Airmaster Propeller

How about some real world numbers?;)

At max takeoff weight, at 85F, at sea level, climbing at Vy 75 kts IAS.

When climbing to altitude at Vy when the OAT at takeoff is 95F, have you noticed high oil temps above 230F?

After re reading your question re VY climb at 75kts, i should have said yes.
Hence my higher cruise climb speed of 80kts . As it was in the lower temps Sunday morn, i still reached 230 deg F oil temp by 5,500' and needed to increase the speed to 90 kts to keep the oil temp below 230F or 110C for the remainder of the climb to 8,000 indicated (9123' Da). I normally use a higher cruise climb speed of 85-90kts to keep the temps down especially if the ground ambient temps are above 90 degF which from now on they mostly will be. The humidity currently and over the next few months is also normally very low.