Can intersections, vor's, and airports be displayed on the map screen?
Not today. We do not have a full moving map yet. We will be working on that right away after we start shipping next week.

Below is a Dynon link where currently functionimg features, in process features, and future features are listed.

Seems like an awful lot of stuff left undone to be shipping units.
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Below is a Dynon link where currently functionimg features, in process features, and future features are listed.

Seems like an awful lot of stuff left undone to be shipping units.

My main interest in the SkyView is it's synthetic vision. If it doesn't totally replicate the extra features of my Garmin 696, or total features of a Garmin 1000/3000 at the moment, that's okay in my mind, as the pricing is vastly less.

BTW--- in regards to the usefulness of synthetic vision, I love this line from a different website:

Will synthetic terrain increase safety for instrument flying? Experienced airline crews have flown into mountains when attempting non-precision approaches and having one instrument set up to the wrong frequency (example: American Airlines 965). Ten-year-old kids don't fly into mountains when they're using Microsoft Flight Simulator. Why not? They see the mountain, add power, and pull up.

And since I keep track every flight into terrain accident in the US (as well as numerous others), along with the whys and wherefores, I believe it. Synthetic vision has been high on my list for a long time. Glad to see it's getting more affordable.

L.Adamson --- RV6A
No Smooth Map Zoom

To DynonSupport,

Looking at the latest video again compared to videos taken at Oskhosh 2009, what happened to the smooth infinate Map Zoom that was demonstrated at Osh 2009. The latest video looks like we are back at the traditional fixed zoom intervals?

Here is the old video:

Thank you in advance,
Looking at the latest video again compared to videos taken at Oskhosh 2009, what happened to the smooth infinate Map Zoom that was demonstrated at Osh 2009. The latest video looks like we are back at the traditional fixed zoom intervals?

The problem with the smooth zoom was that it took time. You can make it look neat, but then it takes 1,2,3 seconds to zoom in and out. That turned out to be a real detriment to real world usability. So we took it out, since functionality needs to trump looking cool. We might be able to figure out a nice compromise in the future.

And just to be clear- we did always have fixed zoom levels, it just went smoothly between them.
Lighten Up

I salute Dynon for their thick skin. There have been several comments made that appear to only take a shot a Dynon. Constructive criticism is one thing, but negative comments with no benefit are another. If you don?t like what Dynon has to offer, looks else where. Are they a perfect company? No, but do any of us work for a perfect company? I appreciate their regular participation in this forum.
Ready for a flaming.
Alan Jackson
Hartselle, AL
I saw a post on the dynon forums that mentioned a firmware upgrade for the AP servos. I just bought a pair for the Skyview. Do they have to go back, or would they already have the firmware upgrade? They shipped to me last Wednesday.
I don't remember Dynon or any company for that matter making any PROMISES about products. They released to the public their ideas and future plans. Like everyone else they have to make good business decisions to stay viable and will when required change their minds. If you don't like the reality of that don't buy their products. I've been using a D10A, EMS10, HS34, AP74 and AP since the beginning and will outfit my RV8 with all dynon again. It works very well. They make incremental improvements at frequent enough (for me) intervals and have first class customer support.

Go ahead flame away..I dare you.
Ready for a flaming.

Go ahead flame away..I dare you.

Hmmm, no thank you, it ain't worth it. I have decided to follow Stein's and several other wise people's advice and only buy into what is real, here today and not on the wishlist for some marketing campaign.

Happy with my panel full of real existing Dynon products and features.....;)

Ken, Thanks for serving our country!
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I don't remember Dynon or any company for that matter making any PROMISES about products. They released to the public their ideas and future plans. Like everyone else they have to make good business decisions to stay viable and will when required change their minds. If you don't like the reality of that don't buy their products. I've been using a D10A, EMS10, HS34, AP74 and AP since the beginning and will outfit my RV8 with all dynon again. It works very well. They make incremental improvements at frequent enough (for me) intervals and have first class customer support.

Go ahead flame away..I dare you.

Guess you never dealt with Blue Mountain Avionics?
Happy with my panel full of real existing Dynon products and features.....;)

To be honest, I've wanted to update my panel to glass. Several friends have Dynons in their RV's. But now I want the SkyView, and am glad I didn't purchase the previous product. It would have been the same as when I purchased my Garmin 496. Within a few short months Garmin came out with the 696. I sold the 496 at a loss, and now have what I want.

You could do the same with your Dynons! :D

Just giving you a bad time. :) As Bill R. says.... build what you want, not what others want you to build. :p

L.Adamson ---- wants the new Dynon SkyView
Ha! Thanks for the thanks - I love my job! I agree with you buying what is ready and working is perfect advice and exactly what I'm doing as well.

Good point - I've had no dealings with BMA and honestly I'm a little in the dark with what has happened in this matter...wasn't paying attention I guess. All I know is they are out-of-business (or nearly so) and a lot of folks are not happy???

and who needs a C/S anyway! oh that is another thread... uh oh here it comes.
I've had no dealings with BMA and honestly I'm a little in the dark with what has happened in this matter...

BMA had the bad habit of introducing too many products and then shipping them with too many features that were to be completed soon or in the future. Of course only some of the soon features got done and none of the in the future features were completed.

Good way to get cash up front but not good for a continued cash flow.
Oh I can relate to Milts comments. I got burned as well by Blue Mountain. They pushed the G4 out with only a fraction of the promised features working.
They were very convincing that the "stuff" was on the way until it became apparent that the cash flow was falling off. Then Greg took our money and bought a restaurant and is now flipping burgers. "I wonder if he serves everything he lists on the menu"
I was looking for another EFIS to replace mine and while I was researching Dynon I learned about the the AP76 feasko. Here we go again....
For Dynons sake they need to be very quick in releasing the promised stuff.
But.... I did decide to buy the TruTrak EFIS with the APIV knowing that a required item "ARNAV converter" was not out yet. But researching TT I found no complaints about them not fulfilling there commitments. So I took another chance. I am happy to say that the Converter was delivered last Monday and works as promised. I really hate Vaporware but I see it as a necessary need to promote cash flow but it can destroy a company if not used with discretion.
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...I was looking for another EFIS to replace mine and while I was researching Dynon I learned about the the AP76 feasko. Here we go again....
For Dynons sake they need to be very quick in releasing the promised stuff.
There is one BIG difference between BMA & Dynon. Dynon never took any money from anyone until they were ready to ship.

This is the sign of an honest, well run company.

Being close to Dynon through their beta program and spending a lot of time behind the beta version of the AP74 and D100 software, I was very impressed.

With the SkyView coming out, they needed to focus their resources on one thing. Given the SkyView or AP76, I understand why they moved their people to the SkyView. With luck, once the SkyView can do coupled approaches, they will (might) move that technology over to the D10A & D100's.

One can only hope!
The problem with the smooth zoom was that it took time. You can make it look neat, but then it takes 1,2,3 seconds to zoom in and out. That turned out to be a real detriment to real world usability. So we took it out, since functionality needs to trump looking cool. We might be able to figure out a nice compromise in the future.

And just to be clear- we did always have fixed zoom levels, it just went smoothly between them.


Yes it looked very neat on the old meant you could have always kept your next waypoint in the perfect zoom with the infinity zoom (Something I think is lacking on all GPS currently) I hope you guys can find a way to get it back in the future, maybe zoom only the waypoint layer OR the terrain layer in realtime and as soon as you release the knob then the rest of the data appears at the right zoom level.

I saw a post on the dynon forums that mentioned a firmware upgrade for the AP servos. I just bought a pair for the Skyview. Do they have to go back, or would they already have the firmware upgrade? They shipped to me last Wednesday.

In order for a servo to work with SkyView, it will need to have new firmware on it.

There are three ways to get the new firmware:

1) Purchase servos from us after this week. We expect to be shipping all servos with new firmware within a few days

2) Upgrade any existing servo using a current EFIS (D10A, D100, D180) to version 5.2 (which is now on the web)

3) Send the servo to us for the upgrade

We cannot upgrade a servo with SkyView. The whole point of the upgrade is that it makes the servo compatible with SkyView, so it can't work the other way. Sorry if this wasn't made clear to you when you ordered, but we were doing our best to let everyone know.
We have 1 year old servos...

...bought new from you for the -7A we're building that is going to have Skyview in it. Do they also need the upgrade?

Yes, any servo purchased before tomorrow needs to be upgraded either in the field by a current EFIS or at our factory.
Kind of a bummer having to ship something back that I just received, but oh well :rolleyes:

I just spoke with Paul at SteinAir and I guess they didn't realize there would be any upgrades required.

In order for a servo to work with SkyView, it will need to have new firmware on it.

There are three ways to get the new firmware:

1) Purchase servos from us after this week. We expect to be shipping all servos with new firmware within a few days

2) Upgrade any existing servo using a current EFIS (D10A, D100, D180) to version 5.2 (which is now on the web)

3) Send the servo to us for the upgrade

We cannot upgrade a servo with SkyView. The whole point of the upgrade is that it makes the servo compatible with SkyView, so it can't work the other way. Sorry if this wasn't made clear to you when you ordered, but we were doing our best to let everyone know.