I have no specific knowledge about financing -- haven't gotten there yet. My plan is to eventually finance the engine and/or avionics.

Yeah that is kinda what I was thinking about as well. Pay for the air frame and finance the engine and maybe the avionics as well. Of course it would be nice to pay for that stuff but a 14 runs the 390 and those are hard to find used so I may have to pony up the money, depending on how long the build takes I may not be able to save up that amount by the time I need to order the engine.
I wouldn't worry that the 14 costs $10k more. $10k is nothing in airplane money in the long run. My Mooney eats $10k for breakfast.

Im still getting used to this fact. I come from the auto world where 10k is a lot of money.....spending 37k on JUST and engine also blows my mind a bit still. I get why things are more expensive but still.
Im still getting used to this fact. I come from the auto world where 10k is a lot of money.....spending 37k on JUST and engine also blows my mind a bit still. I get why things are more expensive but still.

Think you have it bad...that same engine will cost at least $50K Canadian after exchange, shipping, taxes, brokerage...no money trees up here either!

Back on track...Once you nail down the mission, as others have mentioned, you can decide on the plane. IMHO all RV's fly wonderfully (have flown a 4,6,7,8) when built the way they are designed. The plane is only the first of a number of agonizing decisions you will have to make along the way...slider/tipper, trike/dragger, engine, CS/fixed, EI/mags, avionics brand, paint scheme....

Sounds to me like you have everything you need to complete your project. The biggest thing, in my opinion, is determination. Tools/skills etc. can all be bought/borrowed or learned. There will be many frustrations along the way which has resulted in numerous uncompleted projects. My 7 started out as someone else's dream, which is another way to save some cash if you are careful.

Go for it and enjoy the ride!
Im still getting used to this fact. I come from the auto world where 10k is a lot of money.....spending 37k on JUST and engine also blows my mind a bit still. I get why things are more expensive but still.

RVs seem to hold their value well enough, unlike cars. Although you won't get any of your time back, it's likely you would come out okay if you decide to sell your airplane, so think "investment" :D
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RVs seem to hold their value well enough, unlike cars. Although you won't get any of your time back, it's likely you would come out okay if you decide to sell your airplane, so think "investment" :D

The funny part is ill probably have close to the same in the plane as I do my house (I bought a fixer-up-er and renovated it).....Explaining that the tiny 2 seat plane in my shed costs the same as the house to relatives will be fun :D.....Actually that is a good point, anyone have any advice on insurance during construction? Like as in my homeowners insurance in case the garage burns down im not out the 100k+ in the plane