Things sacrificed to build

I no longer keep the cars spotless. The TV watching has been cut by about 70%. Time on the Internet has been reduced by a similar amount, but the time I do spend there is on RV-related sites almost exclusively.
Things I won't sacrifice: I still go to the kids' ball games/recitals, etc. Still "try" to help out around the house, although my wife may say that 100% of nothing is still nothing :)
The kids are all old enough to mow the lawn, so that helps.
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rv8ch said:
Wow Paul, that's some seriously great work! I'd sell the kit, buy a finished RV8, and keep drawing and painting if I had your talent. I can't wait to see your RV-inspired works! Thanks for sharing it with us.
Thanks Mickey. I would have to have a better agent then I have now to make that happen. Besides it's kind of fun building these things and the rivet gun makes a far more impressive noise than a paint brush.
I still manage to do most things I did before I started the kit... just not nearly as often. I did pretty much stop flying, though. I got the major remodeling projects (master bathroom and kitchen) done before starting the plane. And, I haven't taken on any more of those kind of projects.

I guess the thing I gave up most was dreaming about building an airplane one day! I'm actually doing it. :)

Oh, and Paul, those are some beautiful paintings you have there. Very impressive!
I gave up school

Well, When my dad started his RV-8, I gave up school! I went to home school so I could have more time to be the designated "Bucker." It was well worth it, I learned more from my Dad in that year than 12 years of public school.
Bob Collins said:
I wish I could figure out a way to cut broadband costs.

Wireless networking with your neighbors. From what I'm told people can cut thier internet bills from 50 to 100% :)

I gave up flying.
I gave up big vacations.
I gave up any hope of having spare change in my pocket :)
I gave up plans to pay off my home mortgage in 5 years.
I gave up guilt-free loafing around the house on a Sunday afternoon.
Just thought of another thing I've given up...cycling. I sold my LeMond Tourmalet last summer. I used to ride EVERY day, and I do miss that bike and the riding. I still have my "comfort cush cruiser", but it's not the same, and I hardly ride anymore...any time I do ride, I think "I really should be working on -insert part here- rather than riding this silly bike."

Any other cyclists??
Wireless networking

chuck said:
Wireless networking with your neighbors. From what I'm told people can cut thier internet bills from 50 to 100% :)
That's a good one! I guess that's 50% if you offer to share the costs, and 100% if you don't! I share my wireless network with several neighbors (we're packed in pretty tight here), but I have not yet gotten around to getting them to pay me anything. I guess they are on the 100% plan. :)
Gave Up:



If that isn't enough I'll pull my wife's credit cards. Gotta keep Booze and Flying on the list somehow.
cjensen said:
Just thought of another thing I've given up...cycling. I sold my LeMond Tourmalet last summer. I used to ride EVERY day, and I do miss that bike and the riding. I still have my "comfort cush cruiser", but it's not the same, and I hardly ride anymore...any time I do ride, I think "I really should be working on -insert part here- rather than riding this silly bike."

Any other cyclists??

Lightspeed Vortex. Full D.A.

5000 mi./year pre-RV
<1000 mi/year post-RV

Ben Beaird
-6A Flying
140 hrs
cjensen said:
Any other cyclists??
In my earlier post I almost said that the amount excercise I get has severly diminished since starting the RV. I noticed that my projected gross weight was on the rise (I put on a few pounds). This year I have vowed to not let building take priority over my health, so I just bought a road-bike a few weeks ago. I have always been into mtn biking, but it can be a pain in the butt to put the rack on the car and drive to the trail. With the road bike I can hit some great terrain right from the house, but it certainly is a scary sight seeing me in my biking gear (I will leave it at that). :)
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My "comfort cush cruiser", as I call it, I built myself for on and off road use. Sort of a hybrid equally useful for road and light trail riding. The seat is where the "comfort cush" comes from. I'd get laughed out of a road bike crowd for this one!
Griff said:
What did I give up when I started the project?

1) My therapist.
2) Road rage.
3) Kicking the dog.
4) Alcohol.
5) Antidepressants.
6) The shooting in case all the other things come back. :D

You crack me up! :D

Joe Blank
....given up????

The first thing to go was my sanity, but I guess hat disappeared around the time I got my PPL.

Next I sold both of my dirt bikes.

Then the overhead "G" scale railroad got put on hold.

I still have two Radio Control Helicopters I plan to consign to the local hobby shop.
Great Thread

As I'm finsihing up the RV-8 tailkit, and awaiting the arrival of the wing kit, this thread has caused much reflection on what was given up in my pursuit of RV8ing bliss...

With a demanding military career, a stay at home wife, 4 and 1 yr old boys, and the normal demands of life, both time AND money are huge factors in my very slow build project.

Things given up/sacrifices made:
1. Sold fishing boat, haven't fished in over a year
2. Still have my golf clubs, but they haven't been used in over a year
3. Still have my guns, but no longer collect them. Still have all my reloading equipment, but it's all been removed from my bench to make room for airplane work. Thinking of selling the reloading stuff. Haven't been to the skeet/trap/sporting clay or rifle/pistol range in 2 years.
4. Still have my N-scale train collection, but it has only gathered dust in the last 2 years.
5. Used to watch alot of TV and sports, now I record what few shows I want to watch, then fall asleep late at night trying to watch them...
6. Used to read several books/novels a year. Now I'll spend months finishing one.
6. Pretty much quit doing freelance A&P and CFII work on the side...what little money I make doing that isn't worth the lost precious project time (unfortunately, I can make more money doing A&P work than I can CFI work)
7. I drive a 89 chevy pickup and a 95 ford aspire (37 mpg). My wife has a new mini-van. We certainly don't win in the cool car department. I would like to sell the car and get an cheap motorcycle, but that would only work for half the year here in Fort Wayne, and the truck is a gas guzzler.

About the only side thing I haven't given up is the CAP. I'm still active, though not near as much.

The good thing is that I have the wife's support in this endeavor, though not always enthusiastic, but support nontheless. (It helps that she's a pilot too).

I'm perfectly happy with the things I've given up, because I absolutely LOVE building this airplane! The only thing that will be better is having this airplane to fly while I'm building the NEXT one!

Todd Farnsley
RV-8 Empennage (almost done!)
N795PW (reserved)
Fort Wayne, IN

1. Spulling lessions
2. bathing.... I am kidding you know....
3. going out to eat unless it's cheap
4. living w dad to save money (privacy)
5. any free time to relax.. gotta earn money
6. bought a 02 tdi golf that gets 51 mpg and gave up 4x4 truck.
7. Bought airplane to build time and get acquainted w rv characteristics... aa1a.... love it.
8. stopped buying any clothes.. think I'm kidding? (garage sale only now)
9. CD's..... sirrius sat radio at 13 a month is cheaper than buying music. ps no commercials on music channels
10. spending money
11. shop at aldi's for groceries or sams
12. no sports unless they are on tv.
13. considering refinace of house to pay off nagging credit card bills frm breaking my leg.... not on my to do list any more!
14. stopped buying cheap tools.... I buy the best cause they come with a lifetime warentee.... so theoretically I'll never have to spend any more money on that particular tool
15. anything fun that cost's money.
My completed rv will be my reward.... call me a loser all you want.... you will recieve a razzbery and a free postcard once my airplane is completed... :D
Gave up what I formerly called fun

Hunting (Deer and Turkey). Still happy to hunt for free, but not paying any leases or spending time planting foodplots, etc..

Trout fishing - Still go because it's so relaxing, but not nearly as often as I used to.

TV. Now I just watch movies and the occassional series (The Shield rocks!). Thank God for PVR's! Mostly I watch these because the wife considers it "Quality time."

Doing nothing. I used to sit around on weekends doing nothing, and feeling like an absolute sloth. Just lazy. Not anymore.

I homebrew beer also. Not giving that one up. After a long day in the shop, a couple of good homebrews hit the spot!
vmirv8bldr said:
I homebrew beer also. Not giving that one up. After a long day in the shop, a couple of good homebrews hit the spot!

Good to see I'm not the only homebrewer in here.. I'm brewing up a batch of raspberry porter tonight.. hopefully ready for this fall. :)
Going out to eat has been cut way back. I don't think I've gone to a musical concert in at least 3 years. However, on that occasional "bad" day, my beer consumption has gone up! :)
Charlie Kuss