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Lol, flaps up = greater ground speed. You can debate the magnitude of the effect but to ridicule the guy for considering that? That's unwarranted...

Folks sputtering about "it's just another single point of failure I'm intentionally designing into my aircraft", I agree.
Kinda depends on where in that box the single point of failure occurs, and what (as in how many) critical item(s) go with it.
And the discussion expanded to cite multiple failure points, and redundant switching, and..

Do you really think that the flap circuit is the only thing that can fail in a box like that?

Here we go again...

It always the "That's the way it's always been done" crowd squaring up with the "Let's move into the 21st century crowd".

Quite frankly, it gets old.

If you like circuit breakers, fine. Use them.

If you like electro whiz bang goodies, fine. Use them.

This is, indeed, EXPERIMENTAL aviation. If you are that risk averse, maybe build skills should also be questioned, and only certified aircraft be used with certified parts...because we all know that the trained, certified workers building that certified aircraft with certified parts will certainly do a better job that a shade tree mechanic building an airplane (gasp) in their garage...:rolleyes:
Well, this conversation has rounded the tree enough times.

VPX is a great component, but clearly not for everyone.

Everyone have a nice day.
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