Wow! It sounds like I missed all the foolishness. I flew in (first time ever) on Wednesday morning at 830. We didn't even see another plane until we were heading south to the blue roof. I agree that the "Turn base-final-land." was rushed. Adding flaps and with on hand and slipping turn with the other. Definitely not for the low time, low frequency pilot, but still fun. We flew out before the airshow, and that was when it got challenging. We were getting rushed out of there, and I found myself taking off and following a slow climbing seaplane. I didn't like that!
I went to SnF a few years ago for my one and only time. I won't go back. I was disappointed by the way they shut down access to the HB area for most of the day I was there. Also repulsed by high prices. If I remember correctly, I think I paid close to $5 for a simple hot dog. C'mon, really?

I have been to SnF probably 25 times over the last 40 years and the last several years I often wondered why one of the airports close by like maybe Zelferhills or Plant City did not start a grass root fly- in the same week were they had free camping and good food for a decent price then you could hop over to SnF a day or two and back to the grass root fly- in after getting ripped off all you could stand and be able to walk around with out someone watching your ever move.
I drove to Orlando on friday, and got up early and drove in saturday morning. Parked WAYYYY up front, in the gate at 8:00, walked around until 9:00. Saw what I needed to see, talked to a few people, and left at 11:30. Home at 6:00Pm.
Maybe it was me, but I was looking for one of the avionics companies to convince me that I should buy their stuff. I came away feeling that they didnt care one way or the other. Probably due to the long week they had. Hope so.
Hopefully OSH will be better for me.
Seems for the last year I've been spending more time away from home. Wish I was home so I could have gone to SnF to see old and new friends. Missing my -6, also :)

I don't go for the hoopla or the exorbitant pricing, that's for sure. By the way, what ever happened to $25 per pilot and passenger flying in? Just a question for Leeks as he promised a friendlier attitude for aircraft owners willing to display their work.

I think you mean "Lites". Good question
Sun N Fun trip report

I flew my 7 into SNF Tuesday noon and departed Saturday morning, camping at Homebuilt Camping and enjoying the hospitality there. (Mary Kay and the HBC volunteers are wonderful). I had a great time. The highlights were seeing the Breitling L39 seven jet team perform for the first time in the US, the Thunderbirds, an F-22 Raptor taxi in, the Navy’s new P-8 Poseidon maritime patrol aircraft (I even got to go inside which was of great interest to me as a former P-3 NFO, and seeing a Japanese Zero fly (my first time). I saw 3 of the 4 stars of one of my favorite shows: Airplane Repo. I practiced gas welding in the workshops and sat in on some great forums including Joe Kuberka on Handling In-flight Emergencies and Jan Bussell’s flying RVs tips and techniques.

Clearly, many pilots do not read the SNF Notam – or remember it if they do – but that’s on the pilots, not SNF. I enjoy flying into AirVenture and SNF; it’s exhilarating.

Yes, food is a little overpriced inside the show, but staying at HBC defrayed much of the food cost. Most days I had breakfast and dinner at HBC (where you make a donation for the food) and only bought lunch ($14) in the show. The donation water/sodas/beer at HBC save a lot too. Even the $14 lunch I don’t begrudge SNF. Prices are the same at most entertainment events. If I can afford to fly a $50+/hour plane (in fuel alone) I can afford to pay a little more for lunch.

HBC is a bit of a walk from the show but they do have a tram service which helps save the feet. Yeah, the HBC showers aren’t as good as my house or Triple Tree, but are about the same as AirVenture.

Fuel prices flying to SNF were $1-$1.50 a gallon less than they were six months ago so the trip fuel costs were significantly less. My co-pilot and I paid $337 total for the wristbands and camping. For four full days, that worked out to $42/person/day; not a bad deal I think. The many SNF volunteers I encountered were uniformly friendly. I met a lot of people and enjoyed talking flying with them.

My feeling is that SNF and AirVenture are what you make it. SNF does have its faults – my biggest grip is the Homebuilt parking area being fenced off and closed during the airshow – but I think the good vastly outweighs the bad. Spending the week at SNF in total aviation immersion sure beat working!

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+1 It's what you make it.

I have flown the Swift into SNF in the past.

This was the fourth year Dolly and I worked as security volunteers during the weekend before the show. On Sunday and Monday we were each given a SUV and asked to guard the show side taxiways leading to RW 9/27. Over the course of two ten hour days I interdicted three errant vehicles. One driver was trying to deliver a portapotty and had been told to just head north on foxtrot. A few RVs taxied by as they were leaving the active. For our work we were given camping and show passes for the week. We parked just off Juliet Road.

I wanted to buy our RV-7 external lighting at show prices, and managed to negotiate 28+ percent off catalog for the package at Spruce. And, no shipping or sales tax. The lights will be drop shipped directly from AeroLED's. Fantastic. We also picked up two Tosten grips, some epoxy and primer. Now if the QB wings and fuselage will arrive....

Just as good as buying at show prices was the chance to get detailed quotes for IFR panel equipment from both Dynon and Garmin. I plan on making a choice by the end of Airventure.

I walked to HBC and admired all the RV's. Perhaps in 2017 we'll be there.
Maybe it was me, but I was looking for one of the avionics companies to convince me that I should buy their stuff. I came away feeling that they didnt care one way or the other. Probably due to the long week they had. Hope so.
Hopefully OSH will be better for me.

Hi Tom,

I spoke with you at Sun-N-Fun and very much enjoyed meeting you for the first time. Trust me - we care if you buy our stuff.

We hope you at least felt that we answered all your questions in crazy detail. We engineers are probably much better at that than "convincing". :)

Maybe it was me, but I was looking for one of the avionics companies to convince me that I should buy their stuff. I came away feeling that they didnt care one way or the other. Probably due to the long week they had.


I suspect some of that was burn out after a couple of days, but then again, SnF doesn't have the crowds that OSH has. Actually, I think it's a good thing and most of the avionics vendors have a low key sales approach. Most will answer any questions that you ask, but I don't think any of them attempt to convince you that their product is the silver bullet solution that you need. I think it's better than them acting as car salesman. :D

See you at OSH!

I'm greatly interested in this thread, as I volunteer at SnF and want to see it thrive, especially for fellow RV owners and pilots. I'd like to post a few comments on the "why" we do things at Lakeland, then ask for your input.

First, my name is Sam Huffstetler...I go by the nickname of "Flipper," and I'm a volunteer--and by the way I don't officially speak for SUN 'n FUN! I'm the Chairman for Air Operations, and work with all of the other "airside" chairmen and women to make our event a successful one. I also do the coordination with the FAA and ATC to ensure compliance and safety...and therefore I am in a unique position to answer a few of your questions.

First, the arrival procedure has been honed since the late 70's to incorporate the most easiest way to land a massive number of aircraft in a short period of time. The procedure works well when everyone reads and follows the NOTAM procedures AND the weather cooperates. We do our best to make it an easy arrival...but witness the following events:
- the wayward NORDO Zodiak landing opposite direction
- the blown nose tire on 9R
- the collapsed nose gear on a Lanceair on 9L
- weather clearing ("Start the arrivals!") and unanticipated low ceilings moving in ("Whooooaaaaa!") within 8 minutes of each other

....well, you get the picture. We can't control any of that. For what it's worth, we apologize for the delays.

Why is HB parking cleared out during the airshow? The FAA imposes a (reduced) 2700 by 9000 foot aerobatic "box", e.g. the sterile aerobatic box for our normal air show. The major military jet teams require a 2700 x 12,000 foot box for their shows. That 2700 foot dimension is measured from the runway centerline and extends 1500 feet south and 1200 north, by FAA concurrence. (The guidance for all airshow production is found in the FAA 8900.1, Vol 3, Chapter's really fun reading...;) )

No matter which "box" is used, the homebuilt parking area extend well into the south side. Thus that area has to be clear of spectators. Is there a solution?

We aren't going to change the FAA's rule on this, but we could move HB parking to another location...but guaranteed it would be a far longer hike to almost every other venue at SnF, including the core area. Plus the grass and sod in the present area is in far better shape than any other parking area at SnF, a consideration for tight wheel pants.

"The prices are too high...." They are higher than outside the venue...but consider this. It takes $2 million dollars to open the gates for SUN 'N FUN....that's no exaggeration. Even though there are only 20 full time employees and over 3500 volunteers, the cost of just making this event happen are staggering. Porta potties, golf carts, paying for ATC services, fire extinguishers, rental cars for performers, gas for the all adds up.

Also consider this--SnF is a 501c3 non-profit entity, which funds a aviation education and training high school (on campus at KLAL...) We fund some of tomorrow's aviators, at little cost to them. This is a worthy endeavor!

We aren't perfect, by a long please--give me some feedback as to what needs to be fixed. If you can be specific, I promise to address the issues with the SnF staff.

Most of all--thanks to everyone that came to our international air exposition! We hope to provide an even better event in 2016!
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This was our first time flying in. We are from Michigan and unfamiliar with all the airports and geography of Florida. We had departed X30 and were fairly low, around 2000 MSL coming towards Lake Parker and descended to 1200 MSL. We had difficulty finding Lake Parker and actually started to use another industrial plant that is northwest of Lake Parker before we realized our error. In looking at the procedure this morning, the only mention of Lake Parker's location relative to LAL is on the sketch. There also is an intersection, VPKER but that also is only shown on the sketch. Had we realized either of those we could have made a waypoint. The lat long of the power plant is given also only on the sketch, but it is somewhat tedious to input lat long in our EFIS. So our suggestion is to make the location of Lake Parker more obvious in the text of the Notam.

There is no location of Lake Hancock given, so if one is required to fly to it and hold, it would be easier if one could program a waypoint.

We found that to follow the road north of the baseball fields, you really needed to pass on the south side of the power plant. As stated, the funny shape of Lake Palmer makes the definition of the north shore a bit confusing.

Not meaning to nitpick, but hope this might improve the procedure.

We stayed in HBC. The addition of a couple of hooks in each shower stall and some hooks or shelves near the sink would improve the showers. But not a big deal.

All in all, we had a good time. Saw lots of neat stuff, many friends and Mary Jane and her crew are terrific!

Jim & Heather
Europa XS

I really appreciate your comments. I have been coming to SNF for years, mainly because I live in Florida and it's just too convenient! I totally understand all of the points that you made and I agree entirely. I think you guys do a great job with what you have to work with. And I commend your dedication and hard work! In the main, I really enjoy the show and find it's a good value.

My one observation/criticism is this: the afternoon airshow program is way too long. I realize there are probably a lot of people who would like the airshow to be even longer, but has anyone ever considered doing a marketing survey to see? I would vote for a 2-hour show, max 2 1/2 hours. Additionally, making the show shorter would alleviate some of the operational problems.
Sam, i too enjoyed flying to the show and do overall think ATC did a great job.

However, there is one exception:

What is your view on why ATC did NOT use any holding over either Lake Paker or Lake Hancock on Friday morning after the Lancair gear collapse?

When I recieved the ATIS it indicated landing runway 9L, when I entered the area and was monitoring arrival thats when it all fell apart. The Statements were just to "Hold" and not to fly to the powerplant at Lake Parker.

I was now in between both lakes. So I flew over to Lake Hancock and since I didnt hear any direction on hold AT Lake Handcock or Hold AT Lake Parker I felt it best to call up Bartow tower and let then know I am heading into there airspace. They then told me to make sure I hold out to the north and be aware they too have traffic inbound to there airport.

So now after dodging all kinds of aircraft between KLAL and KBOW I have to find a place to stay out of the way and make up a holding pattern of my choice.

I really feel if ATC followed the NOTAM and made us hold at the 2 Lakes, then once they were "Full" informed new arriving pilots that the airport is closed and not to enter the areas to include both lakes things might have been a little safer.

Again, the guy who was on the arrival frequency was good, informative and calming. But I think the ATC HQ for the event should have came up with a plan quickly. Especially since - as you discribed not 45 mintues earlier y had to deal with low ceilings and an IFR airport.

Thanks for the post! Its always great to see someone who wants the "info" to make a safe and fun event.
Cleanliness of potties & showers


Thank you for your comments and your asking for input. We like to camp in HBC, but the condition and cleanliness of the port-a-potties and the showers has kept me away lately (we flew down for the day this year). Several years ago the showers were in a big tractor-trailer rig with nice hot water and room to dry off and put on clean clothes. Over the last few years, the shower facilities have deteriorated to small trailers with pull chain water flow (sometimes it's either hot or cold, but not anything in between), muddy floors, and cramped conditions making getting dressed without getting wet or dirty again a real challenge! The port-a-potties, well, last year the cleaning schedule was not daily shall we say, making for ripe conditions and not much toilet paper. The waterless hand cleaner found in many of them is greatly appreciated though! So... this year I jump out of the airplane at 9:15am (Wednesday), get my wrist band, go through the gate at HBP, find the first (and only close-by) port-a-potty and... not serviced and NO toilet paper. Seems nothing has changed unfortunately. I also noticed that the port-a-potties in HBC were nowhere close to where the airplanes were parked (and campers camping). At least last year there were a couple near the road and old "ditch" area.

Okay, I've had my rant. Thanks for listening. Overall, we enjoy Sun 'N Fun and seeing everyone there. But it would be a nice improvement to have clean, toilet paper stocked port-a-potties, and decent shower facilities for camping!
tipping for fancier portapotties

I was annoyed at the attendants stationed at the fancy portapotties between the display hangars with their tip jars. I am sorry, but the admittance price should include bathroom facilities. I looked for portalets without attendants, but their were none to be found around the hangars.. I did discover one trailer by itself and the attendants were;t there and amazingly everything inside was just fine.:)

I had two nice showers this year at SNF both at the permanent shower building in the woods behind vintage parking. Not as close to HBC but no waiting, hot/cold, great pressure, hooks, bench.
Since I was headed in that direction anyway it was very convenient. And yes, no TP at the PPs almost became an issue with me. :eek:
Great HBC Gang


MJ and some of the great volunteers of HBC enjoying the Volunteer's dinner on Sunday night. These people did a great job as they do every year. I have been flying in for many years and truly enjoy the experience. Yes.... I even enjoy the Arrivals and Departures.

Rumor is the 2016 Sun-N-Fun will be shifted back to the beginning of April for some cooler weather. It was not bad this year but it is usually cooler closer to March.

Lites has been at the helm for a few years now and has done a good job by all volunteers I have spoken with. My only suggestion would be to lower the prices a little now that the organization is debt free. I think it would be a good surprise for both the exhibitors and attendees which would translate into better satisfaction and more volume.
Actually, I didn't intend to start a debate on question was simply why I see so many fewer VAF hats and shirts than I used to! That was basically it....;)

Where were you !!!!

Looked everywhere on Wed/Fri/Sat

Hat and appropriate shirts worn each day ;)

Missed Aerodynamix - heard there was a little problem.
I'm with Pat for the shorter show.

My suggestion would be to start at 1:30 or 2pm and end by 4:30.

Fewer "acts" should be a significant cost savings and still have a good show.

And my biggest suggestion is to find a way to reduce the noise.

Dump the T-6s if they can't slow their props a little to prevent the tips from going supersonic.

Glenn Wilkinson
......... Dump the T-6s if they can't slow their props a little to prevent the tips from going supersonic. Glenn Wilkinson

One word: EARPLUGS.

Or: Don't go to an airshow if you don't like noise.

Just my opinion, mind you. YMMV.
One word: EARPLUGS.

Or: Don't go to an airshow if you don't like noise.

Just my opinion, mind you. YMMV.

Earplugs are just fine if you're out on the flight line to watch the noise. Not so good when you're an outside vendor trying to carry on a conversation with a potential customer. Maybe lipreading is the answer.
