Your 10 yr milestone is a lot more significant than mine, but I'm honored you thought enough of it to put in on the front page today.

I was first stricken with RV fever by Dan Checkoway's website, now gone West, but VAF has kept me going through my ultra-slow build. It's humbling to think how much I've gotten out of this site and the integrity of the man who owns it.

I look forward to many more years, keeping up with the doings on VAF.

Bravo Zulu, Delta Romeo!:cool:
Congratulations Doug.
The tone of the site is a tribute to your leadership.
I am always impressed at how polite and respectful the site is.
Sort of epitomises the old saying if you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all.
So different from some/many other forums.
Thanks for the 10 years although I have only been here since fall of 2010. I have enjoyed countless hours with fellow RV'ers and have watch your family grow up..Next it will be the grandchildren flying with Doug. :)

Smilin' Jack