Hey Ryan, you live so close to RV mecca, go for it.

The MKIV is a neat airplane but quite limited in what it can do compared to an RV. The RV build is much quicker, even the so-called slow build route is a quick build by comparison.

I built and flew the MKIV back when Nat Puffer was on the scene. His absence has left a void in that world. The MKIV was a fun to fly and always attracted attention where ever you went, but it was more a novelty than a useful machine, it did not like anything less than 3000' of hard surface. On a hot day, the take off roll was akin to heavy bomber take off. Also, there was a chronic need to add or remove ballast from the nose depending on front seat load. CG is critical with that machine.

I sold the airplane to a friend, he is still flying it. But he also owns and flies a Cub just to keep a foot in that world. I will be flying with him in the Cub to get reacquainted with a tail dragger before blasting off in the -8.

You must know Al Wick - is he finally ditching the Subby effort?

I have spoken with Al. I would consider him as one of the few who will make his Sub successful. He also made his own prop, so I don't think he is part of the mass building community in that sense. He is willing to put in the effort and testing.

LOP in A/C use

A well equipped Lycoming is a very efficient motor..especially when run LOP, I'm not aware of any car engines who's fuel management systems allow for LOP running.Frank

The standard cruise setting of Mazda 13B's in aircraft (w/Tracy Crooks Controller) is to leave the throttle wide open at altitude (which minimizes pumping losses), and then lean the mixture to lean of peak to maximize fuel economy. Power drops off of course, but the engine doesn't care mechanically with no valves to burn...

Doug Lomheim
RV-9A / 13B / FWF