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I received the exact same reply from Senator Feinstein today that you did. I haven't heard anything from my congressman or Senator Boxer, the other California senator.

Boxer responded to me almost immediately. Surprised me as she is retiring. Our Congressman is McClintock. Haven't heard from him yet.

After reading some of the comments about the sponsor of this bill, I wonder if he's really taken seriously. Time will tell. You can't win if you don't play.
Change the names and its about the exact reply, word for word, that I got from my reps here in MI. Until there is big money involved from lobbyist's, I am not holding my breath for ANY action on this. :mad:
Target Nelson from Florida

I'm not sure how a person in the minority party can hold up leglistation supported by the majority party. Maybe it is time for a new leader in the Senate Transportation committee. I appreciate Sen Inhofe working on this bill, but it is time the supporters in the Senate get some balls and force this through. They have the numbers and to let one person hold it up is a joke.

I urge everyone to contact Sen Nelson to tell him to get out of the way and let this pilot bill of rights be passed.

Well, seems that the ball is rolling again-----maybe????

EAA and AOPA both just put out notices calling for action.

Gotta wonder about the timing ------ what with OSH about to kick off, and Congress about to go on vacation??????

But, the minute or so that it takes to send yet another email is well worth it should this thing finally get passed.

Please take the time to act on this.........................

IF YOU HAVE ALREADY CONTACTED THEM, PLEASE DO SO AGAIN! They need to hear from you and your friends!"
Please follow AOPA’s link below to urge your legislators to cosponsor the Pilot’s Bill of Rights 2. You do not need to login. Once you fill in the information on the right, AOPA provides your legislators names and sends the letter for you. It only takes a few minutes.
This is very critical legislation for sustaining GA! Accordingly, I implore you to copy and post this 'Call to action' to any social media pilot groups to which you belong. Much thanks to everyone!
Here’s the link:
Curt's link takes you to a page that does all the hard work. Fill out your info on the right and hit the "GO" button. In my case there was a couple of extra questions to answer based on who my senators and reps were. Easy.
Another Feinstein Letter

Both my wife and I got our ?Feinstein? letters again today here in Wisconsin. Same letter different signature. I thought it would be a good time to send the letter again to Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner. I thought the timing with EAA AirVenture going on now in his state would make a least a little difference. I even asked that he add his name as a co-sponsor. All we can do is keep trying and not give up. I also stopped by his local office and talked to one of his minions. I just don?t know how you can ask a question and get a long winded answer that never answers the question.:rolleyes:
Politics discussion.

I've been lax in enforcing rule #3 at, and for that I apologize. I'm locking this thread down, but will leave it in the archives.

Again, if your post on VAF contains the words 'Senator' or 'Congressman', or something similar, it's not for here. Please take this type discussion to either the AOPA or EAA sites.

Doug Reeves
VAF Site Owner
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