Although seeming to be kept as a secret, the Rotax warranty for installation in an experimental (as an exception to the main written warranty), begins when you first start the engine and report this to them..
Although seeming to be kept as a secret, the Rotax warranty for installation in an experimental (as an exception to the main written warranty), begins when you first start the engine and report this to them..

Now Don . . . . . . . . .

Are you absolutely sure of that? . . . :)

Can't wait to see your finished product.
OK - a couple months ago I read all the engine warranty posts then went to some Canadian website to do the registration - and did not succeed. So I called Lockwood. I faxed them my information and they registered me. AND on a later call they told me that they took care of that "extended warranty" thing when they registered me. They told me to LOG the date of the first engine run. Then, IF I have a warranty claim, to be able to produce a copy of that logged date (and not to "send anything in" when I run the engine the first time.) Kudos to Lockwood! I've bought several things from them - the oil sensor relocator kit (for after inspection), compression tester, carb synch tester, oil tank quick drain, spare spark plug, spare exhaust spring, spare carb o-rings.

Does anyone have a clear view what to install and omit for Skyview.
I asked VAN' but they say its all the same with exception of the wing connectors, which I can hardly believe reading about the differences.
A digram or layout would help a great deal.
I hate to do things twice.


RV12 #120519
Airframe completed
wiring ongoing.
Engine in about two weeks
I hate it too, but they seem to be coming with a kit that envisions us that have done some wiring already. About all I will have to undo is the rivets I put in the center panel piece.
The USB socket is on the back of the Skyview. But they include a male-female extender cable that you leave plugged into it. I don't know where Van's intends to put it, but I would personally have it exit underneath the panel and be held with a zip tie. Easy to plug in a memory stick there. Panel mount could be messy.

"Pretty sure" about the following, based on discussions with Dynon:
There will be extra twisted pairs going back to the tail (compared to the existing wiring kit) because the ADAHRS is mounted there. The pitot tube will go all the way to the tail (will likely re-use the static line you've already run forward) and you will have to slightly revise the static tubing you've already installed in the tail.
If you want the autopilot you should get and install the servos but not the AP-74 module (used only with the D-180 series) - Van's sells this as the "RV-12 Autopilot Servo Kit" and it includes the brackets, rods, etc. The existing AP wiring you've already done will be fine.
Each SkyView display has two sockets on the back of the unit but as Bill said, they are also fitted with a 3ft lead ending in a USB plug. On ours, we have coiled up the two leads and velcroed them under the instrument panel above the rudder pedals. Easy access for updates.

It'll be worth the wait, folks - the RV-12 flies very nicely with SkyViews... ;)
Of course

Don, where were you when they called folks and asked who wanted to be the first genuine customer guinea pig--they overnight fedexed the whole works to me, gratis, when I agreed to sing praises to its quality and innovation.
That's not the reason

No, Don--it's just that I'm special...even my kindergarten teacher noticed my airplane building skills--My report card names me the classes champion paper folder...:cool:
Hi Rob,
Looks like were getting closer to some flight training. Did you notice we got our authorization from the FAA for giving flight training in the 12? We would also like to get an endorsement from VAN's, but I don't know how to go about that.
One would think that Vans would be very happy about that. Some transition training for many of us would be critical for safe test flying our own 12.