I would neither encourage nor discourage anyone from wearing a chute.

It looks complicated enough even with no canopy in this MX video as demonstrated in a few different exit methods and attitudes.


Good Luck

PS: FYI, Super Dave Mathieson - the owner / pilot of the MX in the video earned his Super Dave title when flying as a bush pilot. After the pitch and roll control disconnected / fell apart in flight he used his body weight inside the cabin to fly , trim and land the Cessna. IIRC he managed to line it up and land on a runway.
Smili'n Jack, from the comic strip, used the doors on a Cessna to turn the airplane. Cassutt's typically do not have pitch trim. There have been two Cassutt's landed successfully after control failures. Tom Cassutt was one. After an elevator control failure he was able to shift his body weight for pitch control, probably some power changes also. There are several documented cases of Beech 18's that landed safely after the elevator disconnected. This is easier in the Beech than in many airplanes because of the size and location of the pitch trim "wheel".