
I'd go with "alien abduction," but for the fact that he showed up here just a couple weeks ago. Maybe it was a lizard in a Vlad-suit.
British Columbia Interior

From Terrace passed Andesite Peak I entered the interior of British Columbia.



I plotted my course to CZML via couple abandoned airfields they are clearly marked with a cross on Canadian charts. The cross over the airports doesn't necessarily mean the strips are not operational. It means they are not registered, likely not constantly maintained and very often are a private property. You never know what kind of gem you can find flying over. 50 miles south east of Mt. Nadina there is Marilla airstrip. It's easy to figure out which way to land if there are no windsock. Look at the muddy banks of the lake easy peasy.



Located on a picturesque bank of Ootsa Lake the strip looked long enough for RV. I make a pass to investigate and what I see? Several people on the ground are waiving the hands. Unmistaken signs welcome to land. So I come and land... The tall grass helped with braking. I was met by a 10 y.o. devushka riding an ATV and a friendly dog. Where am I ma'am? What's your name? I am Zelma and it's our self sufficient farm...

A German organic farm. One of the properties owned by Hans Buch, a developer and a financier. Family and friends appeared shortly. I learned since Hans purchased the land 20+ years ago nobody ever landed at his airstrip. I like to be the first.



I was cordially invited to ongoing birthday party. Paul, son of Hans and Barbara just turned 14. Plenty of guests visiting from Germany I couldn't even imagine I get back to Europe. Homemade cakes and lamb BBQ ribs...


Zelma, the girl who met me at the strip, is a rising star. An erudite with an impeccable English, she volunteered to be my guide.



Hans, the head of family, graciously offered a place to stay overnight. They have several properties and a camper. They said it would be an honor to host a Russian and we have a lot of things to talk about. I was glad I had an unfinished bottle of Jagermeister in my emergency ration.

I secured my Aluminum Mistress and joined the festivities. A lot of untold stories later. Our grandparents fought on the opposite sides in the trenches of Great Patriotic War. Hans' father was 18, my late grandfather 36 ...
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Organic Farm Tour

Next morning after a healthy sleep I ran to the lake and took a swim. Man, it's a good thing nobody saw me. Mighty cold water I shrunk twofolds and the hangover disappeared within seconds. The hosts smiled.


Zelma in her element. She will explain to me what kind of animals they have, why they all have names then she will demonstrate the process of milking a sheep.



I quickly forgot the names of the geese but I remembered their hierarchy.


Zelma graciously allowed me to hold a lamb.


Then we had a breakfast. The tastiest meal I had since Russia.


I departed the friendly farm by noon and was over 108 Mile Caribou airport in less then 2 hours.


If you ever end up in the interior of British Columbia and need a place to stay please contact Hans Buch he will be more then glad to accommodate you and you won't regret. He is the man of his word. He is thinking of registering his airport again.
You can't make this stuff up!

What an adventure. Then stumbling upon these self sufficient folks in BC, very cool. Vlad you told me this story at breakfast a few weeks back . . .Glad to see the photos. Take care my friend!
.... I learned since Hans purchased the land 20+ years ago nobody ever landed at his airstrip. I like to be the first.

It boggles the mind that this dude maintained a grass strip for 20 years and it was never used in all that time.
It boggles the mind that this dude maintained a grass strip for 20 years and it was never used in all that time.

Jeff, the previous owner based an aircraft there in the late 1980ies or so I forgot the details. The section of a power line by the threshold was buried long time ago. The grass was kind of long by my arrival but was promptly trimmed right away :)
Golly, this is like the adventures of Tod and Buz traveling Route 66, only with an RV9A and Vlad (no buzz).

Quite the adventure Vlad, has Bob Collins begun writing your adventure stories yet? I want to buy the book.

Keep it coming!!

PS: I know someone will get the reference. Route 66 epitomized the freedom of travel. As a kid my bike could carry me only so far. Later a motorcycle, then a car. Can't wait to finish the 7.
Two 1957 Chevrolets

In post 141, second photo, you captured the image of two 1957 Chevrolets. The one in front is a two door Station Wagon, and the second one is a Bel Air two door hardtop, a very desirable and valuable car.

What an adventure! Thanks for the photos and commentary. :D
I couldn't help but think what a wonderful and rich childhood that girl is having. one of the few kids her age not glued to a cell phone (said he from his ipad:eek:)

Thanks so much for sharing that. Looks like paradise.

Vlad, you have a great way of meeting people and experiencing the best of them. Folks all over the world are kind, hospitable and loving and you seem to bring that out of them in a great way. Love following your adventures and look forward to some of my own.
Zelma the Wunderkind

I couldn't help but think what a wonderful and rich childhood that girl is having. one of the few kids her age not glued to a cell phone (said he from his ipad:eek:)

Thanks so much for sharing that. Looks like paradise.

I couldn't say it better Scott. This little prodigy is the smartest of her age I've ever met. Fluent in two languages and rides an ATV like a pro.


I had the passenger seat removed for the trip and I regretted it. Zelma quickly advised how to rig a seat from some parts. I would listen but her father was very safety conscious and we abandoned the idea. She manipulated the controls on the ground and seemed she got the concept.


I had a privilege to visit her own tree house and I was told I can take anything I wanted.



My airplane is a kind of small I couldn't take big items. I got this great present. I enjoy filling my old fashioned paper logbook using this gift.


Barbara, Zelma's mother is a biologist. She traveled the world with scientific expeditions (even been to Arctic Russia) that's where Zelma's interest in medicine and biology coming from I guess.


She patiently explained to me why this black cat is always trying the first dib of the fresh milk. It has something to do with hygiene.




There was also a Queen Toad living in one of the ponds but I couldn't see her.
Hans told me I was a gift from the Sky but to me they were a gift from the Earth. What a wonderful family many thanks for everything if you are reading this. I will be back some day. With passenger seat installed.

If Norman Rockwell was still alive, some of those photos of Zelma could have been subject material for his world famous artwork of family life.



If Norman Rockwell was still alive, some of those photos of Zelma could have been subject material for his world famous artwork of family life.


The adventures of Vlad are "World Famous," they are definitely read world wide! Even D.R. talks about the "inner Vlad" in all of us in todays front page.
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Vlad VFT to Russia

Would be very interesting to followup on this young lady in app. 10 yrs. to see what becomes of her + what paths she chooses... given her potential. Vlad, it was meant to be for you to land there.
Time to wrap it up

Steve Melton I found a perfect route for you. A Canadian RVator a year ago suggested it on our 2016 Alaskan Voyage but my wingman and I hit some adverse weather and couldn't make the Trans Canadian Hwy scenic route. This time was the perfect time.


Countless Provincial Parks in British Columbia provide fascinating scenery. Some day I will catalog all my pictures.


I didn't take take any oxygen on this trip which allowed me to do more sightseeing from breathable altitudes. Here comes Revelstoke CYRV.


A magnificent damb Hydroguy Brian would love to work on.


Entering the gorge of a river with strange name Illecillewaet.


Look how they protect Trans-Canada Highway from avalanches. Quirky things.



Contrary to Alcan, TransCan is not that loaded and there are myriads of support roads near the railway in case of emergency landing. You can fly without constant scanning for landing spots enjoying the surreal landscape.



From Revelstoke to Fairmont Hot Springs

What gets you here it's a noonish Arizona chop. The air gets turbulent but there are sweet spots in the middle of the valley which are relatively smooth. Doesn't last long though.




I made a right turn between Iconoclast Mtn and Mt. Rogerts toward Golden CYGE. That's where real turbulence started. Camera had a rather long rest from Golden to Fairmont Hot Springs. Hookers got a good workout.



By Fairmont Springs I was already tired battling moderate chop for a while. It looks like a perfect spot for overnight with tons of resorts and hotels around. Let me land and ask.





An RV in the backyard? That could be a good sign.

Top of the World Provincial Park

Yelp, not everything shiny is gold I was told long time ago. I interrupted a peaceful meeting of three elderly gentlemen who were rather uninformed about local places but sold me avgas and pointed to the washroom in next building. Wondering if there are any active flyers there. Where you said you came from? 90% of airports I landed on my return trip didn't believe it anyway... Have a nice day.


Top of the World Provincial Park will get you to proper shape fast Steve Melton. Absolutely positively amazing experience flying over it. Your fatigue will be gone in 30 minutes.



Pictures couldn't do justice.




An enormous Sparwood Coal Mine in Elk Valley.


Passed Crowsnest Pass abeam Centre Peak. 15 minutes more and I am out of the mountain range. I will be missing those.


My friend Julian was unavailable for 15 more minutes (driving) to hook me up with a motel so I texted somebody else who had my DeLorme track. Want to hear something funny? Could you imaging an Irish guy from Florida calling an Indian dude in Alberta to pick up a Russian fellow? Where is he now? Still in the air will be over your motel in 20 minutes. Good. Welcome to Pincher Creek CZPC.


I was picked up promptly at the airport and given the best room in the motel. The Indian dude was genuinly interested how it is possible to travel that far. Then he asked about what kind of airplane I have and got completely confused.

A guy from Florida found me a pizza place not far from the motel and I walked to it. 3$Can for last two slices plus bag of chips. The counter kid wasn't familiar with Yankee roubles and asked for a credit card. Only 40 cents on international transaction. What a life!
Just when I think I've seen the most stunning photo, a new one crops up. Just when I've think I've heard it all, another new adventure unfolds. Epic is generally an overused word, but this trip is truly epic. Thanks for the motivation to start and to keep pounding rivets
Pincher Creek CZPC

An airport next to a wind farm! Could get interesting some days.

Cheers, David
You were in my back yard on this part of the flight. Revelstoke is a ~20 minute flight from home, I have lived in the Rocky Mountain Trench where Fairmont is located, and used to work at that coal mine at Sparwood!

Hard to beat the scenery in this part of the world.
Quote [Entering the gorge of a river with strange name Illecillewaet.]

The Illicillewaet glacier, which feeds the river of the same name is about in the middle of Glacier National Park. The name is an "Indian name for "Swift Current". It is a very deep tortuous valley that this rapid torrent of green glacier water thunders through.... named in 1865 by Walter Moberly, CE; it was so-designated by the Indians he had with him and means 'a very rapid stream'." (The Selkirk Range by A.O. Wheeler, Department of the Interior, 1905, pp 179, 187 & 196). (from BC Geographical Names).

We stayed in the Illicillewaet campsite in our RV (no, the trailer kind) not realizing it was downhill from the glacier. Remember katabatic winds from ground school? When they flow down the glacier they are really cold, we nearly froze to death.

Quote [Look how they protect Trans-Canada Highway from avalanches. Quirky things.}

Yes, snow sheds and lots of them. In the winter the army guys take their howitzers to designated spots on the highway and shoot into the snow to bring down unstable snow as controlled avalanches.

Thanks Vlad for the great pictures of your trip, I've enjoyed every one.
Stunning scenery

I have flown that pass through Revelstoke and Field and to the east found a pass called Bloeberry River that has a hanging valley and when passed through will hook you up to Alberta and beautiful Abrahams lake. To say it is stunning is to underrate it!

Congratulations and thank you for doing such a nice job of showing off our beautiful country while on your trip Vlad. Although we don't have the infrastructure USA (incredibly helpful FBO's) has for GOA aircraft we do have some great scenery.

Thanks again for showing how versatile the RV is and how, with good planning, such an adventure can be had by the average person. "Average" meaning rich perhaps, just dedicated to their passion and willing to take a chance.

CAVU skies to you Vlad

Back to USA

Pincher Creek a great spot. Always windy I was told. By the time I got to the airport late morning it was already steady 10 kts on the nose.


Rough engine really?! Bottom spark plug #1 for sure. Before the trip I changed all 8 plugs with new but managed to drop one during a routine checkup. Replaced with a used spare. That's likely the offender. I ran it harder and hotter and managed to clear it. Gonna run Cut Bank Customs are waiting.

Crossing the border over Whetstone, Montana. This grass airfield is an AOE and has two identifiers Canadian and ours. We (Chip and I) cleared here on our Alaska trip last year.


Cut Bank Montana has a lot of history.


Customs agent was friendly and asked a lot of questions. He expressed particular interest in airplane and even wrote down the kit manufacturer. Maybe Vans will get an order soon.


The airport manager brew me a fresh cup of coffee and maintenance shop found a good spark plug. Interesting thing they didn't carry new plugs for O-320. Two friendly mechanics went through their boxes of used plugs and finally found some REM38E. Checked and gave them to me didn't even accept the roubles. Good people are there in Cut Bank. They have a nice trestle too.


Dodging the thunderstorms I stumbled upon an impressive piece of Cold War infrastructure. 07MT Glasgow Industrial.




Stanley Municipal 08D in North Dakota was a quick fuel stop.


They just received a fresh shipment of mogas. Time to reduce spending and start saving.


From Stanley, ND I made a nonstop 700+ nm mega leg to Schoolcraft MI. Spent my time mostly at 9500' there was a good 35 kts push. Briefly got my feet "wet" over Lake Superior and in 4.5 hours was landing at KISQ Manistique, MI.

There is a clean Polish motel just across the road from the airport. If you ever end up there later in the evening don't order pizza from the only joint in town. It's at least 45 min wait and they charge $10 for delivery. Walk half a mile to a local casino and there is a decent restaurant. It closes at 9 pm but the bar is always open they have better pizza for less money.
Last day

Last day of the grand journey flew fast. A light breakfast at the motel. Bought 10 gallons of pricy avgas and took off Manistique. Cut over the water direct to White Cloud 42C. What's there? A small cafe within walking distance it's well known they make the best pancakes in Michigan. Otherwise not a soul around.


Legs stretched next hop to cheaper gas at Lakeview 13C. Picturesque place. Watch for multiple helicopter operators. Lots of them plus ag sprayers.


Another leg brought me close to Chrysler Proving Grounds. No traffic around so I practiced a simulated engine out procedure.



Via Toledo to Fremont 14G.




Cheap gas, beautiful lady at the counter and a retired ferry pilot at the FBO. He had flown some routes I could only dream. I wish I could stay longer stop by if you are in Ohio you won't regret.


One more push passed Cleaveland International then Pittsburgh then Altoona and Harrisburg...


The actual Time Moving statistics wasn't much different from Hobbs time.


Thanks for riding with me and keep pounding those rivets it's well worth it.
What an odyssey.

Thank you, Vlad, for sharing this wonderful travelling story with us. It's because of your stories and others like it that I've been motivated to put the final "push" on our build. If everything falls into place this weekend I might get the first engine run done. Fingers crossed!
All I can say is WOW! What an adventure. It makes our trip out to Oshkosh look like nothing, and that is my longest cross country to date.
Vlad, my friend, you now have all you need for a book! No magazine article could ever cover this journey.
If I can do it anybody can. Just get a vacation guys and go! :)

Vlad, my friend, you now have all you need for a book! No magazine article could ever cover this journey.

Paul since I visited with you and Louise in August 2015 a space memorabilia is traveling in my plane everywhere. It will beat the famous Carolina Medallion destinations soon. :D
The Mir patch started traveling last year.


Cut over the water direct to White Cloud 42C. What's there? A small cafe within walking distance it's well known they make the best pancakes in Michigan.


Have been following your epic journey and have thoroughly enjoyed all the great photos along with reading about all the interesting places you visited along the way.

I have friends in MI a little south of White Cloud so wanted to pass on the tip about the best pancakes in MI ... so they can check it out too. Curious, what was the name of the cafe you visited?

Happy flying,

Have been following your epic journey and have thoroughly enjoyed all the great photos along with reading about all the interesting places you visited along the way.

I have friends in MI a little south of White Cloud so wanted to pass on the tip about the best pancakes in MI ... so they can check it out too. Curious, what was the name of the cafe you visited?

Happy flying,

Sally's Family Restaurant John. There is a shoulder on a county road it's safe to walk. Thanks for following.
Paul since I visited with you and Louise in August 2015 a space memorabilia is traveling in my plane everywhere. It will beat the famous Carolina Medallion destinations soon. :D
The Mir patch started traveling last year.

It's good to see that the old Space Shuttle metal (of which that medallion is cast) is still getting miles on it. You probably got half a Rev this last trip!

Hookers got a good workout.

Can't really blame you, Vlad. With all the scary water and mountain crossings on this trip, a man can't be faulted for finding a way to cut the tension once in a while.

Wait, you're talking your harnesses?? Oh yeah, I have them too, and they really cut the tension in heavy turbulence. :eek:

Loved the fantastic scenery photographs across B.C., the Canadian Rockies, and everything else! What a trip, what a report.

Thanks again for sharing.

I'm assuming we're gonna get a shot of the trusty, globe-trotting -9A resting safely back in it's home spot in green, leafy NJ though ....?

I'm assuming we're gonna get a shot of the trusty, globe-trotting -9A resting safely back in it's home spot in green, leafy NJ though ....?

Yes. 17 days. I've never been grounded for that long since first flight. Let the wallet recover :D
Vlad thanks for all the world traveling you do in your RV, it truly is great motivation for many of us to keep pounding rivets and the hopes high of joining the ranks some day.
We met in Edenvale (Piper Cub pilot). I thought about your trip all the way home that day. I told some of my RV buddies about your adventure and they led me here. Amazing trip and pics - thanks for sharing.

We met in Edenvale (Piper Cub pilot). I thought about your trip all the way home that day. I told some of my RV buddies about your adventure and they led me here. Amazing trip and pics - thanks for sharing.


Small world Brian. Was great talking to you at the restaurant I wish I weren't on a run. That mighty Cub of yours caught my eye you put some serious hours on that amphib. Thanks for a nice try to pay my bill. :)

There was an RV12 flying that day who was that?

