As Mel stated in the previous thread here, it's a nylon insert, rather than blue loctite.

Just to be completely clear, this is not actually an "insert" into the screw, it is a coating on the surface of the screw threads (this can be seen if you look at it under magnification). It doesn't look all that impressive, but I have no problem believing it will be effective.
Hi Roy, what was the postage marked on your envelope? I apologize that you owed extra postage. The post office is not making it easy on me to get the right number on there. Thanks!

Please....forget about it.
I appreciate you getting them to me.
Have all of the requests for screws been fulfilled? I have not received mine and I updated the web site requesting them weeks and weeks ago.
I also have made 2 separate requests for the screws, but have not received them yet. No confirmation that the requests were ever actually received by TruTrak either.
Still not here

Likewise, I requested the screw shortly after they were made available, but have not received them yet. I'm not griping, just giving another data point since others have also not gotten them.
I haven't got the screws nor confirmation that request was received, but when you're on the other side of the world you've gotta be patient :)
Got them!

Right after I read about the fix being posted, I went to the TruTrak website and ordered the screws for the -6A flying and the -7A under construction. I received them about two weeks later. I must have been in the first shipment.
they are slammed

I called trutrak because the web submission form didn't give any positive confirmation. They acknowledged that the form might have a problem there, but they are still getting the submissions. They've gotten hundreds of requests in the past week or so, and they are "processing them in the order received".

So, yes, I guess a little patience will help here.
We're working through them as fast as possible. I'd like some feedback from those that have received them on whether or not the updated postage was sufficient. Also, as I'm sure you've noticed, I've had to write the addresses by hand so far. I will have to continue to do this until we get the form updated to an exportable format. Then we can print mailing labels, which will speed the process up considerably. Thanks for your patience everyone!
We're working through them as fast as possible. I'd like some feedback from those that have received them on whether or not the updated postage was sufficient. Also, as I'm sure you've noticed, I've had to write the addresses by hand so far. I will have to continue to do this until we get the form updated to an exportable format. Then we can print mailing labels, which will speed the process up considerably. Thanks for your patience everyone!

Lukas - postage was fine on mine (looks like it was $0.83).
We're working through them as fast as possible. I'd like some feedback from those that have received them on whether or not the updated postage was sufficient. Also, as I'm sure you've noticed, I've had to write the addresses by hand so far. I will have to continue to do this until we get the form updated to an exportable format. Then we can print mailing labels, which will speed the process up considerably. Thanks for your patience everyone!

Mine was here when we picked up the mail after returning from vacation. Looks like it was postmarked on the 9th and it had an "extra" stamp on it. No extra charge to us. Thanks Lucas!
Redirected to!

Yep, I was redirected to that same site! :confused: And did not get a confirmation either. So I emailed Lucas. He mailed back that it should be alright. lets wait for a week or two. I am not flying yet anyway.

Regards, Tonny.
Mine Had Loctite On Them

Installed my replacement screws this weekend. Once exposing the servos it's a piece of cake to do.

For the record, my old screws were loctited.

For the record, my old screws were loctited.

Ted, Glad your's were OK.

For the record........Mine were NOT. They were mildely tight but were a piece of cake to remove. I have a friend that left his in as he could not break the Locktite.

It may be interesting to see a poll of how many were "easy to remove probably no Locktite" and how many were "difficult to impossible to remove, probably were placed with Locktite." :)

This poll would need the ability to place an answer for the number of servos were serviced.
I got mine

I received mine several weeks ago, but didn't install them (still building) until last week. Installation was easy and yip, had enough postage. Only have one servo but received two screws. Of course I'll mail the other back, of course...
Medium Loctite

The blue Loctite is a medium hold product and can be broken with a firm-but-not-difficult twist on the screw driver. Mine came out relatively easy but both showed the blue-gray discoloration of blue Loctite and exhibited moderate resistance to the initial twist.

In addition to replacing the screw, I built a simple "fence" to prevent the pitch servo screw from backing out even if the screw becomes loose. I plan to only replace the screw on the roll servo as the chance for a jam seems low given the space adjacent the servo.
What is this about?

I have a TruTrak Digiflight IIVS and I saw this thread but I cant figure out what the problem was and if I need to fix my servo or not. Can someone clarify or send me the link to the original problem that prompted this fix?
My screws were bare

I have a TruTrak Digiflight IIVS and I saw this thread but I cant figure out what the problem was and if I need to fix my servo or not. Can someone clarify or send me the link to the original problem that prompted this fix?
Here is what started it all:

I just replaced my screws a couple of weeks ago during my condition inspection. I had torque seal on them, so I knew they were OK prior to replacement, but when I removed them, there was no Locktite.
Got my screws today. There seems to be some dab of blue paint on them. It does not seem special? I think a bit of locktite will be in order . Any comments.
It's an insert

Got my screws today. There seems to be some dab of blue paint on them. It does not seem special? I think a bit of locktite will be in order . Any comments.
That blue paint is actually a nylon insert. You can always add locktite, but shouldn't be necessary.
Got my screws today. There seems to be some dab of blue paint on them. It does not seem special? I think a bit of locktite will be in order . Any comments.

The screws are from Nylok. The blue patch is a piece of permanently bonded nylon threadlocker. There is no need for locktite on the new screws. Thanks!
The blue Loctite is a medium hold product and can be broken with a firm-but-not-difficult twist on the screw driver. Mine came out relatively easy but both showed the blue-gray discoloration of blue Loctite and exhibited moderate resistance to the initial twist.

For the record.......mine were mildely tight but were a piece of cake to remove.

I should have mentioned that I looked for a Loctite color (purple, blue or red) on my screws and there was none present.

I am thankful that TruTrak came up with a solution and that I replaced the screws.
I agree - I think that we need to wait for the Tru Tech Solution before we either apply our own fixes OR congratulate anyone.


Yea, I wouldn't get to congratulating until you've experienced the real Trutrak.

TT wants a $150 for brkts up front so I innitiate the following correspondence:

Email between me and TT:

A bunch of blah, blah, blah and then I ask: What I want to know is: Will I get a $150 credit for not needing the brkts. when I order my next AP?

TT reply:

Unfortunately, you will not receive a credit on your next purchase. We include the hardware at no charge when servos or a full AP system are ordered from us. However, when a system is bought second hand and the customer just needs new hardware, it is not cost effective for us to just give away the hardware. When you order your new system (if it's for the same plane) just specify that you don't need the hardware. Thanks!

They are claiming the hardware is "free" Paleeease, nothing is free. Then they request that I specifically DON'T request the hardware in the future? WTF?

So I reply with this:

Why would I specify that if you will not give me a credit? If I am paying for the hardware a 2nd time I would expect to get it.

TT's 2nd reply:

We do not charge you for the hardware on orders containing servos. It is always included free of charge (except for a few installations that require an immense amount of fabrication). When you order another DII system, you will not be paying for the hardware again, however you will also not need it if your plane still has the brackets installed. Thanks!

What a bunch of BS! Like I said before NOTHING is free!

TT does NOT impress me and I hope GRT makes an AP that kicks their; You know what.
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TruTrak is a great product, but...

I've been patiently waiting for screws for way too long. C'mon guys. There's no excuse for being this slow to respond to an issue worth putting a bulletin out on.

Don Hall
I've been patiently waiting for screws for way too long. C'mon guys. There's no excuse for being this slow to respond to an issue worth putting a bulletin out on.

Don Hall[/QUOTE

They were very quick to send mine after I registered at their site. If you did already register, give them a call and I'm sure that they will promptly send them out to you.
i think their customer service is being overwhelmed...
i'm still waiting for any reply after i contacted them through email, then website contact form and even personal message to lucas here in the forums (with an issue other than the screws).

at least a short note, "we will get back" or something the like would be appreciated.

kind regards,
Different servo issue

This week during the condition inspection I found a different problem on my roll servo:

This is an early servo that uses three nylon screws on the servo arm. All three nylon screws were loose, and the head had broken off of one of them. If all three had broken I don't think it would have caused a safety problem (the retaining screw is still tight), but it would have prevented the roll control from working.

I called Trutrak and they said to send back the servo and they'd change it to the current style servo arm. When I mentioned that I am planning a trip next week, Lucas agreed to just swap my servo for another (used) one.

As always, I was very impressed with Trutrak's level of service.
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got my screws

I don't even remember how long ago I submitted for the screws, but they finally came. So they are crunching through the list....