AWESOME Write-up Mike. Look out Vlad. :D

On another note, I wish the HBC wasn't out in the middle of nowhere. No one is ever hanging around the times I have gone to check it out.

HBC isn't close to anything, but it isn't any farther from the action than the main campground. Poor access all around. ;-)

The biggest problems I have with HBC are the absolute lack of shade and the poor restroom facilities. Hello, SNF, how about a soap dish in the showers and a shelf by the sink?
Thanks for all of the kind words and compliments! I really enjoy writing up the trips I do.

Here are some follow-ups:

nice to put a face to your avatar.
Turbo - we met in Rangeley Maine 2 year ago at CJ's Bungalow. You must of been cocktailing harder than I thought for you to forget me.....I bet you remember the woman at the Marina who's hair you were petting!

Question.....who was reading to who at storytime??:D
No comment!

What? No running while you were there? :p
I have been thru Baxley several times. Always the cheapest gas around and never anyone there.
Looks like they have made a major upgrade to the FBO building since I was there!
Brian - I had good intentions of early runs, but that was before I knew of Mary Jane and her plethora of beer - it made for some rough mornings! The new FBO at Baxley was built about 2 years ago. Super friendly family that runs it.

You should probably get your Master's Degree after this post. That must have taken a huge amount of time.
Honorary Masters from VAF University? I like it! I can add it to my pile of existing masters degrees :D

Great to meet everyone at SNF! Bring on OSH!
Thanks for all of the kind words and compliments! I really enjoy writing up the trips I do.

Here are some follow-ups:

Turbo - we met in Rangeley Maine 2 year ago at CJ's Bungalow. You must of been cocktailing harder than I thought for you to forget me.....I bet you remember the woman at the Marina who's hair you were petting!

Lol Mikey, thanks for that little trip down memory lane!

Say, who is up for a suprise birthday party for Vlad up at the Bungalow this summer?

Shoot me a PM and we can figure something out!

;) CJ
Great write up Mikey! Always great to see you and hang out...until the wee hours of the morning. :cool:
Love it.

Obviously everybody liked the trip report! Great work. I want to 2nd, or 3rd the thumbs up for Mary-Jane and her crew for making HBC a pleasure. Flew my 6A in with my brother. First time at Sun n Fun with the RV and first time camping. Mary-Jane made this a great experience with all her hard work!