Piper J3

Well Known Member
Is this going to be an option for 2020 ADS-B compliance?



I couldn't find a price listed.
You will need a transponder that can "talk" with this device digitally.
They're probably waiting for Navworx and the FAA to sort out what "complies with the performance requirements but is not TSO'd" really means.
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If I'm reading UAVIONIX home page correctly it looks like they have a UK approved unit available now for 600 pounds = $737 USD

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I have no idea of UK rules, but in the US:
1. The FAA has said it will not approve portable units for "out"
2. "out" on 1090 MHz is restricted to mode S-ES transponders. Is this device also a transponder?

Edit: I see on their home page, it says "Designed for Drones and Unmanned aircraft". I have no idea what the rules are for them.
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The UK CAA CAP1391 approval doesn't satisfy the ADS-B OUT mandate for controlled airspace and it can only be used in aircraft that aren't equipped with a transponder. The aim is to provide devices that improve situational awareness only.
I didn't mean to imply that the UK was acceptable in the US - I was just trying to get some sense of cost.

We will have to wait and see if the echo ATU-20 ADS-B Transceiver for Light Sport (LSA) and Experimental Aircraft will be accepted by the FAA especially in light of the Navworx fiasco. Looks like it would be a simple install...
uAvionix actually sells one of their other products the ping buddy here in the US. It's however just a receiver for both the 978 UAT and ES and ground transmitters. I bought one thru Adventure Pilot about a month ago and flew with it a couple hours outside the class B around ATL. See another post here on VAF. It reported back Wx and traffic very well however the traffic was result of someone else pinging the ground station. But in the hi traffic areas there is always someone around. I think it may be technology like this that actually come thru with an affordable ADS B solution for GA, The size and apparent compactness of this device is amazing. I hope the FAA will come to realize the potential for innovative product producers like this. Remember this ADS B thing is international not just the US. The rest of the world has got to have them also. I think the digital compact size of these devices may be the answer to all of the TSOd parts that make up the other products. The ping buddy is really all built on one small chip.

uAvionix actually sells one of their other products the ping buddy here in the US. It's however just a receiver for both the 978 UAT and ES and ground transmitters.

I concur. I just got a Ping Buddy a week ago and the size is amazing.
I got a note from uAvonix that they will be launching the EchoUAT 2020 compliant ADS-B at the Sun n Fun Airshow, the first week of April. The retail price will be $999 for the base EchoUAT w/o GPS. They will also be releasing the SkyFYX GPS approved source in the coming weeks for $500 or less. So if you have a approved GPS source in your plane, the cost would only be $999, otherwise about $1499. The EchoUAT is for Experimental and Light Sport aircraft. This might be a good alternative for earlier RV-12 with the Dynon D-180 and Garmin GTX-327 Transponder.

See http://www.uavionix.com/products/echo-uat/
Beta Testers Wanted for uAvionix ADS-B Transceiver

Hey guys,

uAvionix will be releasing a new ADS-B Transceiver for Exp/LSA, very soon. We've done extensive testing internally and are now seeking some various aircraft configuration field tests.

With that said, we highly value the opinion of Van's owners and the VansAirForce pilot community... and thus the reason we'd like to inquire if there are some interested, technical pilots that would like to be testers for this new ADS-B product. You'd work with us to install and perform some flight performance reports.

We'll provide the ADS-B equipment and technical support, you provide the install and flight test. We'll make sure it's mutually beneficial for your efforts. Below are some basic avionics we are looking to include.

Desireable aircraft configurations would include having some of the following equipment:

EFIS (touchscreen) w/ compliant WAAS GPS Source:
  • Dynon Skyview
  • MGL Avionics EFIS
  • Advanced Flight Systems EFIS

Transponder (Mode C or Mode S):
  • Garmin 327, 330
  • Sandia, SL70, etc.
  • Bendix King KT76, Narco, Becker, Trig, etc.

Installed compliant WAAS GPS onboard...

Note: We will have our own GPS option too, but for these test we want to focus on third party rule compliant GPS sources.

Please understand, I don't want this post to come off as advertising so I won't post a link. It's already on the thread. Please use the Contact Us option to express your interest and we'll contact you promptly with further details on these tests.

Shane - uAvionix Team
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Welcome to VAF!


Good to have you here, the wealth of information and knowledge here will amaze you.

Best of luck with the new unit.
I'm willing

RV 6 with GRT Mini-x, Garmin 327. Willing to install GRT 2020 GPS at my expense. Engineer and testing background.
Another Beta test volunteer

RV-9A with GRT HXr and Garmin 327. Also willing to install GRT's GPS at my own expense.


Will there be a version of your equipment for certified aircraft? I live near Austin, not too far from Waxahachie, and would be glad to work on any testing using my Cessna 172E. I don't understand why an experimental plane should be treated any different than a commercially built plane in terms of providing ADS-B Out information to all the other planes flying in the same airspace.
I spoke to the folks at the Uavionix booth at length on Friday and came away impressed. The unit is 2/3 the size of a deck of cards. They aren't quite ready to release a GPS, which will be required to complete the installation, but you're basically looking at an antenna, and there shouldn't be any surprises there.

The nice thing about their solution is that it electronically sniffs the information your transponder is sending out (no need for a transmon or other intermediate hardware like with Navworx). That should simplify installation - power, ground, tx/receive antenna, and GPS antenna and you're done.

In addition, the FAA had a booth in one of the building staffed with some of their ADSB experts. Without prompting, they mentioned Uavionix as a vendor which seems to be going at things the right way. Their (the FAA's) recommendation was to ask the "experimental" vendors for documentation that their unit(s) have passed the compliance tests. Don't take someone's word for it.

Level Aviation also had an interesting product - a blade antenna with all of the ADS-B hardware built-in. Bolt it to the bottom of the airplane, and you should be ADS-B compliant. Unfortunately, that solution does not offer "in" at this time. I got the sense from the FAA guys that Level isn't quite as far along the development path as Uavionix.
GRT Sport 200 SX EFIS.
DualGPS 170 ADS- B In feeds to the GRT via USB hub and portable devices via bluetooth.

Will put the GRT Safe-Fly 2020 GPS into the EFIS as position source or the SkyFYX 2020. I think I need to use the GRT WAAS as it comes with added serial ports.

The GRT EFIS altimeter feeds the encoded altitude of the KT-76A via grey code out.

Going in question, when squawking 1200, will the N# and ICAO octal randomize?
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ADS-B Testing Australia

Hi Shane,

I have emailed in direct to your company, however, no reply, so thought I would drop a line here.

I am happy to test ADS-B in in Australia as we only have 1090 down here and no UAT.

I have been working with AFS for years on the options of ADS-B in technology, especially for this market and would be happy to help.

Happy for a PM.

Level Aviation also had an interesting product - a blade antenna with all of the ADS-B hardware built-in. Bolt it to the bottom of the airplane, and you should be ADS-B compliant. Unfortunately, that solution does not offer "in" at this time. the development path as Uavionix.

For those with a portable GPS like iFly 740, add a uAvionix Ping (ADS-B IN) that plugs into the GPS USB port and you are good to go for an additional $135.
...Will put the GRT Safe-Fly 2020 GPS into the EFIS as position source or the SkyFYX 2020. I think I need to use the GRT WAAS as it comes with added serial ports...

I have a dual GRT SX display with a 327. I did purchase the uAvioni echoUAT unit (my intention was to just window shop this year...but I liked what I saw) and also decided to go with the GRT Safe-Fly GPS. I liked the added serial ports feature of the the GPS because I am currently using all but one of my EFIS ports.

The only disappointment was that the uAvioni unit was not discounted at the show but GRT had their GPS unit discounted $100.
I have a 9A with dual GRT HX, Garmin 327. Currently have a GDL39 with externally mounted ADSB antennae for ADSB-IN feeding a Garmin 695 GPS and Foreflight/Garmin Pilot on an Ipad 2.

Would like to sign up as a tester.
Take a close look at the new Dynon ADS-B in box they just announced and you'll see the uAvionix logo. Wondering now if I can just install the uAvionix IN device and not have to deal with the trade-in option and cost.
ASDB / Mode S

I talked with these guys at Sun 'n Fun ... very interesting engineers. GRT is going to route out the top of their GPS to mount this box to make one very small package. Interestingly, they will have a ADSB/Mode S unit available if I remember correctly in the 1200-1600 range. The GRT or most GLASS will be able to set the code, like with any remote mounted transponder. Oh ... it will also have WiFi out for tablets.

A company to watch.

N142DS RV6-A
Echo Installed

I finished the install of the Echo today and the setup app says that it's working although I haven't test flown it yet. I'm getting the 2020 compliant GPS from the GNS430W and the install was pretty easy. I had to make a couple of calls to Uavionix support and they (Ryan) were very helpful.

Another Volunteer testbed ...

Dual GRT Sport SX with Garmin 327. Will purchase the GRT SafeFly GPS upgrade.
How many of you above in the process of the install are considering the wireless transponder interface?
Just to add a positive note dealing with the uAvioni support staff...they responded to my written questions the following morning. The pilot/installation manual did not specify what size CB was required, nor stated the minimum separation distance required between the transponder and ADS-B antennas.

Support replied that a 1 amp CB is sufficient and the ADS-B antenna should be mounted a minimum of one meter from the transponder antenna. The reference to the CB is now on page 14 of the online manual. The antenna info has not been updated.

I installed the antenna today and ran the RG-400 through the center tunnel. Haven't decided where I am going to locate the transceiver yet. The limiting factor is the maximum length of coax. It cannot exceed 2.59 meters to limit db loss. My current thinking is to mount the unit under the instrument panel near the tunnel.

I opted for the GRT Sky-Safe 2020 GPS. It is on backorder so I am taking a time-out from the project.
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I have an old Garmin 327 so this could work for me. The options keep coming if I keep waiting.
Support replied that a 1 amp CB is sufficient and the ADS-B antenna should be mounted a minimum of one meter from the transponder antenna. The reference to the CB is now on page 14 of the online manual. The antenna info has not been updated.

The minimum distance that the ADS-B antenna can be mounted from the transponder antenna (1 meter) is now posted on page 17 of the online manual.
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Completed the installation of my Uavionix Echo yesterday and did a test flight this morning. I requested a performance report from the FAA but probably won't get it until Monday. If your equipment is not listed in the normal performance report you have to email a request for one. I did see my N number on flightradar24 so I know it's putting out data. I used my GNS430w for the 2020 compliant gps so the total cost was just the $1000 for the Echo. Now keeping my fingers crossed for a good report.

Is anyone installing the ECHO-ATU-20 in an older RV-12? I have GTX327 so will need both the ADS-B transceiver and UAVIONIX SkyFYX GOS source. Looks like $1500 would take of of it. Probably going to pull out the credit card this summer at AirVenture.

I'm wondering if the SkyFYX GPS antenna will fit next to my Garmin 296 antenna under the cowling? Can they co-exist side by side?

Looking forward to the ADS-B "in" via WIFI to my mini iPad running ForeFlight for both traffic and weather. Nice added benefit...
Installation Manual Updates

GRT Sky-Safe 2020 GPS Installation Manual (page 15):

GRT has updated the wiring diagram connections for the uatECHO with GRT EFIS configurations.

uAvionix uatEcho Installation Manual page 13):

Pin #1 on the 6 pin connector now identified (this information was previously missing).
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GRT Sky-Safe 2020 GPS Installation Manual (page 15):
GRT has updated the wiring diagram connections for the uatECHO with GRT EFIS configurations...

Yesterday I submitted the following question to GRT Technical Support:

On 5/7/2017 9:47 AM, Tom & Cathy Valenia wrote:
Your wiring diagram on page 15 of the installation manual shows the ADB-B receiver output passes through the Serial Combiner to the EFIS via the GPS unit. Isn?t this contrary to the statement below?

Devices that provide large amounts of data at high baud rates (38400+), such as ADS-B receivers or XM weather will function through the combiner, but could exceed the capacity of the combiner and reduce the available data that could be passed through the other serial ports. For this reason, high data rate devices must be wired directly to the display unit to avoid data loss.

Tom Valenzia

GRT Response:

Yes. That was copied from a diagram that uAvionix came up with for the echo. Ideally the ADS-B output should go to a dedicated input on the EFIS if you have one available. uAvionix may have tested the echo in this configuration and designed or found it does not overload the serial combiner. We need to talk to everyone involved to make sure that will work without data loss.

Jeff DeFouw <[email protected]>
GRT Avionics, Inc.
Big Issue with uAvionix when using a G430W for GPS position

The uAvionix echo UAT can only accept the G430W GPS position on its COM2 In Port, and the G430W only outputs at 9600 Baud. The echoUAT can then only TX on COM2 at 9600 Baud. COM2 TX is the only serial port that can output Serial TFC & WX (to an EFIS) so it then can only send out TFC & WX at 9600 Baud,

COM1 cannot be used for sending out TFC or WX, only UAT control.

So if you plan on using your G430W for GPS position this UAT will only be usable over WIFI for TFC & WX since 38400 Baud is the bare minimum for usable TFC & WX for ADSB, and preferred is 115200 Baud and neither are possible when using the G430W.

I just learned this integration lesson the hard way.

For example NAVWORX in its setup SW can limit the number/sec of TFC & WX messages that are sent to the EFIS so if you are using 38400 Baud you can make sure your COM Port is not overloaded. No such option exists in the uAvionix SW, and 9600 Buad is so slow as to be out of the question.

If you get a stand alone approved WAAS GPS that can output its Serial data at 115200 Baud then there should not be any echoUAT COM issues for a wired EFIS.

*** Update, I just got a call from uAvionix and they are looking to see if they can fix this issue in their software. So standby..

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"For example NAVWORX in its setup SW can limit the number/sec of TFC & WX messages that are sent to the EFIS so if you are using 38400 Baud you can make sure your COM Port is not overloaded. No such option exists in the uAvionix SW, and 9600 Buad is so slow as to be out of the question."

What is SW?
installed EchoUAT

I bought two EchoUAT units at Sun n Fun. I installed the first in our RV7a and have been test flying. I have an Avidyne 540 in the panel and uAvionics had not tested with Avidyne. Thanks to excellent support from Ryan, it is now working. I have many successful ADSB performance reports so it is working well.

The 540 has the option for ADSB+ G2 which is at a 38400 speed. I also have asked for the data out to come from the other IO port at 115200. I expect them to add that option to their software.

I have installed the second EchoUAT in our RV10 this week as we completed the annual condition inspection and expect to fly it next week.

This is a good option for an experimental airplane.

For Garmin 430w people, Uavionix now has a new app to fix the traffic problem as stated above. Android users can get the app now but iphone users will have to wait until about next Monday. Apple apparently has a waiting of 72 hrs for new apps. I talked to Ryan at Echo tech support and he said it will entail changing 1 wire to com 1 and then reprogramming the Echo. I got a passing performance report today, all done outside "rule" airspace and about 25 minutes of flying.

software version

Dan, good news, are you using software version 2.1 from their web page? or did Ryan send you beta software?

We should add that software updates are easily done over wifi with a notebook computer. And configuration changes are done
from iPad or Android tablet.

Good job uAvionic!!
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Software version

I don't know what version it is because I had a problem with my original unit and they shipped me a new one. I got it yesterday, installed it and test flew it today. I was assuming it had the latest because it's brand new. Great customer service in my opinion.

Passed our ADS-B flight test tonight with echoUAT and Garmin 430W with ADS-B+ out. Thanks, uAvionix for all the support.
For all the Garmin 430W users, Uavionix has issued a software update for the Echo (version 2.4) and an update for the iphone app today.

The uAvionix echo UAT can only accept the G430W GPS position on its COM2 In Port, and the G430W only outputs at 9600 Baud. The echoUAT can then only TX on COM2 at 9600 Baud. COM2 TX is the only serial port that can output Serial TFC & WX (to an EFIS) so it then can only send out TFC & WX at 9600 Baud...

So if you plan on using your G430W for GPS position this UAT will only be usable over WIFI for TFC & WX since 38400 Baud is the bare minimum for usable TFC & WX for ADSB, and preferred is 115200 Baud and neither are possible when using the G430W.

I just learned this integration lesson the hard way.

*** Update, I just got a call from uAvionix and they are looking to see if they can fix this issue in their software. So standby..


This is my hangup with this unit, my AFS EFIS prefers 115,200 baud input for ADSB. Dan are you saying this has been addressed with their latest software change? Has anybody verified the higher baud rate?
Noah, This has all been fixed by the new app update and Echo software update. I can send you a new wiring diagram if you want. It entails changing the traffic out to your efis to pin 3 instead of pin 5 on the Echo and that pin supports 115200 baud. I finished the new configuration today but haven't flight tested it yet due to poor weather here.

Dan Decker
PIREP on 2.4 software

I flew with the new 2.4 software twice this week and can verify that you can indeed move the traffic/weather data out to the other serial port and run it at 115200. The config app was on Android Monday evening so I got Ryan to send the new software to me and flew on Tuesday in between storms rolling through the area and the radar, traffic, and metars all showed up on my GRT HX EFIS. The radar really showed the difference in serial speed with good updates as the storms moved through our area. Today, when the weather is much better, I went for another flight to verify and it works! The config app is now available to run on an iPad also.

The ADSB out continues to be solid with good ADSB Performance reports.

This is a good solution if you have ADSB+ available from your panel mounted Garmin or Avidyne GPS. OR you can buy the GRT GPS.
I should know the answer to this... Does the UAVIONIX ECHO UAT ADS-B Transceiver qualify for the $500 FAA rebate program when installed in an experimental airplane?