Lockheed Constellation. The most beautifully sculptured airliner ever built...the clipper of the sky. No comparison with the oversized toothpaste tubes of today. Everytime I saw one take off at night with the flames from the exhaust stacks burning brightly I got goosebumps.

Cheers Bob
BuckWynd said:
Good nomination, but I've got a few corrections:

1. P-40 Warthog?? Do you mean the P-47, with which the A-10 shares a name-lineage (Thunderbolt and Thunderbolt II)?

2. A-10s, like most military aircraft, are not masculine, they're feminine.

3. I think the A-10 is incredibly sexy. I'm allowed to say it because I "dated" one for a long time. Ugly is only a state of mind.
I stand corrected (on many points). You actually made me do some fact checking.
-I had my P's, Thunderbolts, and Hogs mixed up. The P40 (which I meant) was the WARHAWK which my failing ears always heard as WARTHOG. Damned discovery wings.

- That A-10, now SHE's a sexy .... whatever.

-The A-10 (which most people consider homely) is downright one of the best looking planes in my opinion and therefore my ugly-sexy comment (you know like that chick from pretty woman - she's ugly-sexy).
It's true...I have a thing for the A-10 as well...also:

-the Connie
-most Warbirds for me actually

Interesting suggestions and some very frequent suggestions. THe A10 is sexy?? I'm worried!

But aside from the obvious like P51D, Me262, plus various current military heavy metal, what about the DH88 Comet or its cousin, the DH Mosquito? Also Lockheed P2 - there's long, slender, graceful, especially with the MAD tail. Of course the Spitfire, but I prefer the Mk IX rather than any of the later Griffon engined variants. It looks much more delicate, less brutish. The Hawker Hunter - lots of curves. And of course there's the other Lightning - made by English Electric. Performance ++++ including supercruise. "Its got two engines, one on top of the other. But the top one is a bit further back so the pilot has somewhere to sit."

Haven't worked out how to post pictures so I can't add any here.

I Love this Thread!

Two reasons....

First, it has a lot of great airplanes! :D

Second, it proves that no one agrees on what is (or isn't) sexy!! :p

chris mitchell said:
Interesting suggestions and some very frequent suggestions. THe A10 is sexy?? I'm worried!

But aside from the obvious like P51D, Me262, plus various current military heavy metal, what about the DH88 Comet or its cousin, the DH Mosquito? Also Lockheed P2 - there's long, slender, graceful, especially with the MAD tail. Of course the Spitfire, but I prefer the Mk IX rather than any of the later Griffon engined variants. It looks much more delicate, less brutish. The Hawker Hunter - lots of curves. And of course there's the other Lightning - made by English Electric. Performance ++++ including supercruise. "Its got two engines, one on top of the other. But the top one is a bit further back so the pilot has somewhere to sit."

Haven't worked out how to post pictures so I can't add any here.

Here you are, Chris...


Hawker Hunter


English Electric Lightning

However, being Canadian, I prefer the Avro Arrow...


Defining sexy aircraft...

This thread reminds me of the joke that says the 757 is the perfect lady like airplane; long slender body, tall slender legs that go all the way up.. and 2 great big nice round........ engines. :D
Some of these cause expanded thinking

In my early days, going on looks alone, I really thought the Bell P-39 was the best looking fighter and the P-63 is from the same mold essentially. Got to love that nose gear. (ok, ok, calm down just a little fun)

Bob Axsom
My list

From the top of my head, not totally in order :)

Saab Draken Draken
Saab Gripen Long Windows Media
F-104 (Probably my #1 alongside Saab Draken)
RV-4 (comes in at #3 :D )
Spitfire Mk22
Hawker Hunter
robertahegy said:
That list is totally BS. Without the P-51, Cessna 310, and an RV of any kind on it, it is just farcical. :p

And I'm glad I don't waste my money on that m(r)ag that published this dribble.

Dittos,,,, Roberta !!!

Thanks for saying my thoughts. I do not read that mag tooo many airplanes out of my reach.

How about 5 or six you could own....??

my list...

RV 6/8
Cessna 180/185
Bonanza V tail
Cessna 170
Cessna 140
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For an airplane to equate with sexy I think of large fillets and curves. Thus, my list of 10.
Boeing Monomail
Douglas DC-3
Northrop Alpha
any of the Malcom Hood big rudder Spitfires
Lockheed Constellation
DeHavilland Mosquito
Westland Lysander
Curtis P-40
Martin Seamaster
and the exception that makes the rule The TSR-2

I enjoyed trying to pare down my list.
Flight of Sexy airplanes

How about a flight of Sexy airplanes.


I think Mike Stewart's step-son Wesley took this photo at Mason City 2004.
This list is great. Many of my "loves" have already been included but these four are missing:

Cessna 190/195
Twin Beach (Tail dragger w/ radials and round nose, like God intended!)
Beach Staggerwing

Of the 65 HP verity:
J-3 (Sorry Jay, the PA-18 just doesn't do it for me.)
T-Craft (BC-12's only)

I might toss in a Ercoupe or two but only because they remind me of the Beach 18.

As for the A-10 being pretty, it is kind of like my Bull Dog Torque, beauty is in the eye of beholder.
N941WR said:
This list is great. Many of my "loves" have already been included but these four are missing:

Cessna 190/195
Twin Beach (Tail dragger w/ radials and round nose, like God intended!)
Beach Staggerwing...
You've got to read close. I included the Staggerwing and brianw included the 195. We're just about to get them covered.
I don't think so

n5lp said:
You've got to read close. I included the Staggerwing and brianw included the 195. We're just about to get them covered.

Those seaplane racers before WII, X-3, D-558-2 Skyrocket, F-106, the jet that flew non-stop around the world without refueling ... I'll bet that someone can reach back into the misty corners of airplane worshipdom and come up with a real gem that hasn't been mentioned yet.

Bob Axsom
While none of the efficient and durable DC-9 series could ever be considered "sexy"....


There was one exception.


Paul Danclovic
Carver MN / Albuquerque NM
RV-8A Phase 1
Check out THIS beauty....!

With a plane like THIS....

...I was able to get THIS babe...!

There IS a God....!
My eyes... My eyes...!!! :eek:

That is just plain wrong. Nobody should be subjected to seeing either photo before coffee.

BAN PRPORTER from posting prior to 1000 PST!! :p

Heres a real winner in the top 10 Helo'sss

This Stealth Attack Copter is based in TX BTW...LOL :eek:

Honda motorcycle engine along with lawn mower blades for the tail rotor. Check out the guns. :D

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Maybe I missed something, because I can't believe none of these are on the list:
Scaled Composites Triumph, Vantage, and VJetII
Also, any of the planes coming out of Epic Aircraft.

jthocker said:
All right. All you guys with flying RV's better plan a trip to Dayton and the Air Force Museum. I can't believe no one has mentioned the B-58 Hustler.
My personal favorite plane of all time, and only 45 miles away so I can see her at least once a year!!

Jon: I love the Hustler too. I once got to fly the trainer (TB-58) from the 2nd seat including a mach two run over Lake Michigan. Flight surgeons had a great life in those days! This was from Bunker Hill AFB, Kokomo, IN. Climbing at 600 kts indicated with the VSI pegged up is a kick! The Hustler really flew quite well and was a nice instrument platform. Still have some photos taken on that flight and an old 8mm movie a friend took on the only (he said) B-58 formation flight in history - I think four of them flew together for Curtis LeMay's (?sp) fly-by.The night I arrived at Bunker for duty they were having an ORIT and a B-58 slid off the runway on a MITO and burned for 16+ hours with atomic weapons on board. Surprisingly little left after the fire. Bill