere Gator down the street to almost hit me several times when I'm out walking the dog. I've got about 10 souvenier Oshkosh videos ready to go. Now if I can just find a few RVs to look at that are so perfectly built as to give me the feeling that I am in the presence of true homebuilding greatness, well, then I'll have a foolproof plan. :D
I love it!

Ha! I'm way smarter than that. I've arranged for a local trucker to drive by my house at 3 in the morning to blow his truck's horn.... it rained last night so I threw my sleeping bag out in the rain and it should stay wet enough so I can sleep in it during that week... and there's a porta-a-john over at the park next door that I'll use for the whole week. I'm going to take a shower with the garden hose.. and I'm going to ask the guy with the John Deere Gator down the street to almost hit me several times when I'm out walking the dog. I've got about 10 souvenier Oshkosh videos ready to go. Now if I can just find a few RVs to look at that are so perfectly built as to give me the feeling that I am in the presence of true homebuilding greatness, well, then I'll have a foolproof plan. :D

Laughing out loud here. Reminds me of my friend that described ocean racing a sailboat as "sitting on a wobbly stool in a cold shower, tearing $100 bills in half."

John Clark
RV8 N18U "Sunshine"

I plan on taking your spot, so you aren't ALLOWED to go now...

In all seriousness, this will be my first trip to OSH, and I still don't really know how i'm getting there, or where I'm staying. Live in the moment is my life right now (no 'real' job). I hope you make it down for a couple of days, because I'd really like to meet you, right now i'll be looking at some stuff to finish up an RV-4 project I picked up. I think the plan is to get there early (before the rush, and the arrival procedure) and pick over the deals tables.

I plan on taking your spot, so you aren't ALLOWED to go now...

Heh heh...

Be careful for the estimated 10 pounds of pure brat grease that I dumped on the ground there after last year's BBQ.

Just north of ground zero, which is [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]N 43 58.489 W 088 34.718

If I do go, I'll still plan on going over on Friday evening, so as to claim the spot.
Bob, Just Go!

Bob old buddy, just go! I am missing my 25th year! Work, kids schedule and $2000.00 worth of diesel fuel and close to 4000 miles round trip knocked me down this year. You are too close, and you will regret it if you don't! Go to Arty and Ed's for me pal. Glenn
Bob old buddy, just go! I am missing my 25th year! Work, kids schedule and $2000.00 worth of diesel fuel and close to 4000 miles round trip knocked me down this year. You are too close, and you will regret it if you don't! Go to Arty and Ed's for me pal. Glenn

OK, that cuts it. I'm in. On one condition. Can we get a small group of folks to drive together over to Alma and Ed's -- and hoist a tankard of root beer float to the likes of Darwin, and Glenn, and Michael and Roger, and my good friend, Warren, and all the folks who couldn't come?

We'll take a picture and send it to them to let them know they're in our thoughts -- because they will be.

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Thanks for going.


Thanks for changing your mind. It gives the rest of us hope.

I made it to Oshkosh for the first time last year. I had been hearing about the wonders of the event for 20 years, but never managed to make the 1500 mile journey. I finally made it last year and it exceeded all expectations, I rode my motorcycle the whole way in 2 days, got terribly sick in the process, and still had one of the best weeks I can remember. I will not make it this year. It's almost physically painfull not to be at Oshkosh this week.

Anyway, I found it depressing beyond belief that one of the greatest cheerleaders in the RV community wasn't going due to lack of spirit. When you spoke at the end of the BBQ last year, I was deeply moved by the gift of time you have given to the community and by your overwhelming passion for your hobby and its people. I'm just a guy building an airplane--It's people with your passion and spirit that form basis of this community. Thanks for going--everything is right with the world now.

Glad you're going to be there, Bob. This string was just too depressing until you changed your mind. Hope to see you there.
