Hi Lucas,
I also sent you a PM from your site but it does not show it sent. Hope you have got it.

Updated fix


This solution looks much better than the first clip.

I'd like to see photos of the fix that you'll apply to torque enhancer models - I have two (RV-10 pitch and yaw damper).


Quick update. I received the wrong drawing from engineering. Figures, I'm always the last to know. Updated bulletin with CORRECT drawing is now attached to the first post. The first drawing was a preliminary idea that was tossed around. Imagine my pleasant surprise when the boss looked in on the post and saw the wrong part posted. Oops!


Lucas, Whew! I am relieved, this is a **** of a lot better than the first one. I was beginning to get worried about you guys. Good fix.
The default for copying messages to the sent folder is disabled. You can enable it in the User CP under "Edit Options". Thanks!

I have the default set to NOT copy sent messages to the Sent folder. You can change it in the User CP before sending the message. Also, at the bottom of the message you will see a box to check for copying it into your sent messages folder. Be sure to check that. :)
Lucas, Will TT be sending these parts out to those who got the screws with a blue dot... or do we have to request them?
Anybody having problems on installing on RV-8 pitch servo?

Works like a champ on the aileron servo. When I installed it on my RV-8 pitch servo, it interfers with the longer bracket (L channel) we had to swap out. The 90 degree bend in the new aluminum piece -- from where the screw retainer hole is to the 90 that goes down to the other 90 that holds the pressure on the bottom of the servo -- sticks out too much. So, it hits the right L bracket when it goes to verticle.

Anybody else have this problem and what did you do? Thanks. Dave

SB 060810 reads as follows:

"Recent reports have suggested that there could be a problem with the new integrated thread-locker servo arm screws that HAVE BEEN SENT OUT FOR RETROFIT by customers in the field."

Is this to say that if you never changed out your screws according to the 09 SB, then this SB doesn't apply??
Is this to say that if you never changed out your screws according to the 09 SB, then this SB doesn't apply??

Perhaps the new SB should actually say, "Recent reports have suggested that the new integrated thread-locker servo arm screws do not entirely prevent the screw from backing out in all cases."

IMHO, if you never changed out your screws according to the earlier service bulletin, then you are two service bulletins behind, and you should order the threadlocker screws and the retention arm device immediately.

You might as well do both, because the threadlocker screws do provide a certain amount of improvement over the original screws.
Perhaps the new SB should actually say, "Recent reports have suggested that the new integrated thread-locker servo arm screws do not entirely prevent the screw from backing out in all cases."

IMHO, if you never changed out your screws according to the earlier service bulletin, then you are two service bulletins behind, and you should order the threadlocker screws and the retention arm device immediately.

You might as well do both, because the threadlocker screws do provide a certain amount of improvement over the original screws.

When you read the 09 SB (I didn't own the plane back then). It states that there was a "small percentage" of screws with the problem. So I'm thinking a lot of folks didn't change them or have an issue. The SB only refers to retrofitted screws. Also, lots of references to NEW, but the SB seems to exempt the NEW servos and applies to the "OLD" threadlocker servo arms.

Additionally, I'm not against logical SBs and ADs having owned certifieds and experimentals for 25 years. This one is a freebie (unlike several thousand dollar ones in the certified market). The problem is with many ADs and SBs is that they cause more problems than they cure.
I guess there is no "right answer." There is a definite, doumented problem with the original installation, as well as with the followup "fix." But our aircraft are experimental and we can comply with the SBs or not, based on our own judgement and personal maintenance/inspection practices.

Everyone just needs to keep in mind the event that first brought this issue to light, detailed in the very first posting in this thread:

"There was at least one report here on VAF of a servo arm falling off of the pitch servo, and causing a jammed elevator during a loop – a situation handled with extreme professionalism by the pilot who saved the craft and brought the story back."

I can tell you that until this servo arm issue is fixed with a parts-retrofit that definitely works (and it doesn't in the RV-8 yet), my autopilot pitch servo will remain entirely disconnected from the elevator bellcrank.
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Control system ADs and SBs are not to be taken lightly. I owned a Mooney for 17 years and there was an AD that came out in the early 90s regarding a cracked aileron control rod link found on one plane during an inspection. An AD was created which welded a brace onto the link to strengthen it. Seemed rather benign and I was among the first to install the new link. The first issue was that the new link didn't fit because of the new brace and my IA and I had to grind it down (sort of defeating the purpose)---others didn't do this and had control binding issues. Over the next 6 months there were several incidents of in flight control failure (mostly due to improper installation). I remember one where it occurred in low IFR and the pilot shot an approach with rudder/elevator only.
We have literally thousands of servos in operation for years with almost no problems. We need to weigh this against being test pilots for a new fix that appears to be rudimentary.
Servo retrofit ($75 each)

After receiving my SB brackets and thinking on it some more, I decided to call TruTrak today to see if they could retrofit my servos like they're doing on the -8s. Lucas was out, so I spoke with Zach who indicated they could do the upgrade to the new shaft, but for a cost. I was hoping the fact that my servos are still under warranty would mean an no-cost retrofit, but it wasn't to be. Zach provided an RMA number, and I provided payment info ($75 per servo).
After receiving my SB brackets and thinking on it some more, I decided to call TruTrak today to see if they could retrofit my servos like they're doing on the -8s. Lucas was out, so I spoke with Zach who indicated they could do the upgrade to the new shaft, but for a cost. I was hoping the fact that my servos are still under warranty would mean an no-cost retrofit, but it wasn't to be. Zach provided an RMA number, and I provided payment info ($75 per servo).

Thanks for the additional option.
RV6 Roll servo

The bracket will also not fit RV-6 roll servo applications. The same procedure will apply as for the RV-8 pitch servo. Thanks!
The bracket will also not fit RV-6 roll servo applications. The same procedure will apply as for the RV-8 pitch servo. Thanks!

OK, so I need to send the roll servo from my 6 in for a retrofit?? I sent a request for 2 screw retainer brackets on 6/28. Guess I'll still need one for the pitch servo. How do we get an RA and how long can we expect on turnaround? Hate to have the plane down for an extended period over this..Tom
No need to send another request, I'll just modify your existing one. Turnaround time will be 2-3 days depending on load. It could increase to 5-6 days if we get flooded with a lot of requests all at once.
Got the clips today. (PMs went nowhere--call him!!)
The RV6 roll servo has a longer arm. If the clip was an inch longer the need to send the servo back would not be necessary. As the top hole on the clip doesn't reach the control rod bolt I simply drilled a small hole through the servo arm and did the top attachment through that instead.
Got the clips today. (PMs went nowhere--call him!!)
The RV6 roll servo has a longer arm. If the clip was an inch longer the need to send the servo back would not be necessary. As the top hole on the clip doesn't reach the control rod bolt I simply drilled a small hole through the servo arm and did the top attachment through that instead.

Actually, please don't call to request the clips. Although I of course will not turn you away, it is not the best way to insure you receive them. I have received ALL of the PMs that were sent. I don't respond saying as such because I have hundreds of PMs, it would be quite time consuming. :) The clips are sent in batches usually once a week as it requires a trip to the post office. I was out sick/vacation most of last week and nothing got done on that front. I have gotten 99% caught up with all the addressing of the boxes and will try to get the remainder in the mail tomorrow. Thanks to everyone for your patience!
Retrofitted servo

Got servos back from TruTrak on Wednesday. Fast turnaround. Here's what they look like with the new shaft and nut:

Mailbox is full


I've been trying to send the PM requesting two servo clips but always get a message indicating, message not sent, mailbox is full. Contact me. Thanks

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I've been trying to send the PM requesting two servo clips but always get a message indicating, message not sent, mailbox is full. Contact me. Thanks


He wants you to PM him on the Trutrak forum:


You'll need to register and then when you send it, check off to save the sent msg (it doesn't automatically do that & he doesn't reply to the PMs) also check off for a receipt when read. If you want them quicker, call.
Wait, wait, wait,.......


I am waiting for about 4 weeks now for "first flight" !!

I wish I got those tings so I could get the plane flying, very annoying when you are finally ready, after 5 years of building, but cant get 'er' in the air because you are waiting for some simple clips! that have been promissed but still not arrived in the mail!

Regards, Tonny.
still waiting, too...

looks like international is not on the top of their list :-(
just sent another pm to offer that we pick them up at osh... let's see...
i would think it wouldn't go easier than that...

rgds, bernie
Got servos back from TruTrak on Wednesday. Fast turnaround. Here's what they look like with the new shaft and nut:


Now that's what I'm talking about!! Should be a final fix on this issue. I PM'ed Lucas on the TT forum, can't tell if he got the PM or not... haven't heard anything as of yet.
If you PMd me, I got it. I'm still trying to get caught up from everything during and after AirVenture. I should get another big batch of the retainers out this week. Thanks!
On a side note, any international customers not received theirs yet? I only have a few international left here at the office. Mostly for Canada. I had one get returned to me from Australia about customs, no others have come back so I'll assume they've all gone through.

The little clips where in the mail last week for me in France.
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Canadian bracket

I have not received mine yet.

Bevan Tomm

On a side note, any international customers not received theirs yet? I only have a few international left here at the office. Mostly for Canada. I had one get returned to me from Australia about customs, no others have come back so I'll assume they've all gone through.