
Well Known Member
Thought I'd put this out to see who intends to make OSH 2011. I will be there on Monday and Tuesday this year. Driving up again this year with my brother. Plane build on hold due to recent surgery. I'll be swinging by Stein's booth to get my annual T-shirt.
OSH 2011

I plan to be there! Looks like I will drive over for just a day or two and my wife may join me for the first time ever :D

If she does decide to go, I will barrow a RV (the big diesel powered type) and be in the camp grounds.

Can't wait!
I'm planning to go. Not sure yet what I'll be flying up there in (borrowed airplane A, borrowed airplane B, or riding as a pax in airplane C), but hopefully I'll make it this year to be my 5th Oshkosh in a row.
Another year of ground travel (only time I flew my 9A was '07) due to having three kids with me, plus all the camping stuff. Three more kids will arrive Monday, with the teacher I have worked with all year. Total of eight of us for a few days, then Andy (the teacher) will take the first bunch back and I'll stay with the second batch. I hope you get a chance to stop by and meet the RV-12 builders and they will (hopefully) be in woods 101 with a big sign.

If you see a kid on the flightline wearing a blue t-shirt that says "RV-12 Builder" on the back, talk to him. They will all be at the banquet, also (thanks, Van's!) These guys are the future for us, Van's, and GA. Make 'em welcome!

I gotta say, I am looking forward to this Oshkosh more than any in memory. I love introducing newbies to Oshkosh. Do stop by our forum on Tuesday, probably at 1PM in building nine (they have us down for two forums, but that is going to change.) I will announce the firm time/location when it is cleared up.

I'll be there

My son and I will be there all week.

I'll organize an RV-9(A) group get together this year as in the past. Any suggestions for time and place? In the past we have met at the Nature Center Pavilion on Tuesday night one hour prior to the banquet. However this has limited our visitation time and ability to get a good seat at the banquet.

Any thoughts?
I'll be there in time for Van's banquet on tuesday at 6:00 and then heading out on Friday.
My wife Judy and I will be camping there all week. Planning on arriving on 7/23 and depart on 7/31. My wife and I are going to the banquet and are looking forward to meeting everyone. We purchased an already started 9. Empennage almost completed and left wing started - in cradle. We also ordered the fuselage kit ? inventoried.
The kit finally arrives and I end up having tennis elbow surgery 2 days ago:mad:Now waiting to heal so I can start building.
This will be my first Air Venture

I will fly commercial to Milwaukee (from LAX), rent a car and drive to Fond du Lac where I have a hotel reservation. I plan to spend Monday-Friday at Oshkosh. I am looking for any advice from all you insiders! What do I definitely not want to miss? I already have a ticket for Van's Dinner. I want to visit Vans, Dynon, Garmin, Stein (I can get a t-shirt??), B&C--all the folks who are a big part of my RV.
My wife Brandi and I will be there Wed - Sun. This will be our first time to Oshkosh. We're excited!
I will be there probably after Wed and sadly not flying this year. Since we are going to be going to a wedding that week, my wife says we can not possibly be able to take all the clothing she wants with our RV and flying alone is just not economical with these Avgas $$$.

First timers need to study the general layout, and especially the tram routes. It would be very good to buddy-up with someone who knows the ropes as it is a bit overwhelming. Also, have a plan for visiting the commercial buildings--have booth number that you don't want to miss. This is all on the website. Same for forums you don't want to miss. Print everything out, and get a newspaper every morning. Plan on at least a few hours in the museum, best during the hottest time of the day. First time I would skip the Pioneer Airport and seaplane base (flame away!) just to allow more time for other stuff. Do not push too hard! You have all week. Pre-planning and a good tram tour at first will be very helpful in getting your bearings. The ice cream cones are the best buy on the field. Take a water bottle, sunscreen and a hat.

Have fun!

I am looking for any advice from all you insiders! What do I definitely not want to miss? I already have a ticket for Van's Dinner. Thanks,

I usually enjoy the Homebuilder's Dinner, (you have to eat somewhere).
I saw reference to the dinner being on Thursday night. You obtain
tickets at Homebuilders registration on the flightline.
We'll be there Sunday to Thursday as usual. It is kinda' nice to have a "normal" OSH drill now :).
I'm in

This will be my first flight of any distance, so I am looking forward to it. Last minute things (sons wedding) kept my wife and I from going. This year I plan to be there with my brother. I am canceling the plan to sleep in the open under the starry skies after last year. Still have a lot of planning to do. Should I be signing up for RV gatherings now? I think I need help and suggestions.

Me and the family are coming up via car. This is our first visit. Meeting my Sister and Mom and we're going to camp a few days. I'm keeping the schedule completely open, because I dont know what to expect, or when.
Taking the human mailing tube into Green Bay and driving down on Sunday morning. Coming home Thursday. Looking forward to it!
My son Michael and I will be there again this year, my 26th trip, camping and volunteering at the Camper Locator Shack. Stop by and say hello! Glenn

Just wondering, not having camped there before, What type of camp site can I expect if I show up Sunday and only plan to stay two days? I usually fly in but not this year. I will be driving a 34' motor home.
I'm Going

Well I asked dad to go this year and he said yes. Unfortunately he passed in Feb. I'm still going just solo now. Driving up from AZ and should arrive Sun 7/23 departing Fri 7/29. Haven't been there since the 90's when I was a teen with dad. Really looking forward to it. I'd love to meet up with fellow RV'ers too if you don't mind a loner hanging around listening to some "true stories". ;)

Just wondering, not having camped there before, What type of camp site can I expect if I show up Sunday and only plan to stay two days? I usually fly in but not this year. I will be driving a 34' motor home.

Not answering for Glenn but from what I've read it's first come first serve. I'm tenting it in Scholler this year.

Just wondering, not having camped there before, What type of camp site can I expect if I show up Sunday and only plan to stay two days? I usually fly in but not this year. I will be driving a 34' motor home.
Paul, there are always spots, and worst case scenario if your out a ways, the buses (free) run 24 hours a day to the various gates. You will have a great time in the campground. I would recommend the 24 hour generator area if you plan on running one, usually not needed at night, but who knows. Also, last year they started sites with water and electric hookups (not sure what good water does you with no sewer hookup), for around $20 EXTRA a night over the regular spots. Remember they will charge you for a full week even though you are only staying 2 days, but will refund your money for days not used on your way out, don't forget your refund! Good luck, hope this helps. Glenn
I'm in

I just got the official invite today to work as a "CFI" of the Wright Flyer simulator in the Federal Pavilion. I'll have to be working there all week. Hope to bring Mikey along this year, if weather is more cooperative than last year. Also plan to drag the spousal unit along. :p We have our tickets for the banquet. Hope to see everyone there.
Remember they will charge you for a full week even though you are only staying 2 days, but will refund your money for days not used on your way out, don't forget your refund! Glenn

Just a quick note to add is that there is a 3 night minimum charge. Stay 2 nights still paying for 3. You're refunded any other as Glenn states.
we are in

Bonnie and I are planning on flying the RV10 into osh and camping in homebuilt camping again this year. Looking forward to seeing lots of folks.
We'll be there Sunday to Thursday as usual. It is kinda' nice to have a "normal" OSH drill now :).

Bring cookies, Tanya!.

I plan to be there Sunday through Thursday. And my brother and his wife will fly their -8 to the show for the first time.

Lost track. Not sure if this is the 12 or 13th year flying in.

I plan to fly in every year as long as I have an airplane and the health to fly it.

The only year I did not fly in that I had a flying airplane, I flew to Alaska then Kitty Hawk instead of OSH.
I just got the official invite today to work as a "CFI" of the Wright Flyer simulator in the Federal Pavilion. I'll have to be working there all week. Hope to bring Mikey along this year, if weather is more cooperative than last year. Also plan to drag the spousal unit along. :p We have our tickets for the banquet. Hope to see everyone there.

If the spousal unit can not make it do to work, I can escort you to dinner. If spousal unit makes it, we can eat as a group.
Flying in for my second AirVenture. Planning on Sunday through at least the Lt Dan Band and Arron Tippin Concerts :)

No pax in the right seat this time :( still looking forward to it though :)
OSHKOSH!!!!! here we come. 1st time for me and also 1st time for Aurora.

Wife didn't think she would enjoy 7days of airplanes, so my hangarmate is coming with me. He didn't want to sleep in a pond...I mean tent, so we'll be in a Travel trailer being delivered.

See ya next month:D
Im in!

I will be right seating it in this year with my dad. Our second year flying in. This will be my 7th trip in 7 years, always Sunday to Sunday. Also first time camping with a plane at Oshkosh. See you all there!!!:D
I will be driving up with the family to MKE to stay with a friend. I plan on driving from MKE to OSH on Thurs and Sat. I hope to see some VAFers there!
The Oshkosh season officially opens next Friday with the Camp Scholler Land Rush. Will be up there to stake out our camp sites and start working on the grounds. Can't wait.
re: as usual

I'll be there all week. Saturday thru Saturday in Sleepy Hollow space 69.:) With my entire family ( 2 daughters, wife, son-in-law, & other daughter's boyfriend) we all love it.

Marshall Alexander
We'll be there Monday thru Saturday. Maybe the RV-9 guys could meet again early before Van's banquet?
If the spousal unit can not make it do to work, I can escort you to dinner. If spousal unit makes it, we can eat as a group.

"Spousal Unit Ironflight" plans to be there as a "Media Bum" again this year - no scheduled talks, so I am just going to enjoy the company of all the aviators that I meet. Definitely want to hook up with RV friends - a fast-growing number of people!

Disclaimer: All asssuming that the Day Job doesn't interfere of course....

I'm happy to say that I will be there all week, hanging out with Chapter 75 (of which I am an 'overseas' member) at the Repair Barn near the Hangar Cafe in the Vintage area. We are staying off-site at Kalbus Country Harbour campsite by the lake.

My Airventure initiation was in 09, though I missed last year. One of the highlights of that trip was when the RV-9(a) crowd met up before the Vans banquet. The only problem was that the hour slipped by too fast. I would be delighted if that happens again -maybe with an earlier start.
At the moment, it appears I'm going to skip it this year. If Aeroshell was still giving away cow posters, I'd reconsider. :p

But if anyone flying from the west would like to drop down to KSGS and gather your wits about you, get fed and refuel before the last leg into Oshkosh, I'd love to have you look at my project and look for things that need redoing. Alternately, if anyone from the MN area is going over just for the day and has a right seat open, I don't weigh very much.
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Terry and I plan to fly in with the RV-8, arriving on Saturday, if all goes according to plan. We'll stay all week, unless the weather forecasts dictate an early departure. We'll be in Homebuilt Camping, which will hopefully once again be next to the RV parking area.
Parking Question

I can't find a parking diagram for Airventure. Does anyone know where non-camping homebuilt parking will be?