
Well Known Member
Just read dr's history. I would not have had the courage to start building without the knowledge gained from reading VAF posts. And since starting there has been help and encouragement that would not have happened without Doug's stewardship of the VAF. Thanks again dr for the ten years.

WAY COOL, and brave, Doug. You've certainly done a great job and of course we all wish you many, many, more years!!!!!!

Great job Doug - you created a new paradigm for web sites in general, and for forums in the homebuilt world specifically. Creating something that is not just a knock-off of something eles is unusual, and the community that you helped create is certainly unique. Now if you couLD only figure out how you did it.... ;)

Congrats on life!
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For myself and thousands of others...you're the reason why. Thank you for what you do!
I'm not new to flying but new to this hobby (a few years now). VAF is as much of an obsession as flying itself. Not a day goes by without checking in and seeing what's up.

I too am grateful for not only Doug, but the wealth of knowledge deep in the bowels of this site. If you can't find it, someone will point you to it. All good stuff.

Here's to another 10 years. Or how about no time limit??

Thank you DR!!
We're all somewhat different, Doug, but you are unique! Thanks for all you do for the RV family.


Some folks talk about living their dreams, so folks actually do it. You are one of the latter. I would not be flying an RV today if not for this site. Keep up the great work, and keep living your dream.

All the best

Congratulations and thank you!


Congratulations and many thanks on VAF's 10th anniversary!

I can't thank you enough for all of your hard work in creating such a unique, lively and thriving web entity. As a newbie to the whole "DIY" experimental aircraft thing, VAF has made what I thought was once an impossible concept - building your own aircraft - into the totally doable!

The detailed info, encouragement and, perhaps most importantly, the camaraderie/kinship shared among all of the folks on your wonderful website is eminently invaluable.

Here's to at least ten more years!:D
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Thanks, Doug

From this side of the pond (the UK), thank you, Doug, for this site. Your story makes interesting reading and I applaud your courage and commitment. As for the site ... simply an invaluable resource and great group of people.

Thank you.
Valuable tool

I lurked on this site for some time before starting my project. Many, many times the searches and responses from the members helped me out when I had questions or was on the fence about an issue.

This site is a great resource!
Congratulations Doug!

Hey Doug,

Great work - you've made it to double-digits. Not many businesses get to that impressive milestone - I hope your makes it to triple digits! :D

Like others have said and I'm sure many more will say, we really appreciate your site.
And then one day you find, ten years have got behind you...

Thank you all for the kind words. What a wonderful thread to wake up to, and what wonderful people! I’ll keep doing my best for you, I promise.

Again, thank you.


PS: If you are the 5-8% who enter the site through the forums (and not the front page), what folks are talking about is the 4/4/17 edition at www.vansairforce.net.
I'll pile on, too.

Doug Reeves is my single best example of an American exercising his rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. He has bravely parlayed his love for aviation (particularly experimental aviation) into a wage-earning passion that enriches all of our RV lives. Everyone wins! How many more people do you know that have tapped into such a singularly unique and universally rewarding life path? Hard work, yes, but we all win.

For all the thousands of VAF members and lurkers, I hope you get to meet Doug and his family some day. As we say in these parts, "they're good people." Doug's an honest, respectable man, a good friend to all, proud of his family (rightfully so). His posting rules serve as one mirror into his personality: He wants to cultivate relationships in a way that we can all be friendly, helpful, enriched, and happy. I think that's why VAF is such a successful community: It accurately reflects the man.

I also drew in VAF resources to start--and complete--KELLI GIRL. I'm wildly fortunate to fly her here at 52F alongside Doug and the rest of the Northwest Regional wolf pack. It's a great gang, RV flyers all, centered around Doug through our common RV bond and gratitude. Ten years! How about ten more.

Congrats, DR. You da man.
Congrats Doug-

WE owe a huge debt of gratitude to Doug. When we started, we didnt have a clue how to get the word out. So, after some great advise from Lee Logan, we talked to Doug, and bought a small ad, and off we went. Sounds crazy, but until you sit back and think about the reach that VAF has WORLDWIDE, you dont realize the work, and sacrifice that Doug and Susie have done.

Worldwide isnt just a catch phrase---its fact!
Congrats to Doug and Susie---we appreciate it!
Tom and Suzanne
Hello Doug,

Like the other 10,000 plus RV'ers out there, not a morning goes by that I don't log on and see what's happening in the RV world. I continue to marvel at the wealth of information, assistance, and advice at our fingertips thanks to your efforts in maintaining this site. Keep up the good work!!!

Time to add my left coast $0.02 worth to the thread------what everybody else has already said, and then some.

Our plane would not have happened without VAF, no way, no how.

Dougie-------thanks buddy, and good luck with the next 10 :D:D
Doug, thank-you for sharing your life "work" history. Very fortunate for all of us that you evolved from car-hop to the VAF originator. I, like many others have or are about to realize the dream of building and flying their own aircraft. Your web-site has been a most invaluable tool. Thanks again for having the courage to bail from the corporate world and take on the task of providing a platform where RV builders can share information, tips, advice, ideas etc.

Steve Riffe
Doug an Family, thanks for your many years of support ! I have developed many new friends as result of your dedication to this website ! I have been building RV4 almost as long ,and you an members have kept me going ! Cheers and many more years ! Tom Hankamp
Great story, thanks for sharing. And thank you for this site, I don't know if I could of built my plane without it, and all the great folks I have met here. Have a great day!
Congrats, Doug. The only thing missing in your timeline, though, is VAF's pedigree as a series of YahooGroups.

I wonder where some of those old-timers are now.

There was, for example, a guy in Maine who was a prolific poster who, as I recall, earned the scorn of the old-timers because he didn't have a pilot certificate and was building an RV. Can't be done or shouldn't be done, they said.


I wonder how he's doing.

So many people .

A truly unique resource . . . great job. Perfect "10" on your small business performance review! Here's to the decades ahead.
I do not own an RV but I am a dues paying member of this site. I fly an E-LSA and I am building a light sport kit airplane. I also spend time on other builder and owner web sites.

By far, this site is the most professionally moderated and has the most knowledgeable members.

Thanks for demonstrating a model of how this kind of web site should work. Not to mention the useful information for all builders.
I read DR's story.

DR and family stepped out and took a real risk with their own livelihood on this venture (VAF) and by doing so they have enriched the lives of countless folks.

Thanks to DR and family for taking the risk. Wishing you and yours a lifetime of health and prosperity.

Thank you!
"if you stand on the street corner handing out $100 bills....." wow - how true is that! that needs to be a bumper sticker. Thanks for all you do DR.

ps - I will be sending you a picture of my panel and it will be truly unique!
Thanks DR!
Coincidently, my RV6 first flight was April 14, ten years ago also. You are appreciated.
WAY COOL, and brave, Doug. You've certainly done a great job and of course we all wish you many, many, more years!!!!!!


Absolutely oh and you are mentoring the Tater/Audrey/Moondog to take over someday, right? That way things can go on for a really long time. It'd be like a VAF dynasty.

I kid, I kid.... :D

But seriously, thanks for all you do Doug. It lets some of us more financially challenged RV fans live vicariously through the adventures of others at places like OSH, Sun n' Fun and the adventures of Vlad, Rosie and Scott Schmidt just to name a few.

Best of luck to you and yours! :)

From Rosie: Thanks for the kind words Stitch.... my next adventure starts real soon :)
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Thanks Doug!

Your site has indirectly, and sometimes directly, enabled me to:

Build an airplane (still a work in process)
Get involved in EAA on a National and Local level
Teach my kids how to build airplanes
Inspire others
Connect with others (some very far away)
Become a better pilot
Become a more motivated person

P.S. I still remember meeting you in person at OSH, when you walked up to me and my wife (I was wearing a VAF cap) and introduced yourself. From the beginning, you have welcomed us into your world.

Truly... Thank you Doug! Here's to the next 10 years.
Doug, I fondly recall those email exchanges nearly twenty years ago where we discussed the best means for generating web sites (remember Frontpage '97?) and whether or not it would be possible to generate income from an RV-oriented web presence. Neither of us knew for sure but I'm grateful you stuck with it and created the preeminent RV environment along with an income stream for your family.

It has been fun!
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I'm very glad you've made the commitment to this site; it's an incredible resource for me. The minor league comedian in my brain wants to add "... as opposed to being a credible resource", but I don't want to say that. When I've discussed this site with Van's employees and other notable experts in the field, they acknowledge that good advice can be found here... and some bad advice, too. It is, after all, a forum site. Like any other information sought through the internet, you will find correct information, incorrect information, and information that could be considered good or bad depending on your personal outlook on the topic. There are other builder sites on the web... but none have the breadth of resources that can be found here. I also appreciate the ethics that you apply to this site. When I'm seeking advice, I don't want to be subjected to hostility... and I don't find any here. I find enthusiasm and positivity... and that's what keeps me coming back. I thank you, Doug, and all the fellow builders here. All of your hard work is very much appreciated, and I hope you can keep going for a long time.
I started building in 2005 - and this website was a constant source of knowledge, help and support.
I constantly wonder how folks built planes before the internet! :rolleyes:
Been flying for 9 years now, and I still visit this site pretty much every day for continued knowledge - and plenty of entertainment as well :eek:

Thanks Doug!
"Some retired airline pilots have loaned me their exercise equipment on the condition I never return it.":D:D

Ha Ha---This one really made me laugh. Being an old retired guy, I look at VAF about 3 times a day. Even tho I didn't build my 8, I still learn a heck of a lot of "stuff" just by reading. A wealth of knowledge here.

Thanks Dougie for making it all happen. I might fly out to Oklahoma in a month or two. Not that far from you. I've always wanted to drop in, just to say hello.
Top Notch

The VAF Front Page and the VAF Forums are reflections of the kind of guy Doug is...top notch! I consider it a privilege to count Doug as one of my friends.

A simple "Thank You" does not seem enough, but it is definitely heartfelt.

I wish you many more years Doug.
Thanks Doug for having the vision and courage to start this unbelievable site. I'm not finished, but I would never be any where near where I am today with my build without you, this site, and all the great people I've met and "talked to" trying to figure out how to build my own airplane. Keep up the good work and congratulations!

Thanks Doug. Without VAF (and three loyal mentors) I could not have built my 8A, or my partially completed 12. Not a day goes by I don't log on and check the new posts and, of course, Doug's front page. You're the best - and congratulations on 10 years of helping the RV'ers. J
I will just echo all of the previous posts here in saying that without VAF, I wouldn't have an airplane. I always thought it would be fun to try and build an airplane, but I knew that I would never be able to get the skills in place to build myself. Then along comes the internet and everything changed. VAF is chock full of wisdom, and I read it daily, and try to contribute where I can to the collective knowledge base.

Thanks, Doug (and family)!
Congrats on 10!!!
Keep up the good work.

Remember when you gave out numbers.
Still posted below. PITA for you, now Tate.

It is a great community.
Flying done for now. Just lerking.

Thanks Doug

Still working my way through my RV6 and getting closer to the end of the build (or start of the real fun!). Yeah maybe I could have done it without this forum but it would have been a whole lot harder, taken a lot longer, and I wouldn't have enjoyed and learned anywhere near as much as I have. I'm in New Zealand and I have seen posts here from all the continents. Take a look at a globe, this thing has gone world wide! You can be proud of what you have achieved.

Re con No 2. Might be speaking from ignorance here but can't you just shut the forum down for a couple of days to get a break? I'm sure the collective wouldn't begrudge you that now and then. Might see a surge in productivity around the world:)

Clive Whittfield
New Zealand
A+ Doug

Vans and VAF remind me of Elkhart, Indiana (interestingly, also the home of the "other" RVs ). From a small seed, a fair number of new and supportive businesses have come to life - component manufacturers, RV interiors, focused avionic shops, and so many others who offer goods and services thru the VAF site. All this and a little entertainment and prompt availability of willing advice.
Not a bad business plan.
Terry, CFI
Thank you Doug.

Seems like yesterday that I came to your forum more than 12 years ago.

Not only have you hosted a great forum & building resource, but you have created an extended family for thousands of aviators.

One of these days, I'd like to thank you in person.
Thanks for providing this forum for us, as others have said it is an invaluable resource for building, flying and maintaining an RV. It's not just web based either, I've had a ton of fun meeting fellow VAF'rs in person!
10th Year!

Ditto all the previous comments! What you have created benefits all who visit. Thanks for the courage in making the leap! Hope all who benefit also contribute. Best wishes for you and your family!
Thank you Doug!

Hi Doug,

Thank you for keeping VAF up and running, so that we can share our RV experiences, documenting the climbs and the descents.

Thanks also for sharing your personal thoughts with us. Your "remembering" posts are interesting, and they contribute to a sense of family with VAF.

In my 5+ years of owning my -6A I can't calculate the value of $$$ that I've saved, by learning from VAF contributors.

Thanks again, and please keep VAF flying along for at least another 10 years!!!


Congrats on the anniversary. I can't believe that we have not met in person yet. Because of you, I have had to build gear leg stiffeners ever since you first allowed me to put an announcement in the classifieds. 4 RV Aircraft later, I'm still looking forward to the time I get to shake your hand and meet your family. Now that our 14 is flying and Myra is finishing her stint as Governor of the 99's we are planning to do a lot more long cross country flying. We will make a point of hooking up at some time in the near future. On a personal note, you and I will have much to talk about. Our backgrounds are rediculously similar. Till then, stay healthy, keep up the tremendous work and do take time to smell the roses.
VAF Anniversary

Thanks Doug,

Happy to be a paying member and your site is worth every penny. VAF is a huge source of resources and a great place to buy and sell RV parts. So much great info is posted here by guys way smarter than me.

Keep up the great work,
Doug I couldn't even imagine what I would do without VAF. Thank YOU!

Words can't express what I have learned in just a few months on VAF.
Congrats on the anniversary and please thank the family!!
Best of the Web

Best site ever by the best webmaster. He keeps it civil. It is just amazing to me how much expertise is available through this site, thanks to Doug. I never would have started my RV9A without the motivation I got through the contributors. Thanks to all the contributors and Doug for facilitating.
Congratulations on the milestone Doug. You've accomplished what the vast majority of would be entrepreneurs never do :D Good job!

You've also created such a great forum that folks building other types of aircraft join in too. VAF definitely has something unique about it.