I just got back from my first flight using the echouat/skyfx combination in place of the Navworks 600B box.

My experience matches what previous poster have seen:

  • Targets disappearing and reappearing
  • Targets appearing many miles away/at much higher altitude
  • Targets appearing twice on top of themselves

Better filtering/prioritization of targets would definitely help these problems.
I was flying in an area where there was only one ADSB tower and I would lose contact with it in turns, etc., which corresponded to targets disappearing. Other targets, presumably 1090ES ones, remained throughout.

The ghosting/shadowing of targets only seemed to show up when there was an ADSB tower that was available, so presumably this could be because the target was being seen on both UAT and 1090ES.

I got NEXRAD wx through the flight similarly to how the Navworx box used to.

So in summary, a bit more filtering of targets would make the performance of this solution more than satisfactory.

I did a round trip trip from KBKV to KDED (near Datona FL) today. At one point my GRT Hx display showed traffic within 2 miles within 1000' of me. that traffic would appear, disapear, and then appear again. The traffic was shown with an N number (meaning it was ADS-B traffic, not radar traffic).

I also had another aircraft fly over me within 200' that did not show up as traffic at all. When I queried the other aircraft, he reported that he was Squawking 1200 and talking to Datona ATC, yet he was not shown as traffic on my ADS-B system even thought he was inside Daytona's RADAR environment).

From what I have observed, the uAvionics system has definite traffic reporting issues (especially as compared to the Navworx ADS600EXP system). I am patiently awaiting their analysis of the problem, and a software update solution as the current system is not acceptable.
I did a round trip trip from KBKV to KDED (near Datona FL) today. At one point my GRT Hx display showed traffic within 2 miles within 1000' of me. that traffic would appear, disapear, and then appear again. The traffic was shown with an N number (meaning it was ADS-B traffic, not radar traffic).

I also had another aircraft fly over me within 200' that did not show up as traffic at all. When I queried the other aircraft, he reported that he was Squawking 1200 and talking to Datona ATC, yet he was not shown as traffic on my ADS-B system even thought he was inside Daytona's RADAR environment).

From what I have observed, the uAvionics system has definite traffic reporting issues (especially as compared to the Navworx ADS600EXP system). I am patiently awaiting their analysis of the problem, and a software update solution as the current system is not acceptable.


I am running the EchoUAT tranceiver and I experience the same symptoms in inbound traffic. Targets will just disappear. I also have a Garmin GDL-39 connected to Garmin Pilot which never looses the targets. I also had a NavWorx 600EXP which was much better at feeding the GRT traffic information.

FIS-B seems to be solid. My weather on my GRT is up to date with my GDL39 fed Garmin Pilot app.
I have made 3 flights with my new install and FAA reports "failed to generate a report". I used the monitor function on my phone and saw the pressure altitude and code. I also received traffic on my AFS, but it blinked in and out, and I get ghosting, which I see on my iFly740.

Tomorrow I will install another unit, borrowed from a hangar neighbor, that did generate a clean report, from the FAA (but still had the traffic issue).


Ron, I had the same issue on my first two flights. In my case, the failure to generate a report was caused by the fact that I had programmed my Echo UAT to use Anonymous mode. I turned it off, and everything worked well.
Pete, thanks, but

I do have the anonymous mode turned off ---- I am going to hook up Bruce's "spare" unit that did pass the test, and see if that may be my problem.



I hooked up another unit that had gotten a clean report in Bruce's plane -- I did not change any config settings other than ICAO code and N no. ---- still could not generate a report in my plane. I have wrung out the wiring and antenna connections and can find nothing wrong.

I am using the TXP monitor function, which seems to be reporting in that I get the code and pressure from the unit

Further investigation --- not getting a GPS lock on the SKYFX -- (solid green and red but no flashing green light--all other GPSs in the plane OK)
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This weekend the friend of mine who's helped with my filter/prioritization box that we built took the time to hook up his Echo UAT with the antenna outdoor on top of his building. He also ran an antenna for a stratux near it too. He observed much better reception with the stratux, but that may be due to the Echo intentionally being attenuated slightly to deal with the very nearby transponder transmitting. He also observed the serial output from the Echo and again confirmed that at least on the rev of firmware on the uAvionix site, the traffic does not come out prioritized by proximity. I heard that the Dynon unit may have updated firmware that does do this, so that is a positive in that perhaps down the road we will see it.

One other observation is that some of the GDL90 data on targets is not good data that is being put out of the echo, but I don't know the details on this. It does not appear that they do any coasting of traffic on the echo, either. My EFIS, for one, does not coast. I know that AFS has been able to do a lot of things on the EFIS that would mitigate some of these issues, but while that is a great thing, some things really should be done on the UAT. One big for instance (that the Echo UAT does indeed do, but my iLevil did NOT do last year, is filter out ownship ICAO code). Basically, it should be expected of the UAT to put out good complete data on the intruder targets, prioritized by proximity, filtered for ownship ICAO, bound to certain altitude limitations to prevent serial link congestion, coasting of the targets so that if they do blink out, their heading, speed, climb/descent rate are tracked and they don't immediately blink out, and also de-ghosted. There is a TIS-B Track file ID (you can read about it in the GDL 90 spec in section that gets sent by the GBT with an ICAO code-ish looking code for primary targets, that may be sent to your location if the FAA picks you up and doesn't correlate your ownship ICAO with that primary target. That will cause a traffic alert on yourself.

I've heard that there may be issues with the number of GBT's the echo sees, that causes some glitches too. Making the huge assumption that the hardware has the power to do the proper traffic processing, I would think that all of the above filtering issues should be relatively easily solved. The one I'd worry about more is any issues related to GBT reception and glitches. Hopefully the RF section of the unit is able to deal with all of this.
Time will tell how well the internal filtering capabilities work out, and from Shane's reply it's apparent that they're working on it. The only negative about a good coasting configuration is that it may mask some of the glitchy traffic issues, but then again, one of the positives of a good coasting config is that it can mask some of the glitchy traffic issues. :)

My Chelton EFIS that caused me to learn more than I originally intended to on this, can be fed either a GDL90 stream, or a serialized version of TCAS. I wanted the TCAS type data for technical reasons (it allows me to have satellite wx instead of FIS-B wx) but it required a bit of work to do conversion of GDL90 data. The upside of the project is that we were able to basically completely or very nearly so, fix all of the above issues for my interface. The system works ok for me once that processing has been done.

I have a few friends that I talked into buying Echos though, and so we're now starting to try to do the GDL90 in <> GDL90 out box that will do the same thing. We build a table of all nearby targets, each new one that shows up is matched to either fit in that table in order of proximity, or discarded if it's further away. The table size can be adjusted based on the output interface speed required, to ensure that you will never overdrive what the bandwidth of your RS232 setting can deliver. It'll be interesting to see if we can get it all done.

Based on today's situation, I'd recommend that there's enough we've learned that I'd hold off on a UAT purchase for the time being. Give them time to see how this settles out. If it isn't something that's able to be improved, I'd really recommend that people look for a more robust product for themselves. The only issue is price. At this point I've spent roughly $2800-3000 per plane by buying a NavWorX system, and then tossing it for an Echo. At some point that money would have been better spent on the initial purchase. At least those of you who are still yet to equip have the ability to save yourself the hassle of buying something that doesn't need to get replaced soon. I'd say by Sun-n-Fun or for sure by OSH, if this whole thing isn't resolved, you'd be able to at least eliminate one solution from your list. If it is resolved, it could well be the best price in ADS-B for your plane.

On a side note, I haven't really had a chance to check out how good the weather reception is on the Echo. Does anyone have any reports on how that works for them?
Thanks Tim, for your work on this. I'm hope uAvionix appreciates it as well.

I'm using the Echo with GRT EFIS.

Was having repeated baro errors on the faa test. Made a Config change suggested by uAvionix. Read somewhere that the faa test should only be done within a radar coverage area (didn't ensure that on my earlier flights).

With those 2 changes, I got a good report, but don't know which change helped!

Question Tim: What is 'coasting'? Thanks.
I just got back from my first flight using the echouat/skyfx combination in place of the Navworks 600B box.

My experience matches what previous poster have seen:

  • Targets disappearing and reappearing
  • Targets appearing many miles away/at much higher altitude
  • Targets appearing twice on top of themselves

I just got back from another test flight of the uAvionix ADS600EXP replacement system. My RV-7A is equipped with GRT Hx displays that are directly wired to the uAvionix UAT high speed serial output.

During this flight I also had an IflyGPS sytem connected via the WiFi interface. It too displayed the traffic I was seeing on the GRT system, but instead of the traffic disappearing, it would flash the traffic. I'm assuming that the Ifly system has some sort of filtering, while the GRT system does not.

Since GRT is using the same uAvionix UAT for all their ADS-B devices, they will be seeing that same issues that we (the Navworx ADS600EXP people) are seeing. I would assume that either GRT or uAvionix will have to implement the filtering methods that Navworx identified as necessary a long time ago...

So I'm eagerly waiting for some type of solution.....


Coasting is just where you look at the targets current parameters, and when it blinks out, you continue to calculate that trajectory for a short period of time, until hopefully they reappear.

An example is, if you see a target traveling on track 275 degrees, climbing at 500fpm, at a speed of 160kts, and his target blinks out, you still keep him in the list of active targets, and just keep calculating where he should be, for a few extra seconds...maybe 10 seconds.
10 seconds later he'd be at 275 degrees track, about 85' higher, at the same speed, and a little under .5 miles further. You can probably coast them using their same position if you want to, if it's a brief period, but why not calculate where they really should be, if you can?
The idea is, this airplane was just there 5 miles off your nose 10 seconds ago...if he isn't received for 5 seconds, you don't want to just make him disappear on your screen instantly, because you know he's still there. Better to keep him visible and just assume you lost reception and he'll be back. As long as you're not trying to do this "coasting" for a more than a short time (maybe 10-15 seconds) their estimated position should be at least fairly accurate, assuming they aren't in a turn. Figure also that you're going to be much less likely to lose the target when they are very close to you, simply due to having better reception of their signal (in the post-2020 world when most will have some sort of OUT system for ADS-B).

It's pretty annoying to look at the ipad right now, and see all this traffic in huge areas just disappear, and then suddenly it's back. It makes it hard to look at and know where to be looking outside the window.
I don't like the coasting aspect

I have spent a lot of time in Florida lately, where supposedly 65% of the World's flight training takes place. I have watched airplanes maneuvering in circles and the ADSB does NOT keep up with the turn rates. An airplane that you think is going away from you on the display can be turned right into you before the display catches up. I've almost had 2 real near mid-airs in the last year.

The bottom line is that the eyeball and head need to constantly be on swivels all the time.

Just this weekend there was a target on foreflight showing opposite direction and 500 feet below us west of Miami over the Everglades. A real blind spot in the Stearman. Approach warned us at the same time I physically saw the target, but what I saw was an aircraft LEVEL with us and just seconds from impact. Sometime between the last refresh and my eyeball contact the aircraft had started a climb. I don't know who saw each other first, but luckily, we both turned left. For all I know they were in a climbing left turn and never saw us, but at least I am here to talk about it. :)

I completely agree with Vic, coasting would be a case of bad information is worse than no information.

I too just replaced my Navworx EXP with uAvionix EchoUAT. I had to lower the Transponder threshold per uAvionix and now have a clean performance report. However, the ECHO App status page for Baro Alt showed 65,225 ft, Transponder pressure Alt was -315 ft (as fed from GRT EFIS), GPS Alt was -40 ft, Actual ground level was 35 ft. How ECHO could see 65,225 ft is a mystery to me yet still give a clean FAA performance report.

Also, Echo would only pick up 0-1 local ADSB towers on the GRT EFIS, while Stratus2 was showing 3-4 towers on Foreflight. The result was the GRT EFIS show few and intermittent traffic targets, while Stratus2 showed multiple targets on ForeFlight during the entire fight. I did NOT have ADSB tower reception issues with the Navworx installation, so it’s not an antenna problem.

At this point, I’m less than satisfied with uAvionix.... at least Navworx actually worked as advertised.
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Just curious what do you need to do to lower the transponder threshold. Is that an adjustment of the transponder or the ECHO . Having a small % of P altitude failures I contributed to non radar coverage at 1000 ft AGL. I was thinking of raising the " ground speed parameter" in the ECHO set up to say 70 Knots. ( from 30 knots.) this may keep the ECHO from making ADS B output without the radar P altitude component . You think there's any logic to this?

Also I had a problem with the initial ECHO receiving only 1 twr when I regularly saw 3 or 4 on the NW EXP. uAvionics swapped the Echo out for me and it now receives 3 or 4 . Not sure what the issue was .
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Do not arbitrarily change the ?ground speed parameter?. This sets when the type of data transmitted changes (e.g., wingspan is only transmitted in ground mode). Making it too high or low will give you an ?air on ground? or vice versa test failure.
I hope everyone is comparing apples to apples. e.g., the GRT traffic display has its own user-adjustable altitude filter. If that filter is set ?tight? while another device?s filter is wide open, then of course the latter will show more traffic. Also, wrt ground stations: since the Echo transmits that it is a dual frequency -in device, ground stations should only be sending up non-ADSB radar traffic.
Just curious what do you need to do to lower the transponder threshold. Is that an adjustment of the transponder or the ECHO . Having a small % of P altitude failures I contributed to non radar coverage at 1000 ft AGL. I was thinking of raising the " ground speed parameter" in the ECHO set up to say 70 Knots. ( from 30 knots.) this may keep the ECHO from making ADS B output without the radar P altitude component . You think there's any logic to this?

Also I had a problem with the initial ECHO receiving only 1 twr when I regularly saw 3 or 4 on the NW EXP. uAvionics swapped the Echo out for me and it now receives 3 or 4 . Not sure what the issue was .

If you touch the ECHO symbol at the top of the App setup page with two fingers at the same time, it opens up an advanced setup section at the bottom of the page. They had me change SDA to 2 and Transponder Threshold to 1450.
e.g., the GRT traffic display has its own user-adjustable altitude filter. If that filter is set ?tight? while another device?s filter is wide open, then of course the latter will show more traffic.

One side comment on this: Although the EFIS can in this case filter traffic, keep in mind that it's filtering it AFTER it's being sent from the UAT. And, depending on the baud rate capabilities of the EFIS, and the amount of traffic, you may not really be seeing all of the traffic that's out there. I'm not sure that at 115,200 baud, you can even effectively send all of the traffic that your UAT may see in some cases. Filtering it on the UAT is the only way to prevent a congested RS232 line.

In short, I'm saying: Don't be satisfied with a manufacturer who will not provide filtering on the UAT at all, because there are downstream consequences, even if you can mask them on the EFIS a little.
I completely agree with Vic, coasting would be a case of bad information is worse than no information.

I don't know that you're exactly saying what Vic said. I take Vic's comments to be more along the lines of:

ALWAYS keep your head on a swivel, DESPITE your traffic information, because even if you have said information, it may not be accurate. Just because your fancy gadget shows you're going to clear someone by 500' doesn't mean you will. If I'm wrong, please Vic, grab your flight glove and whack me on the face. :)

Coasting is and has been a feature of many systems in the past, whether you were aware of it or not. I think it's plenty distracting and dangerous to stick a target on the screen for 2 seconds and then have it not show up at all for 10 more seconds. As long as you're only coasting traffic for a few seconds, it will allow you to at least have time to see it as part of your instrument scan. Traffic that blinks out on you will not even trigger a traffic alert if it *is* at your altitude, heading right for you. I'd much prefer that it if were there 3 seconds ago, it's still there when I try to look for it out the window.

On another side note, one thing I set up in this box for myself was the ability to fill in the traffic target to solid color rather than outline format, when it was further above and below me than standard TCAS would do. This was to ensure that if something shows up within 2000' of my altitude while doing aerobatics, it's blatantly visible on screen if I miss it out the window. Standard TCAS coloring shades proximate traffic within 6nm and +/- 1200'. I increased mine to +/- 2000' because you can burn up 1000' of altitude real fast doing aerobatics.

Vic's right though, keep your head on a swivel. Especially related to the altitude readout of the other guy. Those numbers aren't always accurate, as they're driven by someone else's altitude encoder who's accuracy you can't guarantee.

For me, flying during the eclipse was a heck of a ride, and without having some sort of traffic device in the plane, would have probably been far more relaxing but far less safe for me. I was on the line of totality and man were there a lot of planes out there in Oregon that day! One came within 150' vertically and 1/4 mile or less as we orbited at 10,500'. Guess I was glad I had NavWorX at that time, as they showed up constantly.
I don't know that you're exactly saying what Vic said. I take Vic's comments to be more along the lines of:

ALWAYS keep your head on a swivel, DESPITE your traffic information, because even if you have said information, it may not be accurate. Just because your fancy gadget shows you're going to clear someone by 500' doesn't mean you will. If I'm wrong, please Vic, grab your flight glove and whack me on the face. :)

Yes, I was most definitely trying to empasize the need to keep the eyeballs out the window and not focused on the panel. Yes, I've been very much aware of the "coasting" since day one. I still don't like it, especially in high training environments. Airplanes constantly or abrubtly maneuvering can cause loss of signal due to antenna shading, and the coasting aspect can misleading. Perhaps there should be algorithms that only coast a target if it has been on the same path and altitude for so many seconds, I don't know.

What I do know is that a near midair because the aircraft did not match the last known reported altitude just a second prior will REALLY get your attention. This one was not an encoder error, as it was clear the aircraft was maneuvering.

So the wrapper is that I am NOT dissing our traffic awareness tools that have become available to us in the cockpit. Actually, I'm amazed at times how many are displayed and I can't visually find no matter how hard I look (yes, I have 20/20 vision). I'm sure many of you experience the same thing. It's clearly not a big empty sky. Most midairs tend to happen where there are higher volumes of air traffic, such as in the traffic patterns or practice areas (most of Florida!). It's in those areas that I think we need it to be reliable and accurate.

As with any new technology we've all seen, there are bugs and deficiencies to be worked out upon initial introduction. Eventually it will be worked out. In the meantime, use ADSB as an aid but do continue to practice the scanning techniques we were all taught when we learned to fly. :)

EchoUAT software updates

I just happened to look at uAvionix' web page, updated system and transceiver software downloads were posted yesterday. On the transceiver software download page, the following was posted:

Released 1/19/2018
Changes TIS traffic handling to resolve traffic 'flashing' on some displays

It appears that uAvionix isn't sitting still. I'm going to update and give it a spin later today.
I just happened to look at uAvionix' web page, updated system and transceiver software downloads were posted yesterday. On the transceiver software download page, the following was posted:

Released 1/19/2018
Changes TIS traffic handling to resolve traffic 'flashing' on some displays

It appears that uAvionix isn't sitting still. I'm going to update and give it a spin later today.

Yes. Just downloaded and flew out of Pecan in Texas. Until now, it has been difficult to pick up even 1 tower at any altitude. Today, 1 tower at 1300', 2 towers at 1600' and 6 towers at 3000'. Very poor day to be flying (wind) so very few targets to analyze. Hopefully disappearing target issue is gone as well though I am curious about the "coasting" conversations. All in all, it has been a good day. Watching UAvionix jump on an issue is sooooooo refreshing after dealing with mysterious Navworx personnel. Thank you Shane and Ryan at UAvionix.

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soon to install mine

So those who have the GRT display, mine is the sport, in the set up screen do you have it set as standard? at the ADS-B in GPS Type.
Software upgrade

Where on the ipad is the best place to save the software downloads so the echo can read them? ie., dropbox, pdf file, pages
Where on the ipad is the best place to save the software downloads so the echo can read them? ie., dropbox, pdf file, pages

I don?t know if you can update from an iPad though it would be handy. I?ve updated from both a Windows and Mac laptop. Both worked. If your iPad is running iOS 11.xx there is now a ?Files? folder depicted as an icon on the screen, where you can store various file types. That might work if the web interface recognizes it.
I don?t know if you can update from an iPad though it would be handy. I?ve updated from both a Windows and Mac laptop. Both worked. If your iPad is running iOS 11.xx there is now a ?Files? folder depicted as an icon on the screen, where you can store various file types. That might work if the web interface recognizes it.

I updated mine today with a PC Tablet (while flying). So far no issues, but it was a short flight. I'll fly more this week to further test for "Flashing"....
I save my updates to the icloud drive on the ipad then download from there. I installed the new updates and flew today and didn't see any traffic disappearing. More testing to follow.

I save my updates to the icloud drive on the ipad then download from there. I installed the new updates and flew today and didn't see any traffic disappearing. More testing to follow.


Good to know. I?ll try that next time. I flew yesterday with the latest upgrades but I was too low and the flights were too short to draw any conclusions. Tomorrow, weather permitting.
I flew 0.3 today with the latest firmware and there was a fair amount of traffic in the area. Seemed to be better with no traffic noticeably disappearing. I won't know for sure if it is better until I have a decent cross country trip, but so far, looks like an improvement.
Uavionix ECHO UAT software update

I had the navworx 600 EXP, (which I loved), and have replaced it with the Echo UAT. First of all thanks to Uavionix for stepping up to the plate and helping out with the navworx mess! I've installed the echo and with the first few flights experienced what everyone was reporting here, the dropping out of targets only to have them reappear at some point. I've since installed the three updates, wifi, system and transceiver software. I did manage a short flight this evening and am happy to report targets are stable. I didn't notice even one dropping off but I did't fly very long so time will tell. I can report the software updates seem to be a great improvement in the operation of the unit. Uavionix seems to be on top of things and listens to their customers. I've received great support/questions answered from both Ryan and Shane at Uavionix.
If you touch the ECHO symbol at the top of the App setup page with two fingers at the same time, it opens up an advanced setup section at the bottom of the page. They had me change SDA to 2 and Transponder Threshold to 1450.

What precipitated the SDA and threshold changes? Was it based on a failure on the FAA performance report? Is there another way to monitor performance from an on board tablet or smartphone? Are these adjustments documented somewhere?

Hopefully, Uavionix is passing on what they did to Dynon so it can be replicated in the Uavionix ADS-B In box that Dynon is selling.
Mine gave up a good report out out of the box. It seems to work as well as the NW unit, stable targets.
I have not updated the software yet.
Mine is sniffing the 327 xponder and wired to a 430W
Tim Andres
GRT Garmin ECHO SkyFx

I helped an RV8 owner this week with his wiring diagram. He is interfacing 327 transponder and GRT HX EFIS screens. Switching over from ARINC 429 to RS232 into a Grand Rapids serial port on pin 23. If anyone is wiring a similar install, and needs help, let us know. (minimal install headache plan, and not open the connector shells at all on the HX)
Great Support - Fixed Problem

When I did the initial install of my NavworxEXP replacement boxes (Echo + SkyFx, using my Garmin 56 antenna), I could not get an FAA report-- "failed to generate a report", and the traffic was disappearing. uAvionix support (Shane and Ryan) worked with me to fix the problem. They sent me a complete new setup with harnesses and fittings. I did the install, keeping the G56 antenna and my DeltaPop UAT antenna.

After configuring the system, using the app on my iPhone, I could tell things were going to be better. I have done several flights since the install. The FAA reports have come back clean, and with the latest version of the software (.15), the traffic issue seems to be resolved.

Terrific support and many thanks to Shane and Ryan.

I helped an RV8 owner this week with his wiring diagram. He is interfacing 327 transponder and GRT HX EFIS screens. Switching over from ARINC 429 to RS232 into a Grand Rapids serial port on pin 23. If anyone is wiring a similar install, and needs help, let us know. (minimal install headache plan, and not open the connector shells at all on the HX)

So he?s using the Echo with the SkyFyx gps? I didn?t think you could input from a transponder and external gps.
Mine is sniffing, not hard wired. If there?s a way to wire it I?d like to know how.
Im using it with a 430W
Thanks, Tim Andres
So he?s using the Echo with the SkyFyx gps? I didn?t think you could input from a transponder and external gps.
Mine is sniffing, not hard wired. If there?s a way to wire it I?d like to know how.
Im using it with a 430W
Thanks, Tim Andres
I hate to reply like I know what I'm doing. But on my install, Pin 20 from the GTX-327 is the Serial One output to the Echo UAT. It goes into the Com One In position of the ECHO UAT. The GTX-327 Serial One output must be configured to REMOTE. Then see page 41 of the ECHO install manual for the ECHO App configuration using the hard wired GTX-327.
I hate to reply like I know what I'm doing. But on my install, Pin 20 from the GTX-327 is the Serial One output to the Echo UAT. It goes into the Com One In position of the ECHO UAT. The GTX-327 Serial One output must be configured to REMOTE. Then see page 41 of the ECHO install manual for the ECHO App configuration using the hard wired GTX-327.

So your using it with the Skyfyx then. I?m using serial 1 (in) for ADSB+ info from the 430W.

BTW got a good report on mine (no yellow or red boxes), then updated the sw and now I get no squawk or pressure altitude. Looks like nothing changed on the config page. I?ll call them on Monday, I suspect I?m goung to have to tweak it like others have reported.
Just looked at the wiring to the ECHO when you use the GNS-430. I see that you have to use the Com 1 in for ADS-B+. Without seeing the diagram, was thinking that you would have been using the Com 2 In for the GPS Input. I agree with calling for Support. They have been extremely helpful with troubleshooting my problems. I don’t want to go into the details of my problems but I do want to express how gratifying it is to work with a Company who’s actions speak louder than words. A great Company!
I just installed a uAvonix Echo UAT with SkyFYX-EXT bundle in my RV-3B. I have installed half a dozen ADS-B out systems and this one is by far the easiest and quickest installation I have ever done. I am "sniffing" a King KT76A with AmeriKing encoder. I put the Sky-FYX EXt GPS receiver on a bracket under the cowl (per conventional RV wisdom). I put the Echo UAT between the rudder pedals near the battery. The UAT antenna lead to the ball and stick antenna on the belly is only about 8".

Test flight yields FAA ADS-B performance report says all good.

In addition to the Echo I have a GDL-39 3D onboard so my RV can now accommodate any make and model of GPS or smartphone/tablet app from Garmin and Foreflight to iFly and most all others. I have a Garmin aera 660 fed by the GDL-39 3D and use the wifi "in" from the Echo for my smartphone running iFly.

Where on the ipad is the best place to save the software downloads so the echo can read them? ie., dropbox, pdf file, pages

You can update from an iPad or Android. On iPad, you'll need DropBox, Box or GoogleDrive to save the file to. If LTE enabled tablet, you can proceed as you would on a PC or Mac. If it is a WiFi only iPad, you'll need to mark those files in DropBox or Google Drive as Offline or Download to Device. This will allow you to access them while the iPad is connected to the Echo, and not to the internet cloud.

I do this all the time. It's not as simple as on a PC or Mac, but definitely doable.

Shane Woodson
You can update from an iPad or Android. On iPad, you'll need DropBox, Box or GoogleDrive to save the file to. If LTE enabled tablet, you can proceed as you would on a PC or Mac. If it is a WiFi only iPad, you'll need to mark those files in DropBox or Google Drive as Offline or Download to Device. This will allow you to access them while the iPad is connected to the Echo, and not to the internet cloud.

I do this all the time. It's not as simple as on a PC or Mac, but definitely doable.

Shane Woodson

The latest iOS includes a place to store files (called, appropriately enough, "Files"). I downloaded updates to there on my iPad. Navigated to that location and tried an update last week. I can report it also works.
Having trouble with my uAvionnix support ticket

Has anybody had trouble with viewing their uAvionix support tickets? I've been getting emails from them stating that they have commented on my help ticket. They have a link in the email which I click and that takes me to my ticket but I don't see a reply from them. At the bottom there is a button that says "load newer replies" which I click but I still don't see anything. I've logged out and logged back in...nothing. What's the trick here?
Echo configuration parameters?

I finally got a chance to get a good test flight in today. Apparently the Echo was causing enough altitude errors that ATC asked me to turn mode C off. After about five minutes I asked if I could turn mode C back to ALT and turn my ADS-B off, which they approved. I had no more problems for the rest of the flight.

I read some people adjusted the Echo parameters to SDA=2 and Transponder Threshold=1450 (I currently have 1 and 1600). Is this reasonable? I'm not sure what these numbers represent, so I hesitate to to just change them randomly! I'm configured to sniff the transponder ("Transponder Monitor"), so I'm assuming these parameters are adjusting the sensitivity of the sniff.

For what it's worth, my PAPR report showed 6.98% errors for Baro Alt A. But apparently that was enough for ATC to not trust it!
I had to go to 1450 to get a good report, didn?t change anything else and got ?no color? on my report, ie it passed with no problems.
I think I?d call those guys before changing anything, they are easy to get in touch with and very helpful...and it might help them make adjustments to the default settings as it seems many of us have had to make changes.
Tim Andres
Has anybody had trouble with viewing their uAvionix support tickets? I've been getting emails from them stating that they have commented on my help ticket. They have a link in the email which I click and that takes me to my ticket but I don't see a reply from them. At the bottom there is a button that says "load newer replies" which I click but I still don't see anything. I've logged out and logged back in...nothing. What's the trick here?

Yes me too.
Their website lists an email for support issues now. Looks like they have changed their support system.

I finally got a chance to get a good test flight in today. Apparently the Echo was causing enough altitude errors that ATC asked me to turn mode C off. After about five minutes I asked if I could turn mode C back to ALT and turn my ADS-B off, which they approved. I had no more problems for the rest of the flight.

I read some people adjusted the Echo parameters to SDA=2 and Transponder Threshold=1450 (I currently have 1 and 1600). Is this reasonable? I'm not sure what these numbers represent, so I hesitate to to just change them randomly! I'm configured to sniff the transponder ("Transponder Monitor"), so I'm assuming these parameters are adjusting the sensitivity of the sniff.

For what it's worth, my PAPR report showed 6.98% errors for Baro Alt A. But apparently that was enough for ATC to not trust it!

On another thread nick from Dallas Avionics said that there was another harness available that allowed hard wire of altitude encoder data to the echouat. I think that would be the best solution.
Ran another PAPR, today

I have the uAvionix replacement setup for my NavworxEXP. I "sniff" the G327 using SDA 2, and 1450 for sensitivity. Getting my GPS position from a G56 antenna feeding the Skyfx, output is on a Deltapop UAT blade antenna -- display is on my AFS5600T and my iFly740.

With the latest software upgrades from uAvionix and AFS, I have had not issues with traffic, and have had (2) PAPR reports within the last 6 weeks. Absolutely no issues.

I am confident that the uAvionix folks have done a good job with their Navworx replacement.


Love the replacement unit so far, but there's one nagging issue. Whenever I'm near a large, class b airport, I'm getting a constant traffic alert with my own N number displayed. Goes away when away from the large airport. Anybody have this issue or an idea how to fix it?
Follow up on Echo configuration

To follow up on my report from yesterday - I changed the "Transponder Threshold" from 1600 to 1450 (didn't change the SDA parameter) and that seems to have fixed it. I contacted the local approach control who had a problem with my altitude yesterday and today they said it was solid.

I just wanted to let everyone know the results of the change!
Love the replacement unit so far, but there's one nagging issue. Whenever I'm near a large, class b airport, I'm getting a constant traffic alert with my own N number displayed. Goes away when away from the large airport. Anybody have this issue or an idea how to fix it?

Having same issue. Seems to be intermittent so I suspect it is what is being rebroadcast. I?m displaying on a AFS 4500 and it apparently doesn?t filter own N number. Others have reported as ?ghosting?.
I installed the echoUat and skyfx. I could not get the skyfx to receive a gps signal with at garmin 56. I tried another garmin 56 nothing. Uavionix sent me a portable style test waas antenna and bingo it worked. I installed a new garmin waas GPS antenna and everything is good. How are people getting their garmin 56 antenna to work with the skyfx?
No problem with the 56

I have used the same G56 for the Navworx and now, for my uAvionix Skyfx and have no problem getting clean reports.
