The -8 is running good so I expect to make it in on Saturday morning for my first time flying in. (Last time I was there was 1985). It looks like I'll be in a 3 ship with a Bellanca Cruisemaster and a -6 all the way across the country. We plan on camping in the classics section (with the Bellanca), so I hope my buddy with the -6 and I don't get too much grief for our aircraft of choice. I plan on bailing out on Wednesday morning.
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Fingers crossed

The wife & I are tenatively coming in Sunday and probably leaving Wednesday.
From one RV to another

Hope to roll in Sunday to HBC... first time to fly in - been in Sleepy Hollow in our camper for the last 4 years!
Will be there

First time flying in. My finished RV9a isnt painted yet, but flies great. If you see and nice but unpainted RV9A GSTT, a fair bit of military looking grey primer...come say HI in homebuilt camping and BRING COLD BEER. :D Likely in on saturday and out on tue pm or wed am.
I plan to fly the -4 up this year, then come back home to drive the toolmobile up for what will seem like an excruciatingly long trip after the short flight.

We will be located West of Van's tent again this year. Stop and say 'hi'.
Can't wait to see our extended family!

Milk Money

We are going to try to make it this year.We are in Alaska fishing now in the motor home if we run out of time we will drive 700 miles farther going to Oshkosh than Oregon if we do drive we will have fish to eat.Anybody want to take a side trip we have lots of room and the fishing is great
Why in RV-9/9A section?

MODS: Can we please move this discussion from the RV-9 Section to the General Discussion area so people like me who only read certain sections will find it? :) Thanks.
Got the whole week blocked out, so if the weather cooperates, I'll be there. Probably arrive Sunday and leave whenever. I'll be in homebuilt camping.

Suggestion: Put your VAF handle on the prop card. I know more people here by their screen name than their real name.
I'm scheduled to be there all week, working... come by and tell me what the rest of the show is like! :)

Looks like I will be there Sunday thru tues or wed either as Scott Hersha's GIB. Or hopefully with my resurrected RV8! If my RV8 shows up, please excuse the new skins and fillers before repainting!

I'm going

I'll be there all week. Probably fly up Saturday or Sunday.

What is the deal on the banquet? I assume it is sold out? Anyone have a ticket they want to sell?

Any get togethers planned to solve all our RV questions/build problems?:)
Looking forward to Thurs., Fri., Sat.

I hope to run into other builders while I am there.
I'll be tenting in the North 40 for a few days starting Sunday and staying until I get tired of camping. This will be my first time flying in by myself. :eek:
Parking for non-camping homebuilt RV's is east of Knapp Street and south of taxiway P-1. Homebuilt camping is west of Knapp Street.
That map has been around for a few years and unfortunately is still not quite accurate. John is correct that the area east of Knapp St. is for RV parking, but the first 5-6 rows west of Knapp are also for parking, as well as the entire area north of the P-1 taxiway (this is where we put the RV-10s as well as random overflow parking.) The RV parking area, aka Area 51 runs right up to the edge of Homebuilt camping, and the border between the two is rather fluid and can change over the week depending on which area fills up more quickly.
OSH here we come again.

I'll be flying to OSH in a gaggle of 2 Jabiru LSAs, an Arion Lightning, and a Jabiru-powered RV-12. Life is good. :D
5th year in a row for me total, 2nd year in an RV.

Looks like I'll be flying my friend's RV-8 up there again for the 2nd time in a row, along with a gaggle of other RVs from the D/FW metroplex who'll meet up with me here in WFalls early Sunday morning. I'll be staying in Wautoma Sunday thru Thursday, attending AirVenture Mon thru Wed, then heading off to visit a buddy in Eau Claire, then back home on Friday or Saturday to the wonderful blistering heat of north Tejas.
Flyin in on Friday

Plan on flying in for the first time and camping with the 10 from Friday till Thursday morning.

First time flying in or camping at Osh Kosh.

Are there any shuttles that run from the field to the restaurants across the road ? Applebees root beer is one special request of my son and it looks like its to far to walk.

Also is there any cab service if not shuttles prior to the show on Saturday or Sunday ?
Also is there any cab service if not shuttles prior to the show on Saturday or Sunday ?
Just north of the main gate on Forest Home Av. is a large control tower-looking building. This is the ground transportation hub, and all the shuttle buses run from there. There is also a taxi stand at the same location, and someone inside the building to answer questions and help you. They should be fully up and running by Saturday, Sunday at the latest. There is also a tram that runs from the flightline around to north 40 to the Friar Tucks area.
Be there most of the week.

Since I work in Fond du Lac, I'll most likely stop into work on Wednesday and Thursday. This will be 21st time at Oshkosh. This year I pick up my motor from Aerosport. Can't wait to see how it turn out. Will be looking at Dynon, Garmin, Vertical Power, and anything that is panel related. Will be attending several workshop type activities, Sam James fiberglassing, gas welding, and anything electical.
This year I will be flying "out" of OSH." Does this even count". I will be bringing back a Pober Pixie a buddy built. He cant fly it due to med. issues so a coinflip between me and another chap left me the outbound leg. I will bring one of our motorhomes up on sat. and my dad will bring the other motorhome up that way he can leave on wed and I will have the other one to stay in if weather delays my departure or hopefully the Pixie wins something. It is a very nice and well constructed plane Next year the only coinflip will be who flies left seat as we will have the 7 done. I feel better about flying back because the drive to somewhere fun is always is faster it seems than the ride home from from somewhere fun. I hope the guy flying up does'nt have the same feelings as he is bringing the motorhome back.

We'll be be there!

We'll drive from Chicago ORD to Airventure on Sunday 24 morning and we'll be in Sholler Camp until Friday.

I'm just one year from my first fly so I've a lot of things to say about my 8.

Can't wait to share that great experience with all my band !

See you soon !
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Me too

Flying in to Appleton on Sunday. Will be there until Thursday. Staying at the YMCA, (indoor camping). I like roughing it. My Rv is in the paint shop and should be finished about the time Oshkosh ends. Hurray!
I'll definitely be there, I just don't know who will be tagging along this year.

Our son is moving from Hawaii to South Carolina next week, and if all goes well settling in there (finding a home, a vehicle, paperwork, etc.), he may fly back and join me as my RIO. I think he was 14 the last time he went to Oshkosh with me, and I was tasked with having "the talk" with him. When I finally screwed up the courage to broach the subject on the last night, he actually laughed at me!

Anyway, if he comes with me, then the spousal unit will be driving up with the support vehicle (containing a large tent, air mattresses, cooler, etc.) a few days later. I'm much too old and decrepit to be roughing it anymore.

I'm planning to fly up this weekend sometime and stake out a campsite and pray that nobody moves my stakes this year. Looking forward to seeing old friends and meeting new ones!
I'm planning to be there all week; learning as much as I can to prepare for flying in with the 9A next year.

Look forward to meeting you all!
Count me in

After a few years of arriving with a VAC sign in my window, this year will be my first in HBC with my newly finished RV4 project. I also intend to hang out for the whole week for the first time. Doing it "slowkosh" style should be a ton of fun compared to the usual end-of-week whirlwind tour.

See you there!

I'm heading that way tomorrow!

I'm joining up at Little Rock with a T-34 for the trip up.
It's painted like my airplane:D


I'm not going again this year...dammit....dammit.....dammit!!!!!! Maybe, finally, next year.