I do have to say, when a person continues to make 'mistakes' and continues to use 'marketing' to convince more people to give him more money for additional 'fully developed' products that don't work, well, at some point, he's just a thief.

When your "mistakes" kill people, you are more than "just a thief." My experiences with Jan's arrogance and misrepresentation of fact make me wonder how anyone would ever consider paying a dime for his "products". Knowing you WILL replace anything you purchase from him with a proven option should be economically enough to prevent the initial consideration of any purchase.

Ross, I respectfully disagree with you. My interactions with Jan have shown his arrogant behavior, coupled with his past string of failures, to be without conscience.
When your "mistakes" kill people, you are more than "just a thief." My experiences with Jan's arrogance and misrepresentation of fact make me wonder how anyone would ever consider paying a dime for his "products". Knowing you WILL replace anything you purchase from him with a proven option should be economically enough to prevent the initial consideration of any purchase.

Ross, I respectfully disagree with you. My interactions with Jan have shown his arrogant behavior, coupled with his past string of failures, to be without conscience.

Jan is arrogant, he doesn't take constructive advice or criticism well for sure but most people already know that here. That doesn't seem to have stopped a few hundred people from buying Viking engines. I'm not here to debate whether that part is a makes a sound decision or not, more along the technical aspects of the package. People will do what they want with their money.