Spanish, English

Spanish is my native language since I am from Ecuador. I learned English in school over there, but when I moved to NE TN, I realized that I had to learn East TN English in a hurry, as I had a hard time with the accent for a couple of months!

It's Catalan, one of the languages spoken in Spain.

It means: Amateur building school

And by the way, I'm French, speak French and English (been working in the US), read Spanish and Italian.

I also read and write a bunch of computer languages:
Mainframe Assembler (my "native" and still active language)
But this is not very relevant to RV world, unless maybe when it comes to programming an EFIS :D
Skoshi nihongo oh hanaseamasu. Daigakusei no toki nihongo benkyo shimasta. Warui gaksi de****a.

(I speak a little Japanese. When I was a college student, I studied Japanese. I was a bad student.)


PS - VAF software doesn't like the Japanese form of the past-tense "be" verb. You can figure out what the **** should be.
I also read and write a bunch of computer languages:
Mainframe Assembler (my "native" and still active language)
But this is not very relevant to RV world, unless maybe when it comes to programming an EFIS :D

Note to self: Never purchase an EFIS written in cobol.
Try it this way:


The MS IME for Japanese is free. Or you could have romanized it the way you did with shimashta (actually shi ma shi ta). Honestly, though, if it weren't for the IME, I could never write Japanese effectively; I can recognize far more kanji than I can write so I'd be reduced to spelling everything in Hiragana rather than the right way.
Cantonese (Chinese)

I spent a couple of years in Hong Kong - spoke excellent conversational Cantonese while I was there. Now (25 years later) I can have a basic conversation and still read a little - probably at the level of a pre-kindergarten student.
Try it this way:


The MS IME for Japanese is free. Or you could have romanized it the way you did with shimashta (actually shi ma shi ta). Honestly, though, if it weren't for the IME, I could never write Japanese effectively; I can recognize far more kanji than I can write so I'd be reduced to spelling everything in Hiragana rather than the right way.
Like I said, warui gaksai desu! My skills are out of use and have always been more highly focused on spoken rather than written language.

Will check out the plug-in, thanks!

Add a little Hungarian....

Great thread Vlad!

Let's see, my wife will add Hungarian, German, English, and Russian.

I've got the English and Spanish. Nice thing about Spanish is that, with a little bit of effort and patience, I can squeak by with Italian and Portuguese.

Great thread Vlad!

Let's see, my wife will add Hungarian, German, English, and Russian.

I can squeak by with Italian and Portuguese.


That's great Dave! What we need to know now is your wife's name to add to our database. Is she a PhD in linguistics like Susie Reeves? You are the luckiest one to have such a lady in the house.

Your squeaky Italian and Portuguese are of great value too. In Russia they have a saying, something like " How many languages you know so many times you are human being". Your wife probably knows exact interpretation of this proverb...


Sign language - you mean real sign language or just spoken sign language.... or Navy sign language?
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Spanish and Portuguese are reasonably good.

Also in English varieties -- Singlish --English as spoken in Singapore and South African English is a lekker version that I can follow.

Fluent in Strine (Australian English spoken with an ozzie accent) and a master of left hand braille after a six pack.

South Australia
Info added to database on page 5 and 6. In two years I will ask Doug to make it sticky. 28 languages so far. Also 16 dialects of English, several jargons and sign communications. RV Group looks like the most diversified in the world.
Hi Vlad:

I´m Spanish (Granada) and obviously is my language, also enough english to communicate and portuguesse. I´m planning to move to Brazil in the summer for living and finish my RV-8 there, so if someone needs help I´ll be there.....

Jose M. García
Empennage finished
Wings almost done
French and various english variations

Interesting thread Vlad! Some times you do not realize that you speak other languages until you have someone with you that requires translation! I was born in England and have many relatives in Liverpool. The first trip there with my wife, who is Canadian, I realized quickly that she was not understanding a lot of some I became an English/Scouse translator! Scouse is what residents of Liverpool call their particular brand of english.

Early in my working life, I lived in Newfoundland, and worked in a few isolated small fishing communities. I very quickly learned that some of the older residents especially had a very hard time understanding I had to learn to speak Newf. Salt of the earth people with one of the most delightful accents in the world.

Oh yeah, also went to a year long language school to learn french a few years ago, so I'm sort of functional there as well.

Joe Hine
Fredericton N.B.
Conversant in Russian, passable German

I speak "Tom Brokaw" English - mid-western flat accent, unless I'm tired or angry and switch to my native south Mississippi dialect and inflections. However, I finished two years of Russian in my college years. Spent some time in a former Soviet republic that has very little liking for "the Bear," and almost got spat on for "sounding like a Muscovite." Decent German after living two and a half years in Deutchland for my uncle Sam. Languages are almost as cool as aviation - just another way to meet great people in different places.
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....I can recognize far more kanji than I can write so I'd be reduced to spelling everything in Hiragana rather than the right way....

.... Some times you do not realize that you speak other languages until you have someone with you that requires translation!....
Joe Hine.

..... Languages are almost as cool as aviation - just another way to meet great people in different places.....

I could not say better than you guys...
Here we are updated:

1. Hebrew - Roee Kalinsky
2. German - Thilo Kind, Karl Koehler, Bernie Daenzer, Mario Nolte,Pascal Groell,David Nelson's better half, James "Gary" Parker,
3. Spanish - Susie Reeves PhD, Antony (aparchment), Karl Koehler, Bob Mills, Patrick Kelley, Bob Brown, Robby "Hard" Knox, Freddy Marino, Daniel Mouly (read), Tom Agin,David Nelson,
4. Russian - Vlad, RickS, Robby "Hard" Knox,Straun Boston, David Nelson's wife,James "Gary" Parker,
5. Swiss German - Bernie Daenzer, Pascal Groell
6. French - Antony (aparchment), Bernie Daenzer, Pascal Groell, Tony Johnson(basic),Cyril,Robby "Hard" Knox,Hugh Finnan,Ren? Bubberman, Daniel Mouly, Aaron Frechette, Joe Hine,
7. Italian - Karl Koehler,Bernie Daenzer, Mike Giebner, Mario Pons,Carl Peters, Tony Johnson,Thanos P., Daniel Mouly (read),David Nelson,
8. Spanish of Argentina - Myron Nelson
9. Mandarin Chinese - Ted Chang
10.Japanese - Patrick Kelley, Doug Reeves (TODR)
11.Classic Spanish - Mario Pons, Jose Manuel Garc?a Morante
12.Catalan (Balearic Islands of Spain) - Mario Pons
13.Africaans - Pierre Smith,
14.Zulu - Pierre Smith,
15.Serbo-Chroatian - Bob Japundza
16.Portuguese (Brasil)-Rafael Mendes, Bob Brown, Tom Agin,David Nelson,Jose Manuel Garc?a Morante,
17.Alsatian (eastern France)-Pascal Groell
18.Armenian (Western) - vgbedeian
19.Ukrainian - Vlad
20.Greek (Hellenic) - Thanos P.
21.Kannada (one of South Indian languages) - YK (skyflies)
22.Hindi - YK (skyflies)
23.Irish Gaelic - cyrilmclavin,Hugh Finnan,
24.Latin - cyril
25.Oz - Ian McQueen,John Clark, Ron (rmcgann)
26.Dutch (the Grunsvens Family)-Ren? Bubberman
27.Swedish - Christer Stenstrom
28.Cantonese Chinese - Scott Stewart
29.Hungarian - David Nelson's wife,

Dialects of English:

-Proper English - Brian, Frank, Myron,
-Navy English - countless
-Canadian English - Brian,
-Texacan - Mel Asberry
-American English - Mel, vgbedeian,
-MexiZona Spanglish - Myron
-Yorkshirdaho Texan - Myron
- Cali Special Brand - Bob Mills
-Southern - Patrick Kelley
- Redneck - Bob Japundza,Robby "Hard" Knox (also GEECHEE-SE,GULLAH,JIVE,HICK,PIGLATIN)
- Native American - Joe Boisselle
- East TN - Freddy Marino
- West Texan-Sam Evans (also learning Reglur English)
- Singlish --English as spoken in Singapore - Tom Agin
- South African English is a lekker version Tom Agin can follow
- Strine (Australian English spoken with an ozzie accent) - Ron (rmcgann)
- Scouse - (particular brand of english in Liverpool) -Joe Hine,
- Newf - (old fishermen tribal) - Joe Hine,
- "Tom Brokaw" English - mid-western flat accent - James "Gary" Parker,
- South Mississippi dialect and inflections - James Parker,

Let me know if I missed somebody.