
Well Known Member
I was just curious who plans on going to OSH this year. My daughter and I will be up there Sunday, Monday and Tuesday this year after skipping last years event.
I'll be there, God willing. This will make something over ten years in a row. Don't know if I'll fly or drive. If a large number from our EAA chapter goes, I'll probably drive.

Bob Kelly
I'll be there. Have only missed one year.We will be there with our converted box trailer at 52nd and Lindbergh.
I'll be there rain or shine and hope to meet some of the "VAF Superstars" in person.:D
I hope to be there but first a stop off in Mid-Michigan too visit Mom.

This is going to be a challenge as all three of us are going in the -9 plus camping gear.
Wouldn't miss it for anything. May or may not have the newly painted Spruce Moose there, we'll see.

Hope to see all of you there.
We'll be there

Me, my wife and daughter (15) Giorgia will be @ osh this year.

Nice to meet everyone of this 'not virtual' community

See you in July
I've only made OSH a couple of times, and both were short, single-day visits. This year, Louise and I are both hoping to spend the entire week!

Lots of stuff on the schedule to get done before July to make that happen though.....fingers crossed!

The wife, Jane Plane and I are planning on spending the majority of the week there. We'll be in homebuilt camping, as I couldn't find a room big enough for Jane.

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I'll be there!!

I've been attending every year since '92 as I live only an hour and a half away.

But this year is different!!! While I've really always been on the outside looking in, this year I feel I'll really be part of it!

Planning on spending the entire week there, going to a lot of forums and likely purchasing all the radios, EFIS, autopilot, lighting and the rest of the fun stuff there!!!

Ya'all are going to have a hard time getting a word in with the electronics vendors as "I" will be occupying a LOT of their time!! Can't wait!

Plus, I'll be able to meet a lot of you guys there, who until now, I didn't have nearly as much in common with. This is gonna be great!

I'm really pumped up about OSH '09!!!

I'll be making my first trip to OSH this year. My -9 and I will be in homebuilt camping for at least 3 days. Really look forward to partying with other RVers and finding some Hatz Biplanes to examine. Didn't see any at SNF this year. Need to meet DR as well. :)
Go Cubs

I'll be there the full week for my 25th year drinking the scotch Jeff owes me for the Easter Day Cubs/Brewers game.....
What happens to gas prices first..:)

OH come on........

Lets see now,

- five less candy bars
- no flowers for the other half
- no beer for a month or two
- no unnecessary motering (flying not included)
- no movies
- dinner at home
- no lunch
- no tv
- no phone
- no internet
- ..................:eek:

Anyone going from the NY area. I am planning on thurs, fri, sat, sun
My wife and I are riding our motorcycles to Oshkosh, then back to Sturgis from there...assuming I'm recuperated by then.
Be there

Will be there with the wife, the kids the dog and possibly even my inlaws. Sleepy Hollow with a big camper with AIR. Sat thru thurs.
4822C is Coming

Scott and I plan on making our first trip to OSH. Unless mother nature has other ideas, we'll be there the first half of the week - just long enough for the RV gathering Wed night.
Redtails in! My son Mike and I will be arriving Sunday. First trip for the
new -8A. We had our -6 there 5 times in 9 years.
We won't be there but ...

We won't be there but reading this thread is inspiring - I can feel the sincere joyful anticipation. I know you all will have a wonderful time in the element.

Bob Axsom
I would Like to go

I would like to go. If anyone in Florida would like someone to help offset the price of fuel. I would love to go for a couple of days.

Rich if you can make it let me know. I booked dorm room with the University for the whole week. You have place to crash their rooms have two beds. Local food is good and plenty and there is a bus service from dorms to the field and back.

I would like to go. If anyone in Florida would like someone to help offset the price of fuel. I would love to go for a couple of days.

Name tag shirts or hats?

This may sound silly, but I have often wondered how many of you I have walked right past, or even spoken to briefly, of chatted with in line for a brat, etc... and had no idea I was talking to another VAF person.
Doug, ever been any thought towards a VAF shirt with a personalized user name, or name badge, or hat or something? Would be cool at Sun N Fun, and OSH to see all the different names out there in person.
Could be another revenue producer, or for a charity.
Just a thought.
Will be there too.


I will be at OSH for the 16th year in a row. Not sure what days, but there is one event I do not miss. Airventure Oshkosh.
Rich if you can make it let me know. I booked dorm room with the University for the whole week. You have place to crash their rooms have two beds. Local food is good and plenty and there is a bus service from dorms to the field and back.

Thanks Vlad I will probably take you up on it.... Even If I don't find a Ride I will have the wife get me a stand by ticket on a Major Carrier that can get me close to there!!!!! Are you doing any volunteering there or just hanging out??????

will be there with NBE. will be stalking ex-fiancee and hope to catch up with some regional friends. W Womack, this means you. and time for another wing inspection.
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Thanks Vlad I will probably take you up on it.... Even If I don't find a Ride I will have the wife get me a stand by ticket on a Major Carrier that can get me close to there!!!!! Are you doing any volunteering there or just hanging out??????

See you there Rich. No volunteering at Oshkosh only S-n-F :) mostly hanging out it's vacation time. Will order my full leather Classic Aero interior and meet good people.

As my grandma use to say, "Is the Pope Catholic?"

Scott do not forget that Polygamist Beer your baggage compartment is big enough for couple extra bottles.
Jim Beam

Vlad I'm bringing some Jim Beam for you..... I know you really liked it at
Sun-N-Fun, I don't know how well you liked it the next morning...LOL
I'll be there the full week for my 25th year drinking the scotch Jeff owes me for the Easter Day Cubs/Brewers game.....

You sure will, right after we finish the bottle that you still owe me from '08. You know, the one that you couldn't bring last year because you WIMPED OUT AND DIDNT COME!

Oh, have you checked the NL Central stadings lately? Go Brewers!
I drive in for the day (and have for probably 20+ years), as it's less than an hour drive. The past few years I have really grown to appreciate all that goes into this event for those of you with a longer journey. And, somehow, I think I've really been missing out by leaving at "the close of business" all the time...
A suggestion for DOUG

I have thought for a couple years that it would make sense to do something to pick out the friends i have met online.
What if....
A special VAF shirt, bright and special edition logo. We pick a popular day say WED and we all wear the shirt.
Not sure how to distribute.....maybe someone at a booth could sell.(AVERY?) The only ones that could buy are VAF.

Every year i meet several from here in person...seeing a bunch of the same shirts one day would be an easy way to say hey.

I remember at bobs bbq party my first year there were several neon
I AM NOT GMCJETPILOT shirts...very easy to pick out from far away. Even if you dont chat..just a smile and friendly nod. All extra money to charity, and LIMITIED EDITION maybe with some nose art on the back? Just an idea.
OSH 2009

Scott do not forget that Polygamist Beer your baggage compartment is big enough for couple extra bottles.

You got it! I'll be sure to bring enough for everyone.

As they say, "Why have just one?"
I have ground support heading out this year as well so weight should not be a problem.

Like I've said before, Oshkosh is my favorite holiday!
Wed-Saturday bid results/crew schedulers permitting

Now that sounds familiar... I just got lucky with our monthly vacation bidding; looks like I can make it early in the week, Mon-Wed. I was beginning to think I wouldn't make it since I'm a junior puke.
re: we'll be there

My wife, both daughters, & I will be at Sleepy Hollow all week. Challenger 5th wheel in space 42, I think. We've been there the past 7? years and Jeff and his entourage takes very good care of us, thank you. We arrive on Saturday and leave Saturday.

My wife has a cool, commercial grade, embroidery machine. I'll see if she could "whip up" something for show & tell. She's a teacher so she doesn't have anything to do.:D
Seriously, she would like to get in to doing patches, logos, caps, etc. as a part time kind of side job at home.

Anyway, what time & where is the RV get-together? I know it's posted, I've seen it. Just don't remember where.:):)
My daughter, Michela (pronounced Makayla) wants to visit with all you engineer folk:D.

Marshall Alexander
RV10 N781DM
I've been going to OSH on and off since the 60's. In fact, I'm so old I've been Oshkosh when it was held in Rockford, IL! (It wasn't called Oshkosh then, lol)

Yes, I'm going, & flying in (driving is for weenies ;))
I will hopefully make it if I can get the electrical issues on my plane solved! James I got the revised drawings!
I will be there. Not sure what days, probably beginning of the week. I went for the last 3 days last year, and was a little dissapointed. A lot of the -10 guys were already clearing out by then.
I plan to be there also, presumably most of the week. Still figuring out the accomodation and transportation question at the moment, but it will be solved ;-)

See you there,

Vans Diaspora

Looks like we will have lots of visitors from other countries. RVs Without Borders. Please check with International Visitors Tent and leave your coordinates in the book this way it will be easier to find you on the field.
I just cleared it with the wife so I'll be attending, most likely solo. Not sure when I'm arriving but I'll be leaving on Friday to pick her up in Milwaukee for a friend's Saturday wedding. None of my usual Osh buddies can go this year so I'll be camped out by myself in Camp Scholler. Would love to meet some of the VAF crowd to chat and pal around with...

I'm planning on attending for the first time, flying in with my club's 172. I had hoped to do some filming for my documentary project, but the EAA has been less than cooperative - largely non-responsive - allowing me in with a camera.

I'm planning on attending for the first time, flying in with my club's 172. I had hoped to do some filming for my documentary project, but the EAA has been less than cooperative - largely non-responsive - allowing me in with a camera.


Not sure I understand them not allowing you in with a camera? My daughter and wife take photos all the time up there. Please explain...
There are photographers and videographers all over the place. What exactly are you asking EAA for?

If you are asking for access across the flightline, then I see why you may not be getting response.

Photography/Videography at the show is simply amazing. I particularly like doing a dawn patrol in the war bird area.