
Well Known Member
I am having an issue with my flap operation on a brand new system and was wondering if anyone has ever seen such behavior. The involved setup is a G3X, GAD27 and GEA24 and the newest SW ver 9.0.
The issue is as follow:
The Flap operates up and down as normal when G3X is not booted or in config mode or if there is no flap calibration set. But once I calibrate the flap then it would not work normally anymore.

- if it is fully down, then the UP button*does not do anything, the Down button causes the flap motor to run for a couple of seconds but towards the down which it is at the full down already

- The opposite is true if the flap is fully up, then the DOWN switch does not work and the UP switch causes the motor to run in the UP direction in the same manner above.

- If the flap is in the middle, both UP and Down works but to the very end directions and then the behavior is as described again as above.

During calibration, I do see voltage changes accordingly*and all seem normal.
I had the same issue. In my case, somehow I’d wired BOTH the motor AND switch backwards. Not sure how I did it, but it’s not uncommon.

See this:
Thank you for your help here, this also fixed my issue. We were all scratching our head and when I first read swapping the leads on both switch and flap motor, I thought that would just cancel each other out and the net result would be the same. But sure enough that was the fix.

Thanks again
Check flap speed settings

On a Rv-10 that I test flew the flaps worked perfectly on the ground. Retracted ok after takeoff but wouldn’t deploy in the air.
Problem tuned out to be a setting on the g3x relating to airspeed and flap settings.
Worth checking.