Terrible news!
Tony contributed so much to this forum. I almost felt like I knew him, though we'd never met. My condolences to his family.

I know this hits you hard...you and Tony were so close. My condolences to you as well. If you need anything, or just want to talk...

seven 7 oh-7 won fowr-tree fife 1 fife.
Horrible news!!!!

While news of any accident hurts, it is a whole different thing when it is someone that is very active on the VAF....


Praying for the family and close friends!
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Terrible news for sure.

Our most heart-felt condolences to his wife Amy and son Tony. Also, to all his friends and extended family on VAF.

Sad day in the VAF world.....
I feel the loss but not like his family must feel it. What a terrible loss to all who knew him. It was such a pleasure getting to know him this summer. The world is a bit smaller without TK.
I can't believe what I'm reading

Tony was building a -8, as am I. For a time I was just ahead of Tony in my build and was able to offer small bits of advice on those little gotcha's. Recently, Tony's build had rapidly progressed past mine and he was providing guidance to me.

While I never met Tony, he was a friendly, knowledgable guy. It is so very sad to read this. My thoughts and prayers go out to Tony and his family.

Blue skies TK.
Very sad news. I always enjoyed reading his posts - I would like to have known him. Prayers for he and his loved ones.
A Good Man

Terrible News . . . Heartfelt Loss . . . Always Contributed . . . Always Helpful . . . Always Positive.

Tony was obviously A Good Man even to those of us who never had the privilege of meeting him personally . . . We feel we got to know Tony through his posts and messages . . . We miss him.
Terrible News . . . Heartfelt Loss . . . Always Contributed . . . Always Helpful . . . Always Positive.

Tony was obviously A Good Man even to those of us who never had the privilege of meeting him personally . . . We feel we got to know Tony through his posts and messages . . . We miss him.

I couldn't have said it better.......

This kind of thing really makes you stop for a few. Love our hobby but dont forget its a dangerous one. Fly safe all.

So sorry for his family. What a terrible tragedy. Will miss his input on the forums.:(
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so sad...

Although I never met Tony, or even talked to him one-on-one, I felt like I knew him as part of the family. As many have said, he was always quick with a post - and had good information to share. I subscribed to his, "ask a controller" thread and always looked forward to his insight. My heart aches for Amy and Tony, Jr. - and all of his family - and pray for God's grace to be with them. Godspeed TK.
Wow... Just... Speechless. Devastating, as I read earlier here. I am truly going to miss his postings here, especially him chiming in with any comments from an ATC perspective.

This hurts. Badly. And that's putting it mildly.

May the thoughts and prayers of all of VAF be with his family and friends.
OH NO! We were exchanging PM's just today (20th) about hangar space in St. Augustine and maybe meeting up the next time he visited. His last post to me was at 11:54am. This is truly a "kick in the gut".

I can't even imagine what his family must be going through. My prayers go out to them.
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Same here, what a shock to learn this sad, sad news.
Although we never met, we exchanged views on ATC and I was following and admiring his build.
He will be missed.
All the best to his family.
Life is too Dang Short..Enjoy the Ride!

This is just horrible news. Like many others, I never met Tony in person. I corresponded with him back in February when he was considering a move down to South Florida to work ATC tower at KPBI. He was researching hangar availability down here and we all offered plenty of advice. Time flies and so do we.

We all really are a family, those of us that fly these amazing flying machines called RV's. Tony was our brother and he will be missed. But I celebrate him as a human being that lived life to the fullest as we all do who build and fly these planes.

Good Speed Tony. Save us some room in that big hangar up there when we get there brother. We will all pray for you and peace and comfort for your family. We have your six brother. Liebman, Out.

I've just been sucker-punched in the gut!

Chip, thanks for the celebration of his life you posted.

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Is this a rudder or elevator

I am not very familiar with the RV build but this was found a good distance from the main wreckage. I am leaning towards horizontal stab because I see an offset hinge and would think the vert stab would be inline. Also thinking it is the right side but have no idea. I do not see a spar. Maybe someone can ID this piece.
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So sorry to read this terrible news. Although I never met him, it feels like he was an old friend. Condolences to his family.
A good friend who will always be remembered...


You are missed but will always be remembered.



Amy, we mourn for you. He was a great friend.

:(. CJ
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