My weekend was spent finishing up recurrent in the jet (EMB-505) I do part time sim seat support in outside of VAF, so no RV. Hoping (fingers crossed) to get in a short flight Monday if the forecast VCSH and VCTS don’t pan out. Hope you had a great weekend and got to hang with your RV or project.

(qual’d for another year - yay! missing my RV - boo!)

RV News That Caught My Eye ….dr

The 50,000 hour RV …Matt Burch RV-7 is Airworthy!!!
Screenshot 2024-06-09 at 6.00.53 PM.png

What did you do w/your RV this weekend? (June 8-9, 2024)
Screenshot 2024-06-09 at 6.29.01 PM.png

Charity Cap Sighting …Don Hull
An old guy at a very old place…(Don's words) ;^)
Screenshot 2024-06-09 at 6.03.31 PM.png

RV-14 lower intersection fairing gap (page 46B-13 step 14)
Screenshot 2024-06-09 at 5.48.55 PM.png

Brake Master Cylinder Leaking
Screenshot 2024-06-09 at 6.15.18 PM.png

HFS’s Top Cowl Access
Screenshot 2024-06-09 at 6.16.09 PM.png
Screenshot 2024-06-09 at 6.16.01 PM.png


PS: Older issues of the ‘VAF News’ can be found at: