First Timer

I'll be there.
I've booked the flight from Bordeaux (France) to Chicago, car rental, hotel and purchased the weekly ticket. Think I'm ready :D

This is my first time in Osh and I hope to get my first RV ride, meet a lot of fellow RV builders, and fill my luggage with as many tools and stuff as the airline baggage weight limit will allow :D

Hope to see many of you there
I will be there all week, only missed one time in the last 20 years. Unfortunately I will be driving as I am not quite done yet. I will be driving trams for half of each day, and camping at Camp Schollar (sp?)
Wearing a Vansairforce T-Shirt while attending

I'll be wearing a Vansairforce T-Shirt while attending that I got from Avery's for the fund raising.
Going to OSH

I'll be there!

I've been going since 1985. N802RV went for the first time last year and she'll be going again this year.

I work at Flight Line Safety so I'll be there all week. I'll probably get there the Saturday before the show and stay until the day after the show closes.

First timer!

I'll be there from about Tues thru Sunday after a 2-3 day visit with relatives in the Mpls area. Staying at the dorms at Appleton but hope to fly in at least one day to be able to say I've done it!
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Oh Yeah!

Beth and I will be flying the -6 in during the week and then DRIVING back for the last day of the show. We have to drive back because we can't fit the new IO-375-M1S for the -7 in the baggage compartment of the -6.

Bart and Sue will be displaying our engine in their booth during the show and then we get to take it home the last day. FUN!!!

- Peter

PS - We won't be enjoying camp Scholler this year... We're staying at home each night and flying in and out. It's about a 90 minute flight in the RV so what the heck?!?
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I'm hoping to make it, but it will depend on how my wife and I are recovering. I'm pretty sure I'll be in good enough shape to travel, but Terry's state is a big mystery at this point. Her back is not up to that much traveling right now, but OSH is a long ways off yet.

If we come, we'll certainly be there all week, as she is keen to spend time with her myriad sisters (she grew up in Green Bay). We'll be staying with one of them, and I'll be driving down and back most days.
Gotta see the Doobies! Hope to launch on Sunday and return on Wednesday!
Randy Utsey
N55CU / RV-7
Charlotte, N.C.
I'm hoping to make it, but it will depend on how my wife and I are recovering. I'm pretty sure I'll be in good enough shape to travel, but Terry's state is a big mystery at this point. Her back is not up to that much traveling right now, but OSH is a long ways off yet.

If we come, we'll certainly be there all week, as she is keen to spend time with her myriad sisters (she grew up in Green Bay). We'll be staying with one of them, and I'll be driving down and back most days.

Well, I hope we both make Kevin and with our planes!
Well, you could sure do some heat testing. It is 107 as I type this.

......107F on May 18, not a good omen at all. Sure hope it isn't anywhere near that warm in Wisconsin the week of July would be brutal in the homebuilt camping area.

Hope to be there just to see all the airplanes and airplane people. There's nothing like it anywhere else on the planet. :)
I'll be there

This will be my first trip to Osh. Camping at Camp Scholler for 8 days. What is the best area to put your tent? I'll have on my VAF hat too.
Well, I hope we both make Kevin and with our planes!
I don't see any chance my RV-8 will be there this year. After I get flying again, I've still got to finish the test program. Then I'll want to get enough hours on it to demonstrate reasonable reliability before I take it on the road.

Next year.
I don't see any chance my RV-8 will be there this year. After I get flying again, I've still got to finish the test program. Then I'll want to get enough hours on it to demonstrate reasonable reliability before I take it on the road.

Next year.

That's what I am up against also!
Filming at OSH

I'm planning on attending for the first time, flying in with my club's 172. I had hoped to do some filming for my documentary project, but the EAA has been less than cooperative - largely non-responsive - allowing me in with a camera.


Access is one thing. COMMERCIAL access - that is, filming or photographing with the intent of selling the final product - is another. Looks like I have something worked out with the EAA. So, if you see an out-of-place white and blue 172 in the homebuilt camping area, that's me.

Where should we head to in Camp Scholler?


Karin and I just bought our week pass....we are planning on camping for the week. Any suggestions on where should be try to park our tent to hit the largest concentration of RVers? (sans airplane).

I'll be there!

I'll be making my second pilgrimage this year! 2007 was my first trip, I had a blast, I discovered what the fuss was all about.

Doug Gray
RV-6 still going.. hoping to fly this year!
Sydney, Australia

I'll be there, camping, from July 29th-Aug 2nd...this will be my third Airventure, wouldnt miss it! I will be breaking in the new girlfriend...see if she's a keeper?? :)
We will again have a group of RV-10 builders/fliers (last year had around 25 builders) in Camp Scholler. A couple of us typically go a week prior to the show to relax and set things up, and then stay for the duration.

RV-10 N442PM
David Richardson and I will be there for the last day or two of the show.
We will take both our planes and will be staying across Lake Michigan in
Ludington MI where my folks live and I grew up. Hope to see some old
friends again.
I will be flying N283RV (RV-3) from Madera, CA with a C-182 and a Waiex. It may take us a while to get there. Hope to make it by Sat. night.

Bill Newkirk
Me and the Squeeze

Me and the Lemon Squeeze will be there from Vegas.

If anyone's interested in UAVs, I'll be giving a presentation on Predator/Reaper Ops in Iraq and Afghanistan. Wednesday, at 1300, in the Dake Pavilian.

I would love to attend!! I am in the planning stages with Matt Sturgis on my first visit. We would love to help out on fuel if anyone is rolling through the Houston area to OSH!
going to OSH?

Duaaaa,,,,,,,,,,,,,,!! You gotta be there!!!!!

Sure, Going to OSH. Almost ? a reason to be here on this planet
Been going since 1980, first time in a pop up trailer. still building then. Easy Riser. Have flown in most every year since.............

Meeting up with the RV people from OZ,,,, and England,, KeeWee land, and north America, and South Africa. See and here about all the great adventures of the pilots of the world, big and small.

I be flying my 9A again. My bud is bringing his newly flying 6 (first time for both). Another bud is bringing his 182. We'll arrive late Sat afternoon from Ogden, UT.

Flushing toilets and WiFi hot spots???!! Whats next? Self-commencers on yer aeroplane engine?

North 40 for us,
I just might be able to make it. The airplane is coming alone very well in phase 1. Electrical gremlins are going away. The Dynon ap is working very well. Life is great. I now have 8hrs on the clock. Yup, I think I'll make it to OSH.
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I hope to be there but first a stop off in Mid-Michigan too visit Mom.

This is going to be a challenge as all three of us are going in the -9 plus camping gear.

It looks like we going to spend the weekend before at 3BS visiting Mom.

Monday we hope to go to MCD, walk around the island, eat some fudge, and then back to Mom?s for the night before heading to OSH on Tuesday morning.

Anyone else want to meet at Mackinac Island on Monday?

Jay & Dayton, save me a parking spot.
Monday we hope to go to MCD, walk around the island, eat some fudge, and then back to Mom?s for the night before heading to OSH on Tuesday morning.

Anyone else want to meet at Mackinac Island on Monday?

Jay & Dayton, save me a parking spot.

Hum, sounds interesting...Bill, you going to hug the coast on the north then west coast or just shoot across the lake?
Hum, sounds interesting...Bill, you going to hug the coast on the north then west coast or just shoot across the lake?
Having grown up in that part of the country, we were taught to NEVER fly over the lakes. But I don't see much difference between that and flying over the mountains, so last year I turned due east after departing OSH and crossed the lake at 9500 feet. Still not enough altitude to make either shore from mid-lake and that lake is COLD even in late July / early August.

Then again, going up and around the lake while following the beach would be cool. It all depends on what time we depart on Tuesday morning for OSH from Midland, MI.

Let's keep this informal, if we land on the Island and I see your plane on Monday, great! If not, we will catch up at OSH.

I'll start a thread on this so as not to drift this one too much.
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Bonaco, Inc.

Regretfully I and Bonaco, will not be in attendance at Osh this year.

I hope to see pictures posted from those that are going.