
Look at any of the Red Bull air Racing Teams for inlet cooling ideas.

It just came to mind that two of those small mattres fan inflators will do the job just perfect and are small enough to store anywhere
The official recommendation from HET is to convert the original internally regulated alternator to an externally regulated one at the cost of a few hundred dollars.

Although they did not confirm that the internal regulator assembly is sensitive to heat, that is my assumption. I will admit to some level of disappointment that the expensive Plane Power alternator is not as robust as I expected.

Just proves the point... Electronics located FWF are generally a bad idea.

Just came back from Osh. Have Plane Power 60 amp

Crowbar fuse blew while taxying for 1 hour while waiting for my turn to takeoff.

First time the fuse ever blew, engine got very hot while taxying.

Replaced fuse at Sheboygine, (KSBM), wasn't going to lose my place in the line up, worked fine since