Doug & Joe

Deepest sympathies with thoughts & prayers to you and your family.

Remember...You still have everything that your mother has ever given to you.

Our sincere condolences to your family. Loosing a loved one is painful, but rest assured that she is in a much better place.

God Bless.

Dear Doug,
As I read the evolving story you have been sharing over the last weeks, I could not help but relate closely to it. My mom's cancer diagnosis and transition to heaven followed pretty much the same path. We pray that the Lord would give you peace and that he would lift your eyes to the reunion you will share.

"No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life...nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 8:37-39)
Doug, my prayers and condolences go out to you and your family. As someone who has already lost both my parents I know a little bit of what you're feeling now. Cherish the good memories you have now, the holes in our hearts can never be filled but we must carry on and adapt and go forward with those memories.
Sorry to hear of your loss Doug.
Having gone down this path, I can say that your Mom may have moved on but she and the wonderful times will always be with you.

Condolences and prayers for you and your family.

Sorry for your loss

Dear Doug, I am so sorry for your loss, I send you my best wishes to you and your family and hope you remember all the good times with your Mon, because the memories and the story's keep her legacy going on forever!

Best Wishes,
Adam Silverstein
Family Reeves

All of your family is on the prayer list of my family. I know what it's like and it's one of the toughest things to ever go through.

Condolences and all the best. It will take time but soon you'll remember only good things.
I'm very sorry, it happened so sudden. We are praying for you and your family, anything you need please let me know.

Doug, and your family, so sorry for your loss. Our mothers are so special and look after us even when we're grown. God Bless her.

Doug and Family,

I wish to offer my deepest sympathies in your time of grief. Mothers are special and no matter how much we feel we're prepared... we never are! As time passes, the pain and hurt will be replaced with the sweetest and most beautiful memories to hold forever in your heart.

Always look up because that's where you'll find her. Rest assured, you will someday be with her again.

God bless you and your family during this difficult time.
Sincere condolences to the Reeves family. May I encourage you to take a generous amount of time, with your family close as you reflect on all the blessings you've enjoyed and still enjoy as a result of your mom's life well lived. Mothers...never forgotten.

I lost my mom last year, Doug, and I still miss her every day. I am so sorry for you loss.

So sorry for your loss Doug! I too lost my Mom on Aug 27. Even when you are expecting it, and you know they are in a better place, you are never really ready. My thoughts and prayers are with you!
Sincerest condolences Doug

Very sad indeed,

Please receive my sincerest condolences Doug and to your family.
I am so sorry for your loss....

I lost my wife of 35 years just 11 months ago. I know the pain and sorrow you are suffering. I share those feelings with you, and you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
Sorry for your loss, Doug. When someone in our family hurts, we all hurt. Praying for you and your family.
So sorry for your family's loss, Doug

You, your mother, and your family remain in our thoughts and prayers during this painful time. The passing of both my parents this summer has proven how much caring, compassionate support is available from our flying community.
Jon Farley
I'm sorry to hear of your moms Passing,and I'm sorry for your loss.Our thoughts and payers are with you and your family.
Doug, Susie, Audrey and Tate,
My wife and I send our prayers and our deepest sympathy to you in this difficult time.
Doug, Susie, Audrey and Tate,

My wife and I are certainly thinking of you. Sometimes life is what it is and we have to move on. My mother passed on last year. We miss her much just as you will miss Virginia Reeves. God bless you all.

I am so sorry for you losing your mother.. we always thank loved ones are better off here with us, but that is because we love them so much, in reality that is us just being selfish, but the truth is they are experiencing a greater love, a love more than we can imagine, and they never stop loving us while we are still here on this earth
Mine is but one of the many voices here expressing sympathy for your loss. I am saddened to here of this news. May you and your family find comfort and peace in knowing that your mother will be remembered by all of us on this forum.
Doug - my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family on the passing of your mother. Even though I don't post much here, I watch every day and feel honored to have had the opportunity to witness your love for your mother. God bless you and your family.
Very sorry for your loss. I think you'll find as I have that Mom's are always with us no matter what. Forty Five years after my Mom's passing, she still is very much present to help shape my life.
Godspeed Virginia.
Doug, Words fail at times such as these. I will simply say that I am very sorry for your and your family's loss.
dog, so sorry for your loss- but it was nothing short of miraculous that all of your resources lined up and allowed you to make use of your airplane when it really counted- i really enjoyed reading of your flights and putting your airplane to good use, makes us all realize why we fly

i know it isn't much, but i'll GLADLY renew my VAF dues now

So sorry for you loss. There's just nothing like our mothers.

Surely an RV fly by at the service could be arranged if Doug approves?