Me too please

As I am now building my fuselage I would be very grateful if you could send me your plans as well:
You konw the drill, change the (at) by @ of course.
Thank you very much.
Leveling legs

I modified my fuselage cart with Dave Setser's idea. It works very well, but I have one observation to make - the lag bolts available here at the aviation department of Lowe's aren't threaded through enough of their length to make them usable. I had the narrow the 2X4 pads and get out the 1/2-13 die to increase the threads available. Just an observation - YMMV. Great idea, Dave! Thanks for sharing it with us.
Not to hijack this thread, but I made this fuselage cart from the plans. I will be done with mine in about three weeks. If someone wants mine you can have it. You will have to come and haul it away.
Hi Lars,
Great looking cart!!

Can you please send me the plans also ?

riseric (at) gmail (dot) com

Thanks !!
One for me too?

Hi Lars,

If you're still making the plans for the fuselage cart available, I'd sure appreciate a set.

Please send to:
carlrai@aol "dot" com

Many thanks!
Rolling Fuselage plans

Hi Lars

can you please forward me a set of plans as well

arvee7@gmail "dot" com

cheers and Merry Christmas
Here is an easier to make cart and it is adjustable.

Just remember to include a small strap over the top to keep it from tipping over.
About four years ago (!) when I started working on my quickbuild fuselage, I realized it would be nice to be able to roll it around, since the hangar I share was getting increasingly crowded. So I took a cue from the rolling wing stand I had received from a generous local builder and built a stand on wheels. This served me well for the four years I had it. My RV-7 is on the gear now so I passed this stand on to someone else, but before I did so I took a few pictures and measurements, and drew up some plans.

This can easily be adjusted to fit varying height or width preferences. I'm 6 feet tall and found that the height was good for doing most jobs without having to stoop (I have a bad back) or stretch too much. It was strong enough to support me when I crawled in to the fuselage to work on interior stuff, and as can be seen from one of the photos below, it worked well for fitting the wings the first time.

This stand obviously fit my -7 fuselage, so it should work fine for a -9 and probably a -6, and possibly a -8. Not sure about the others. Clearance for the main gear mounts on nosewheel models could likely be dealt with by narrowing the front, if in fact it's in the way (not sure, since I've never looked closely at the gear leg installation on those models).

Hopefully this helps a few people in the same situation. For those who are interested, I saved the plans in pdf format and I'd be happy to send them via email.






Please send me a copy of the plans [email protected]