
Active Member
If for any reason you couldn't have an RV, afford, time to build, etc. what would you fly to try to replace it?
Something with a round engine, a stearman, or maybe a old spray plane like a AT-301 or a agcat. Also a P-51D
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In order:

  1. Lunar Lander
  2. X-15
  3. A-12
  4. F-104
  5. HL-10 (powered)
  6. P-51D
We're going dream rides here, right? :)

Back to reality...probably a C140.

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If affordability was an issue

...then I probably wouldn't. After 400+ hours in various little Cessnas and Pipers, I was pretty bored with flying. It got to the point that the motorcycle I was driving to the airport was more interesting than the airplanes I could afford to rent, let alone buy. The RV is a big stretch financially, but nothing else comes close for the money. Still have a motorcycle for getting to the hangar where I'm building though. Not gonna give that up...
Oh, this is fun.
  • Play toy: Edge540
  • Mini-play toy: BD-5 (maybe a J)
  • Single seat cross country machine: F-4U
  • No time to build & no more money than I have: the RV-6 I bought already flying
  • No time to build & a little less money than I have: RV-4
Money being no object and in no particular order...
  • Viperjet MkII
  • Turbine Legend
  • Cub Crafters Top Cub
  • Diamond DA40XLS
  • Eclipse 500
  • Sukhoi Su-31M
In reality, probably one of the new LSAs, maybe the S-19.
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No problem....

P-38 Lightning. No contest except for NASA stuff.

2nd place F 82 Twin Mustang--Hence my ongoing fascination with the RV82 project that bubbled up here a couple of years ago.

We saw a P-38, Mustang, F15 and F18 flyover at the Rose Bowl 2 years ago--I still get a chill thinking about it.
What is it?

Funny, I was just talking to my neighbor here at the airpark last night and we were thinking of all the neat planes we would like to own or fly and wondered if one plane could fulfill all our wants/needs. We both love round engines, open cockpits, biplanes and floatplanes. What single machine would do the trick? Has anyone put a Stearman on floats? :cool:

F8F Bearcat
P51 D
PA 18 Super Cub
PA 18 Super Cub on Floats
Swan 44. Sailing, Tahiti, Bora Bora, New Zealand, Pago Pago........Ah,, the things to do if one only had the time..

Oh! back to this life..... If no time to build an RV I would suggest a Super Cub. But it cost more than a RV. So you want a RV but canot afford it? Look at Thorp T 18. Midget Mustang, and Mustang II.
The Gov is going to cut interest rates again, today. Borrow some bucks and buy an RV. Much better.
I have put my $$ down. I own an Experimental Super Cub 180hp. 31" Alaska bush wheels & 'all' the Alaska mods.
I think having an RV8 and a Super Cub is having the best of both flying experiences. If I had to let one go it would be a hard desision.
PUTT-PUTT in my tag is a Cessna 140 with a 100 hp engine. For a C 140 it is fast and fun. I got it for my girlfriend to learn to fly in. C 140s can be had for to $19 to 30k . It is a good budget airplane. Has a following and good parts support. This would be a good plane for a beginner pilot or one finishing up.
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We just down sized from four place certified to the RV-6 because money was getting to be a big factor. So glad I've (re)discovered the RV - IT'S SO MUCH FUN!! If the 6 became too much strain on the budget I'd probably move into an RV-4 or 3. any more strain than that and I'd probably be out of it...maybe I'd try to find a glider project or a Champ or a J-3. Seriously considered quitting flying last spring because of costs and it's impact on my future retirement, but quickly came back to my senses. Retirement is overrated!

If money were no object?

A competitive fiberglass glider,

An SU-29,

A radded out off-road Supercub,

and, I'd finally find the time to build an RV-7 and an RV-3B.

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Within reason.....Pitts Model 12.

Money no object? A C130. Worldwide aviation fun. A half dozen good buddies, a cargo bay with some wing-fold UL's, a few motorcycles, maybe a minivan for rainy days....
I would design my own

If for any reason you couldn't have an RV, afford, time to build, etc. what would you fly to try to replace it?

Continue to fly my C140

Super Hornet
F-15 Eagle

Of coarse being an aero engineer and aircraft designer, if I had the money to have/fly a Super Hornet I could afford to retire and design and build my own RV-6 (I guess it would be the PL-1)
Grumman Goose
An original Swift

I need a cub for those hot summer days.

Wish list:

For exploring in Montana - Cessna 195
Feeling the need for speed - L-39
Bugs-in-the-teeth flying - Breezy

DA40 - great bubble canopy visibility, stick, good traveling airplane

Yeah, these threads are FUN!!

Cost no object airplane: Goodyear F2G Super Corsair
Reality with no RV: Rans S-7 or Waiex
Reality, no experiementals: Commander 114/115

If we are talking reality, I fly mostly for fun, it would be a Top Cub or a Husky.
Like the last poster, without my RV I would just have one of the above. If I could have two airplanes and a hangar for both, still would have the RV-8A and a Cub or Husky.
Too many choices...

- Pitts Python for fun (more power to weight than the 12)
- Viperjet for light cross country
- P-38 for airshows
- Gulfstream V for taking friends along
- Aerocat Amphibian twin engine for getaways into the wilderness
As long as we're dreaming

The list would be long...

But I wouldn't mind having the C-17 I work on. Lots of room, take the car with you, even a motorhome. Land on all sorts of surfaces.
I'm with Doug Reeves on this one.

I'm a long time space geek so.....

#1 Lunar Lander-- without question!

#2 Convair B-58 Hustler--- with a retaliatory nuclear payload!
To much fun!!

Boeing Business Jet for travel, vacations, fully stocked bar, rotating flight attendants (blond)
P-51d fun

I'd still hafta have something for the water and low and slow

Searey for that.

Cost no object:

F-16 two seater with all 3 external tanks.. still gotta take Momma along
Consolidated PBY-5A Catalina
Fairchild F24R
Pilatus Porter
Aeronca Tri-Champ
Extra 300
Westland Lynx helicopter
I'm with Doug Reeves on this one.

I'm a long time space geek so.....

#1 Lunar Lander-- without question!

#2 Convair B-58 Hustler--- with a retaliatory nuclear payload!

Me too. And, STS, SR 71, B-70

Kitfox for low/slow.
oh yeah!

$$$$ is no object and all the fuel I want....In no particular order

Beaver on floats
MH-53J Pave Low III with mini guns :)

Keepin' the dreams alive:

For fun: MX2 -- see
For business: Eclipse concept jet
For world travel: what else Gulfstream G550
For annoying the neighbors: F14
Hard decision

P-51D Mustang It just doesn't get much better than this for me.

B-1B Lancer I just can't pass up a supersonic bomber that flies like a fighter.

Pat Garboden
Ozark, MO
Oldie but Goodie

1929 Waco Taperwing with 330 HP round engine. My hangar mate is restoring one, and it's a real (air)man's ship....

Hard decision

Baron 58: Fast, IFR capable, carries family and all luggage plus port-a-potty for the young. Beats taking the airlines. Good for Angel Flight missions on ocassion.
Cessna 180: STOL, Alaskan Bushwheels. Helps out with ranch ops. (900 ft. "airstrip" at 5,500 MSL).
Cub on floats: Leased out in Canada
Pitts S2A: Pegs the fun meter on a regular base
FS: RV8 QB. (No time to dedicate to a beautiful project)... I hope this is not OT; my apologies otherwise.
As Long as someone buys the fuel....

P-51D (for playing around)
F-16 (for REALLY playing around)
Grumman Goose (for wilderness get-aways)
G-V (When you Absolutely, Positively, have to be ANYWHERE overnight...)

And just for fun.....a Wright Flyer - just to see if you could actually learn to fly it well enough to call it a succes! of course, it's have to come with a couple of woodworkers to fix it after every "landing"....
