RIP Suzanne.

So sorry for your loss Tom. We?ve never met but you fabricated all my hoses and I will remember Suzanne in my prayers. God bless you.
Tom, Thoughts and prayers for you and your family. Please let us all at your extended VAF family know if you need anything. God speed my friend.
Tom, I'm so sorry to hear will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers for recovery. I know she was your soulmate...
Loss of spouse

So sorry Tom. Although 50% of us typically will experience this loss,it is overwhelming when it happens. My own wife fought a courageous losing battle with cancer for about 8 years and nothing else including the loss of two brothers and my parents is like it.

Scripture says regarding marriage "that the two shall become one." Thus, our very souls seemed ripped apart when the loss occurs. So very sorry!

Your friend and fellow sufferer.

Vern Darley
Tom, I'm sorry to hear of her passing!

You, Suzanne, and your entire family are in our prayers!
So sorry Tom. Take care of yourself and try to live the way she would want you to.

Don Broussard
RV9 Rebuild in Progress
57 Pacer
Tom, Words fail me, I'm very sorry for your loss. One day we all fly west and will meet again!
Kelli and I pray for your peace, and are grateful that God has chosen her for his house. He plucks only the most beautiful souls from his garden.
Fly on!

God bless you both.
From the boyz in the hangar


From all the gang at 06FD who have benefitted from yours and Suzanne's hard work and dedication to us all, we sit with you in sorrow but also in comfort that there is a new angel walking above us all.

Tom, condolences from us at Team Light Aviation. Nothing can erase the loss of your beloved. It's a feeling you get used to, not one you get over. But support for you is broad, and deep.
My sincerest sympathies, Tom, and my wish that these many pages of condolences serve as a reminder of how much you and Suzanne matter to this community. That has been earned, and the instant and unhesitating response of everyone here is nothing more than a reflection of how you have treated everyone you deal with. I hope you know that and take comfort in it. Take care.


So sorry for you to loose Your Suzann. Glad you two got that trip in before she left us. I know you will be strong and carry on. She will be remembered with loving thoughts, and memories.
My Condolences....Words can never capture the heartfelt sorrow that so many of the VAF members feel for you and your family. Peace be with you during this most difficult time.
Sincere condolances

All of you are family, so I wanted to let you know that my wife Suzanne passed this morning. It was a fight to the end, but her passing was peaceful.
She loved aviation, experimentals, and loved interacting with all of you. She did meet some of you at various events, and considered you all family.

So as family, I just wanted to thank all of you for the calls, emails, and cards of support. I means so much to us.

Yes----I'm ok--and will carry on the work of TS Flightlines/AS Flightlines--she helped get it going and was instrumental in keeping me straight. She insisted that I work during her illness---That our clients deserved the best effort we could give. WE will carry on the promise we made to her to do just that.


I know your were incredibly supportive of her during her disease.
I hope she has "landed softly in Heaven".

I can't imagine what you must be going through. I'm very sorry for Suzanne's loss.

Remember all the good times and keep them close.

May she rest in peace.
Sorry for your loss

I am but one of the hundreds you have helped with fuel and brake lines for an RV 7 yet both you and your wife treated me as if I were family.

This Canadian builder wishes to offer my heartfelt condolences to you and your family on your loss.


Prayers and condolences. Glad to hear you are OK, but be honest with yourself and reach out to someone when you need to. Grief can be both good and bad.
Tom, please accept my sincere condolences to you, your family, and everyone that knew and loved Suzanne. I hope that at some point you can share some things about her with those of us who didn't have the opportunity to meet her in person. Kind regards.
Tom, you are a class act. You have seen more than your fair share of challenges. We are all very sorry for your loss.

(Flying with TS Flightlines hoses since 2013)
Very saddened to hear this. Like so many others, I have only spoken with you on the phone and via email. That does not diminish the heartfelt sorrow I feel in hearing this. Please, if there is anything any of us can do, we are here for you.
All---again thank you so much for the very kind thoughts and support during this very difficult time. It doesnt matter if you have a loved one pass suddenly or have 2 years to prepare, the void is very real. Some of you already have known that, and have offered much appreciated advise. In laws left for home this morning---house very quiet. Even her dog is looking for her. (Guess thats why I'm up at midnight writing this.)

Suzanne beat cancer at it own game-----it cant hurt her any more, cant weaken her because she's in heaven---or at least has a ticket to go. Right now she's flying higher than I ever have, looking down on us. At least I believe so.
Babe----make room for Tim----he's on the next shuttle--.

For all of you----I'm working. I may not be myself, but will try to give the best service I can----Steve and our team have been awesome and have given me the flexibility to take care of Suzanne, and now me during this time. But---we must go on. The one thing constant in life is change as we all know. Mine just changed dramatically, but I'll come out better, stronger, probably not taller, but better able to help all of you. Going to take some time, and I greatly appreciate all the texts, emails and phone calls.
