Safety record, number of flying airplanes and quality of support from manufacturer/community - these are main factors I considered when picked my RV kit. This is aside from the fact that RV is simply super cool airplane to fly.
I doubt you can find real competition to these factors on the market.
Certified market prices move up as well. It is industry and overall world situation, not just VANs. Sad to realize that aviation hobby becomes more and more expensive with higher ticket cost to enter, but that is a reality. Here up North in Canada we already pay over $2 CAD per litre of 100 LL 🤔🤨

My local airport near san Francisco is currently at 1.91 CAD/liter (5.70 USD/gallon). Gas prices suck.
My local airport near san Francisco is currently at 1.91 CAD/liter (5.70 USD/gallon). Gas prices suck.

They do indeed suck, but some airports in the LA area have 100LL at significantly less than premium mogas! Last week, I paid 4.82USD/gal for 100LL and 5.09USD/gal for 91 octane for my car!
Kit orders paused

Due to the high recent high volume of orders, our Kits team will not be available by phone this week. This will allow them to catch up on order entry and acknowledgements to customers. Email will be delayed, as well. Thank you for your understanding and support."

Wow, the workload must be really, really high when you shut down the revenue side of the business for a week.
Wow, the workload must be really, really high when you shut down the revenue side of the business for a week.

It is even more so, when a pending price increase is announced, with the stipulation that all orders received prior to that date/time will be honored at the older prices.
and people wonder...

It is even more so, when a pending price increase is announced, with the stipulation that all orders received prior to that date/time will be honored at the older prices.

and people wonder why price increases are not pre-announced...

When you are up to your neck in poop... dont make waves
Due to the high recent high volume of orders, our Kits team will not be available by phone this week. This will allow them to catch up on order entry and acknowledgements to customers. Email will be delayed, as well. Thank you for your understanding and support."

Wow, the workload must be really, really high when you shut down the revenue side of the business for a week.

For the record: Orders aren't paused. Feel free to order things. The revenue side of the business is wide open. Just the phones are paused for a week to allow us some focused time to catch up. And the workload is really, really high right now.
For reference, I emailed a finish kit request on Friday 2/18 and got an acknowledgment and request for deposit 2/22. They’re diligently working it
For reference, I emailed a finish kit request on Friday 2/18 and got an acknowledgment and request for deposit 2/22. They’re diligently working it

I trust they are. As a point of reference, when I called about ordering my emp kit in Nov I was told they were about a week behind with order entries compared to how fast they were coming in.
If you got your acknowledgement yesterday... then hopefully I'll get my fuse notice soon (placed on 2/10 so probably on the bottom of a very tall pile;))
I had my order processed today by Anne and Jake. The entire process couldn't have gone smoother. I was pleasantly surprised on the repeat offender discount.

Thanks for communicating via utube. I’m one of the “past due” customers. Ordered June 2021 full kit. 4 months tail (now built) and 6 months lead time wings and fuse. It’s now 8 months since order. Am I correct in assuming as my parts are due to be made after 10,14 and 12 parts which will take up to 5 months to complete the first “train”. So my 6 month lead time possibly 13 months before crating? While shipping drastically rises in cost. I’m very frustrated. Sorry you have a large challenge in front of you and kudos for fronting up on utube to explain your changes. Hard to know some of those ordering after me get in first.
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I actually took the chart they put up as saying they will have all kits for the rv 7 and 9 completed in the first "train", if ordered by feb 18th.
I actually took the chart they put up as saying they will have all kits for the rv 7 and 9 completed in the first "train", if ordered by feb 18th.

except that watch the whole thing...they specifically say that the rv10, 14 and 12 runs first followed by 7 and 8 wings and fuselage and that first train process will take 5 months.
The Finish kit train must still be scattered across all the tracks in the classification yard. I just passed 10 months from order date for my RV7 kit and there's no prediction for when one of these unicorns will be available. Thankfully I'm not at a work stoppage and have lots of fuselage work to keep me busy.
The Finish kit train must still be scattered across all the tracks in the classification yard. I just passed 10 months from order date for my RV7 kit and there's no prediction for when one of these unicorns will be available. Thankfully I'm not at a work stoppage and have lots of fuselage work to keep me busy.

I took leave in winter here to get on with the build. They would definitely be here by then. In fact would be arriving any day now based on the order. So my plan is in ruins.
Can’t give the leave back either. Does 6 months lead time on order turn into 13 months plus crating and shipping? No one is talking to me. I’m wearing more of an RV grimace unfortunately. Greg can you allay my fears I won’t be waiting another 5 months for my kit to be crated?
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Also, is it just me or is the “kit order” page still oos? When I click on it, it says it’s not found. I thought that was only for a week…. Last week. Two weeks now.
Also, is it just me or is the “kit order” page still oos? When I click on it, it says it’s not found. I thought that was only for a week…. Last week. Two weeks now.

The Order a Kit page on the Van's website? If yes, please clear your browser cache or try another browser? And PM me if that doesn't work. That page was only down for a day while we made the changes.

UPDATE: We missed a menu change on the mobile version of the menus and it was broken - fixed now!
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We'll publish more details as soon as we have them, but since we have some info available and people are currently making decisions:

We want to provide a heads-up on a few things that - in addition to the engine price increases - will be changing in terms of Thunderbolt custom engine orders from Lycoming. These are Lycoming's changes, which will take place at the same time as the price increases, and we are just passing the manufacturer's info along (these are not set by Van's).

"Standard" options for Thunderbolt engines:

  • You'll be able to choose from custom paint color options, just the same as you can now (single- or two-tone standard colors, and single- or two-tone custom colors).
  • Polished cylinder fins will be a (rather pricey) standard option.

The following customized Thunderbolt engine options will - after the price change take place - result in an engine customization fee (TBD but it will be at least $1000, charged once per engine regardless of how many of the below options are applied) plus the cost of the upgrade options(s) chosen. All of the below items fall into that category:

  • Custom compression ratios
  • Chome pushrod tubes
  • Cold air induction (540 engines)
  • Aerobatic kit (inverted oil)
  • Starter ring gear removal

Working on getting the final numbers/prices and should be able to publish soon.
Aluminum price

Some of us that are retired live mostly on our investments. Yesterday, I received a "Thoughts on the Market" financial letter on current world events and what it is doing to the market. I read it this morning and then attended a webinar about the Consumer Price Index and how it is calculated. Somewhere in the data, I saw that aluminum was up 29% this year.

Yes prices are going up faster than we have seen in a long time.

This got me thinking about aluminum. Aluminum makes up a large percentage of an RV airframe. The average aluminum price growth rate is 4.32%. There has been a 7.98% increase in aluminum price since last month according to this chart. The price of aluminum is up 56.15% in one year. Still looking for the chart that I saw 29% increase this year. My calculation comes up with 20% increase this year in just the first two months. (2695.53 Dec 31 to 3245.79 Feb 28) I guess if I add that 20% I calculated for two months to the 7.98% this month I come close.

Just want to say thank you to Van's Aircraft for doing their best to control prices. The data I am seeing tells me that we that are buying RV airframe kits and parts could be seeing more increases based on the cost of aluminum.

I am not posting this to justify more price increases but as a heads up we could be seeing more price increases in our RV aircraft build components.

I was told a long time ago that the cheapest thing about flying is the pilot. As a pilot, I do not want to spend more than I am required. Unfortunately, I see price increases coming in this fun rewarding hobby we have chosen.

Sorry to be the bearer of possible bad news. Best of luck to Van's Aircraft buyers to find the best price on the aluminum we need for our kits.
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LOL...10 to 15% means 15%...every time. I said that at the start. The first figure is a softener to give you hope...the second is the real figure and by the time it happens you are resigned to it.

I know this is nothing to do with Vans. In fact I am very grateful of the prior knowledge as I have bought my YIO-360-M1b over 5k cheaper by knowing...Only probably 4 years early....which is the next problem.:)
Update: We've published the list of Lycoming engine prices that will take effect at 12:01 a.m. Pacific Time on March 15th at this link.

Greg..on the link for my engine it lists only EMAGS....I have ordered dual PMAGS....can you confirm that this should read PMAGS and EMAGS discontinued? (i read here somewhere that the company making emags now only make this correct?)
Ordered a 9 fuselage Feb 12 this year, just got crating date range of Aug 5-22, seems the new system is working.
The economics of inflation say spend all your money now so the goods remain valuable when prices rise. An engine crated in my garage can't cost more later!!!

I guess now that I've gotten the engine I won't need for a year I should get with Stein and let him take the rest of my money now too.
Greg..on the link for my engine it lists only EMAGS....I have ordered dual PMAGS....can you confirm that this should read PMAGS and EMAGS discontinued? (i read here somewhere that the company making emags now only make this correct?)

Means the same thing. Nothing's changed. E-MAG is the company, and when you read "PMAG" it's a P-model ignition (the P indicates internal power-generating model) made by E-MAG. It's been confusing like that for years. :)
My thoughts, in the FWIW category. Where are you going to put that kind of money and get a guaranteed 15% return?

It all depends on whether this would be a cash or financed purchase, when you anticipate being in need, etc. And whether you're willing to bet that with current inflation rates, CDs and other investment returns will rise more. But right now, there's nothing that's returning 15%.
Or is it!?

Ordered a 9 fuselage Feb 12 this year, just got crating date range of Aug 5-22, seems the new system is working.

I’m glad to see you are getting that(honestly, really am) but it is highly irritating for me. Reason being, I ordered my wing kit in June/July last year (2021) and I received an email last night that I should expect a crating date between August and September. 15 months after my order when the lead was 7 months! Not to mention I ordered my fuse kit in January and have yet to see that even posted on “my orders” and yet others are getting crating dates who ordered after me. Just venting ……. Ughhhh
I’m glad to see you are getting that(honestly, really am) but it is highly irritating for me. Reason being, I ordered my wing kit in June/July last year (2021) and I received an email last night that I should expect a crating date between August and September. 15 months after my order when the lead was 7 months! Not to mention I ordered my fuse kit in January and have yet to see that even posted on “my orders” and yet others are getting crating dates who ordered after me. Just venting ……. Ughhhh

Just in case you want to consider using another kit. It is closer to where you live too. Plus the wings are like 80% completed.
I’m glad to see you are getting that(honestly, really am) but it is highly irritating for me. Reason being, I ordered my wing kit in June/July last year (2021) and I received an email last night that I should expect a crating date between August and September. 15 months after my order when the lead was 7 months! Not to mention I ordered my fuse kit in January and have yet to see that even posted on “my orders” and yet others are getting crating dates who ordered after me. Just venting ……. Ughhhh

I’m the same as you….15 months for me too after a 6 month lead time while others ordering this year get theirs first. I am irritated by this as well….This new batching to get things out the door faster makes sense just a pity we ordered the wrong aircraft and got put at the end of the line. I guess it comes down to how many orders of each type there are and affecting the least number of customers. This cost of rising shipping worries me as who knows what that will be in October…….

I’m at a standstill now and this news was not good for me…..nothing I can do about it….I’ll make cradles and wing stands and another trolley to build the fuse on. Suffice to say come close to July/August I’ll be looking very closely at this and asking a lot of questions….I cannot take more delays….
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The No Ignition, No Fuel System Thunderbolt YIO-540-D4A5 is going from $56,640.00 to $65,900.00. My math says that is a 16.35% increase (just a tad over the 10-15% pre-advertised range).
I locked in today's price via Aero Sport Power.

The options below are available on a custom Thunderbolt Engine Build. These options require additional engineering and a custom bill of materials. Therefore, these options are subject to a custom engine charge (+$1000 one-time charge per engine) in addition to the price of each option selected below."

Does anyone know if the $1000 one-time customization fee is applicable to orders after March 15th or even applicable to orders placed before March 15th? I am not getting a clear answer from Vans.
New Version of "The List"??

You’re welcome for the heads up. We almost certainly won’t be able to do it in the future, and I want to make sure people understand and expect as much.

Kit prices are what’s changing in this round of changes. Store pricing reviews and changes are typically an ongoing thing for us.

Once upon a time, Vans had what you termed "The List". It contained lots of component parts, by part number and the price of each. Any chance that a new version will be posted?

Charlie K
Once upon a time, Vans had what you termed "The List". It contained lots of component parts, by part number and the price of each. Any chance that a new version will be posted?

Charlie K

Not in that same format, no. The relative equivalent now is browsing by aircraft model, from the home page. In the lower-left navigation bar, look for "Browse RV Kit Inventory" and choose the model you're interested in. You can view all hardware and parts, or drill down through the sub-kits to narrow your scope of browsing. Also, the search capability is much, much better on the new store compared to the old one.