Amy, I am sorry we couldn't make it down to pay our last respects, as the plane is being annualled now.

Needless to say, you are in our thoughts!

We will always remember Tony the way he was; happy to enjoy each and every moment!

Our level best and sincerest condolences.

Tony was a great man whom I am proud to have known and have called a friend!

:( John Sannizzaro
Amy, I am so sorry for your loss. My prayers
go out to you and your family. I met Tony recently
on a fly in trip to Nova Scotia. Tony gave me the name
"Token Al" short for the token liberal. Also "lumberjack" for snoring
so loudly in the bunk house and keeping him awake
all night, only to get some sleep by putting on his headset.

I did not know him well, but really enjoyed his humor, jokes
and his passion for building and flying. We all did, as well as the kind folks we visited. I remember well his almost constant easy smile. I will always remember
this trip, the great flying and exploring Nova Scotia. Tony absolutely was excited and blissful. His love for flying completely showed.

So sorry Amy.

Not much I can add to that Al.

I'm here at Stanley tonight with the friends that Tony made in this part of the world. We all agree, he was as good as they get.

My first encounter with Tony was here on the forum when he asked if there was anyone in New Jersey with an RV that he could get a ride. i responded there were 3 here at KMJX a 7A, 8A and 9A and to come on up.
Soon after Tony arrived in a spam can with a thousand questions. I stuffed him in the back of my 8A, in what may have been his 1st RV ride. After that it was only what model he wanted and it wasn't long and we were all following his well documented x-country in his new 7A.
Later in the year I flew down to Cross Keys to help him with his 1st Condition Inspection. Vlad was there with all his wit and spend most of the day not helping but teasing Tony.
Earlier this month i met Tony at Sky Manor's fly-in and caught up on the latest news and promised to come see his 8 build.
To Amy, sorry for your lost and the sadness that it brings. I'll miss him.
You will be missed, Tony.

Every time I've logged on to VAF over the past week I have each time been sad to see this thread. I first saw the post that Friday night, just a few hours after the accident. This is not good was the original title, and like I always do I thought ?uh oh.? Then I read that it was Tony. Disbelief then, and still disbelief now. I just couldn't bring myself to acknowledge it with a post in this thread until now.


I got to know Tony about 3 years ago when we were both in the market for an RV. We were sort of competing to find the right one, but our missions were different enough that we decided to commiserate, collaborate and help each other through the search for a plane. We talked and messaged each other often. We congratulated each other when we each finally found the plane we were looking for. It was an exiting time.

When Tony went to get Tweety in Oregon, he planned to come through the Denver area on the trip home, and overnight at my place. Weather forced him and Gary south through Phoenix though, so our face to face meeting was delayed. I talked to him that night after they landed at Sky Harbor. He said ?wait 'til you see the pictures!?

We finally met at Oshkosh in 2011 at the VAF event, and I can still hear him say my name as he reached out and shook my hand. I spent a bunch of time talking to Amy that night too.

I not sure what, if anything, I could write in this space that would convey how sad I am for you Amy. Tony was someone that you could be friends with easily, and forever. I know you must miss him terribly. We are all hurting with you.

Tony, you were a great guy and I'm proud and lucky to have known you, brother. I still can't believe you are gone.

John Knox
Sad day for aviation!!

....I had never met Tony but had the pleasure of speaking with him on the telephone when he ordered our gust lock and inquired about other products. You were immediately impressed with his forthcoming attitude, knowledge of his airplane and what he wanted from it. The aviation community has been diminished by Tony's untimely passing. Our hearts go out to his family and friends in this most trying of times. Surly Tony is now looking down on us, and getting the hang of his new wings.
We were like brothers. First time Tony came to my hangar when DAR was there and my airworthiness inspection was in full swing. I was curious at first and asked do I know you? I am your cousin he said. Of course he meant RVs but we turned it into a good Uncle Sam's nephews joke. Since that June 2011 we were in constant touch if we didn't exchange messages for a day or two something was believed to be out of order. We flew to a lot of interesting places and we met a lot of wonderful people. We started thinking alike and understood each other in the air with a quick phrase or a hand sign.

Incidentally our last two letters on N-numbers were BK. He called his airplane "Good Bravo Kilo" and my "Bad Bravo Kilo". Unpainted, with wrong digits on the tail, no fancy instrumentation etc...We heard a lot of funny comments about our N-numbers from his fellow controllers and we loved it. Burger King the big whopper being the favorite.

Once I deliberately misled him and told to meet me at a Maryland airport and signaled airborne. Our airports are 40 miles apart. The same time I departed in the opposite direction toward Nantucket Island. I was shocked when close to destination at pattern attitude somebody said "Privet" and his yellow RV appeared on my six. How was it possible? He punched my tracker saw the treason and turned around to chase. Run full throttle all the time asking radar people for all kinds of transition and if "Bad Bravo Kilo" sneaked through their airspace. Of course I did there was no other way. We had good lunch and a good laugh.

Good memories. So many great things happened during those three years. Captain Steve tours the cockpit.

Bill tells a war story.

A weekend fly by the casinos.

Right after work we went to Sentimental Journey.

Watching RV Patriarch arrival.

Had a great time in Maine.

Keeping both Bravo Kilos in top shape.

Ready for fun ride along Digby Cliffs of Nova Scotia.

And much much more...

Rest in Peace my brother we will take good care of your RV8 project. It may take longer then you planned but she will fly. The way you wanted but don't call me bird magnet anymore...
Thanks for the tribute Vlad. You are my cousin and friend too. I am sure Tony was smiling when you circled above. Godspeed Tony and safe travels to all of us.
Glad to hear from you. As an honorary Russian you have my utmost sympathy. Not personally know either you or Tony didn't stop my thoughts of your pain when I heard of his accident. You sir are a true friend to Tony and I wish you all the best.
We were like brothers.

Thank you for your poignant words, Vlad. I can't pretend to know what you are feeling, but I have one friend in the world who's like Tony is to you. We're close enough to make losing him unimaginable. Like you two, we talk nearly daily. I just can't imagine that pain.

Best wishes to you. Try to remember it's not how long you knew each other, but how well. You were like brothers, certainly. And may I suggest, you still are.

Vlad, it's nice to have you back, we missed you.

Tony was one of those very special people. You were fortunate to have spend so much time with him. See you in Florida. The pool is open. ::)
The story of the chase to Nantucket reminds me how often I'd check my phone and the countless times "the cousins" tracks were neck and neck across the digital map. It was always fun to see where they were headed.

Thanks Vlad.
Thank you Vlad. Its good to see you, and hope you are healing. Tony is watching all of us, keeping us safe.
Although Tony is no longer with us, fond memories are forever in everyone's heart. I am looking forward to reading the first flight of his RV8. It will soar with his spirit in it.
Good stuff Vlad!

One of the first things Tony asked me after you arrived here, was if I had any friends in the Halifax tower that would do me a favor. He said his cousin busted the airspace on the way in and I might need to bail him out. He didn't let you get away with much did he? :)

It was not hard to tell how close you two were and to lose a friend like that leaves a pretty big hole in your life.

Take care of yourself my friend.
Nice post Vlad for Tony

Vlad well said and our thoughts go out to you and his family. I will call you in a week or so, we can get together with the other guys to celebrate Tony's life and tell stories.

The services were very nice for Tony, he will be missed.

Take care

Your friend

Guy and I are thinking about you from here at the Balloon Fiesta. You have many more second-cousins thinking about you.

Take care my friend, and join us again next year! I flew my RV out this year and this morning we did some air-to-air photos. I told Ralph thanks again for the ride he gave us last year. He really enjoyed meeting you.

Thanks !!!

Thanks Vlad for these moving words.

I didn't meet Tony personally but did exchange a few mails with him as a fellow air traffic controller and builder.

I can only say that despite the limited contacts I had the priviledge to have with him, I highly appreciated his inputs and followed with great interest his progress on the 8.

We would tease each other as to who would finish our build first, he going the quick build way and me going the standard way.

I'm still disturbed by his passing away, and I can only imagine how Amy, his family, you and his close friends must feel. I truly wish the best to all of you and if I can be of any help, please let me know...

He is to this date, the last to post on my "My RV Build Project", and as I continue my work and post my progress there, I will be thinking of him and always be inspired by his work as I finish my RV.

I also believe finishing his project would be a fantastic tribute to him.

Rest in peace Tony, my sincerest condolences and best regards to your family, your friends and Vlad.

Dear Lord

I've been out of the country for a few weeks and I'm just seeing this thread now. I can't believe what I'm reading. I flew with Tony a few times, and had he and Amy to my house one day to take a look at my build.

Amy - I am so, so, so sorry. Tony was one in a million, but I'm not telling you anything you don't know. Please let me know if there is anything I can do - you're in my thoughts and prayers.

Vlad, I'm glad to here from you, I know you and Tony where good friends and I always looked forward to seeing you and Tony come to our airport. Please let me know if you need anything,, I'm in the area.
TK Checklist

I was looking for this one for a while.
In 2011 After a visit to my hangar to check things out TK was making his way home.

Check out the matching pen !

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Vlad for Tony

To my cousin Vlad - you are a brother and I am so pleased with your honorable and heartfelt memory of Tony. I know you miss him as much as I do. To all - cherish every moment and kiss those you love. Take nothing for granted.
Amy - I wanted to pass along my condolences and well wishes.

I worked with Tony on his first Pilots N Paws flight when we transported Barney and May (two labs) up to NH. I flew the the NC -> VA leg, and Tony met Gary S. in NJ for the second transfer. Tony and I also worked on a flight up to MA in July 2011 that went "sour" the morning of the transfer, and ended up involving police and animal control officers in both states. It was an eye opener for both of us!

There was a nice write-up on that flight to NH in 2011 on the Pilots N Paws web site: Seeing Tony with Barney, and Barney looking out the window of my plane has brought on much reflection.

Thoughts are with you -
