I have no first hand knowledge on the costs of putting together SnF or Oshkosh. That said, both are huge events and require a tremendous amout of support and organization. I imagine their expenses include:

Staff Costs
Campground facilities - purchase cost and upkeep.
Porta Potties.
Printing expenses
Equipment Rental (Trailers, canopies, vehicles, etc.)
General maintenance (cutting the grass, for instance) on the grounds.
Facilities (Display halls, forum spaces, etc.)
Appearance fees for airshow acts and/or speakers.
Shuttles and Buses
Waste Disposal
Emergency Services (e.g. medical tent).

In addition, both the EAA (Osh) and SnF (certain Florida EAA Chapters IIRC) use their fly-ins as a fundraiser. I can't really object to either organization making a buck off me to further their aviation related pursuits.

You forgot about feeding the volunteers! We eat a lot! :) Sun N' Fun seems like it's being over run by the corporate sponsors the past 4 years. Several years ago, there was nearly a volunteer revolt. This was due to the corporate sponsors desires for space at the expense of the volunteers.
Don't they also provide fuel for some of the cool vintage military aircraft which are displayed?
Alas, last minute business prevented me from attending this year! :-(
Charlie Kuss
Sun N Fun, not cheap but worth it...

Let's see... what did Sun 'N Fun cost me?

$400 for a commercial flight from Detroit to Florida

Then I rented a Piper, flew in to SnF (just had to) one hour each way = $150

Two days of entry fees = $60

Rental car to get to the hotel = $35

Hotel = $100

Food & drink = easily $100

So I'm out about $850 for two days. You know what? I don't care--it was TOTALLY worth it and I'm already thinking about next year...

Flying is expensive. Shows featuring people flying are expensive. Does this surprise anyone?


Were else can you see all the latest in aviation, SNF & Oshkosh. Sure it is Commercial and it should be. I can go to a grass roots fly-in almost every weekend, but only twice a year can I see and touch what is new in aviation. Like Gator said aviation isn't cheap. I spent $1,595 for a new GPS, did receive a hundred dollar rebate. Spent another $5,895 for a RV-12 Wing Kit. I enjoyed a demo ride in the twelve. You can't do this at a local fly-in. I been going to SNF since it started on the north side of the field where the tower is now. Billy Henderson and Rocky Sawyer started this thing about 33 years ago. Some one else also mentioned Billy. The local EAA Chapter also had a hand in preparing the SNF Site. Will I be there next year you bet I will.
RV-9, N92gc
J-3 Cub, NC88583
RV-12, Wing Kit ordered
My share of fuel = $250
Shared hotel / 3 = $206
Rental Car / 3 = $ 100

Calling buddy in sunny 85F weather to find out he had 13" of snow = PRICELESS!

Week at SnF

$250.00 100LL Fuel
95.00 Entrance fee for week
230.00 Car Rental
45.00 Tie Down at FBO
00.00 Room at Friends House
250.00 Food and Beer (Beer for Friends)
100.00 Used pneumatic rivet squeezer
Untold hangar, insurance, maintenance,etc
Wife staying home to work to pay for above--------PRICELESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wife says: She retires next year and gets to go too! Who pays then???