
Moderator, Asst. Line Boy
To the VAF Family,
Doug asked me to pass on word that his mother, Virginia Reeves, passed away last night in Cypress, near Houston. Doug will be off the VAF for a few days, understandably, as he attends to his family. I will tell you that this hits him hard, but that he and the entire Reeves Family appreciate all the well wishes and support that has flowed from the VAF.

Prayers for the Reeves Clan.
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Thanks for passing on the news Sid - as sorry as we are to hear it.

Best wishes to the entire Reeves family - we are always here for you.
R.I.P. Virginia

Was afraid of that when I saw a re-run of the front page.

Prayers to you Doug, and your family.
Sad news indeed.

Mothers are a unique species. They go through great pain to give us life. They work hard to keep us safe. The worry with every step we take as we spread our wings. Even when we have flown away, they never stop looking out for us. And when they are no longer visible to us, they are still watching.

Our thoughts are with the Reeves clan.
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Doug, I imagine your Mom's last days here were much brighter because you were able to visit her often. Prayers to you and your family.
I'm so sorry that you're going through this Doug. Our family is sending our condolences and best wishes to your family. Hang in there. You and yours are loved by many.
So sorry to hear of your loss Doug. Sincere condolences to you and the Reeves family.
So Sorry...

To the Reeves Family...May God's grace be with you during the sorrowful time! Virginia now has a great over-view to ALL the NASCAR races.
Sorry to hear of the loss of your Mother. Thoughts and prayers to your family.
Pat Garboden
Katy, TX
Ditto Mike S's comment. Prayers previously sent in behalf of you, your mother, and family.
May each be consoled in your grief and sorrow with many fond memories, and the calm assurance that we will ultimately be reunited with our loved ones in joy and peace, God willing. :)
Prayers at mass tonight


I lost my mom 2 days ago after a long battle with a rare condition. Her vigil is tonight and funeral is tomorrow. In spite of all she and her kids had been through and thinking we would somehow be better prepared when the time came, it was a terrible, terrible blow and I type this with tears in my eyes.

Somehow, God has a very special plan for our mother's, but that doesn't make losing them one bit easier. I seek solace in the fact that like you I'm blessed with wonderful siblings, and also a strong Christian faith, and the fact that mom left 18 great-great grandchildren. I'll be praying for both our mom's, as well as you and your family as I lay my mother to rest after a very painful end to her life's journey.

To the VAF bunch, thanks in advance for your thoughts and prayers. Let?s keep this thread about Virginia and Doug and his family, please.

Doug and Joe, very sad news but sounds like you both had great moms. Will add both of you and your families to my daily mass prayers. God Bless.
Condolences Doug. I went through similar about 7 years ago. It happens fast sometimes.

I lost my mom 2 days ago after a long battle with a rare condition. Her vigil is tonight and funeral is tomorrow. In spite of all she and her kids had been through and thinking we would somehow be better prepared when the time came, it was a terrible, terrible blow and I type this with tears in my eyes.

Somehow, God has a very special plan for our mother's, but that doesn't make losing them one bit easier. I seek solace in the fact that like you I'm blessed with wonderful siblings, and also a strong Christian faith, and the fact that mom left 18 great-great grandchildren. I'll be praying for both our mom's, as well as you and your family as I lay my mother to rest after a very painful end to her life's journey.

To the VAF bunch, thanks in advance for your thoughts and prayers. Let?s keep this thread about Virginia and Doug and his family, please.


As we pray for Doug's comfort, Joe, we pray for yours as well.
Sorry to hear this, Doug. Our thoughts and prayers for you as you go through this difficult time.
Don and Beverly
Doug, Susie, and all, our condolences for your loss. She raised a great son, and she obviously was a great mother.
Sorry for your loss.

I will not only think of you and her today, but will every time I see a Nascar race.

Very sad. Thoughts are with your family. Sorry for your loss. Glad you had the RV so that you could spend time when it was needed.

I'm very sorry to hear of your loss. Having lost my own mother very recently I understand the depths of your sorrow.

I'm praying God gives you and your family strength through the knowledge that she is now in His hands, suffers no longer and that you'll all be with her again.

She has so obviously been an incredible blessing in your life, and through her memories she will always live in you.
From our family to the Reeves family, our deepest condolences to you all and may the lord bless your family.

Loss is a terrible thing we must endure as part of life. As much as we might think we are prepared it hits hard.
Stay strong, never stop flying the plane and you will have a safe landing.
Prayers from the Pannell family

for strength in this difficult time. Very sorry Doug.