SONY & Flight Guide

I've been using a SONY reader since OSH with my Flight Guide subscription. Beats pulling out dozens of pages every time there is an update and even though the Flight Guide books are small .. the SONY is smaller than three!

Only problem so far .. be careful where you put the reader. In my 6 I put it on the passenger seat when done .. flopped a seat belt over there once when getting out.. hit the screen!?!?! No damage .. but thinking about a cover.

I have been playing with my "brainbag " today and the Nacomatic down loads.
He has a couple of interesting options on the download site.

White on black plates and special sized plates for the e readers. They are smaller files and download more quickly than the standard versions.

When run on a Q1 ultra they can be handleded and sized just like regular pdf files.

Below are som screen shots on the Q1 and a side by side comparison of the white on black vs black on white. The images below are a bit fuzzy due to the camera. The actual screens are crisp and easy to read.





I really like the white on black for clarity in bothj light and dark conditions not to mention the faster download.

His indexing system works great for quickly and easily navigating to the correct plate.