

(OK - not actually my pic. Someone sent it to me on FB.)

...El Monte CA KEMT airport, on the way to the Rose Bowl of course.

Been there once, but on a big boat. Understand that is the only airport where the runway is higher than the tower cab. Also, as I recall, that was the destination of the "bridge to nowhere" debated several years ago. How can a most unique airport be nowhere?
Jekyll Island

One of my favorites, and I love to cheat the toll collectors at the bridge by flying in, playing a round of golf, and flying out. My most memorable trip to Jekyll was my wife's (she is a white-knuckle flyer anyway) first ever go-around, due to gusty winds making the approach not to my liking. She was silent for a few seconds as I applied power and began climbing, then said in a voice that I did not need the headset to hear "What the h*** are you doing?" I 'splained it to her later. :)
I35 - Tucker Guthrie Memorial Airport - Baxter, KY

Final Runway 26

Short Final -Left view

Hey, Vlad,
Before you even post the pic, the answer is Pungoteague, VA. For Christmas lunch. Hope you weren't too low and scaring the ponies on the way.
Hey, Vlad,
Before you even post the pic, the answer is Pungoteague, VA. For Christmas lunch. Hope you weren't too low and scaring the ponies on the way.

Ha ha old spy Sam. Yes I've been there but I've seen no ponies :D

Since it's winter....

.... here's a few of final shots which fits the season: First "Vermundsj?en" NE of Oslo: (40 mins flight time)


Same place as above but one year earlier:


A little further east is Lillehammer (15 min flight time)


Another frozen lake further north, Femunden, by the small town R?ros, which is about 20 mins flight time south of Trondheim...


Ah, Vladimir,
Your picture is of Warren Grove, did you get a picture of Salmon Airstrip, near Pungoteague, when you landed there at lunchtime?

The ponies are (were?) in a refuge called Chincoteague NWR, along the eastern side of the peninsula.
Ah, Vladimir,
Your picture is of Warren Grove, did you get a picture of Salmon Airstrip, near Pungoteague, when you landed there at lunchtime?


No Sam I couldn't get a fresh picture of Salmon Farm but his runway looks like this :)

i am quite sure at least 2 people can identify this airport


not a direct view, but here's me on final to 7B9

This one was taken at Tracy, Ca during one of our practices. We had almost 20 kts cross wind, hence the aircraft infront of me crabing. I was #6. Picture by Mark Loper.

Here's three. See if you can guess which airports they are. Mel, you should know one.

Picture 1:

Picture 2:

Picture 3:

Picture 4:
Last edited:
Love these! Norway is on my soon to be traveled list!

.... here's a few of final shots which fits the season: First "Vermundsj?en" NE of Oslo: (40 mins flight time)


Same place as above but one year earlier:


A little further east is Lillehammer (15 min flight time)


Another frozen lake further north, Femunden, by the small town R?ros, which is about 20 mins flight time south of Trondheim...

Pictures 1 and 3 are the same island airport, Ocracoke, NC. It has been significantly improved since last time I landed there, there was only a widened area at the east end of the runway, and a telephone booth. The rest facilities consisted of low scrub bushes. For you young guys, a telephone booth is a wood and glass, later aluminum and glass, free standing closet with a wired telephone inside. You had to drop a nickel in the slot to make a call, which later went to a dime, then a quarter.
Pictures 1 and 3 are the same island airport, Ocracoke, NC. It has been significantly improved since last time I landed there, there was only a widened area at the east end of the runway, and a telephone booth. The rest facilities consisted of low scrub bushes. For you young guys, a telephone booth is a wood and glass, later aluminum and glass, free standing closet with a wired telephone inside. You had to drop a nickel in the slot to make a call, which later went to a dime, then a quarter.


I messed up the link for #3 and will change it to the larger picture when I get home tonight.
Pic #2

Pic #2 is Roche Harbor, WA.
Home of an old limestone quarry and interesting owner history.

Pat Garboden
Katy, TX
RV9A. N942PT
Deja vu all over again

...In 2012 a C-17 landed here by mistake (4.6 nm mistake). Runway 17 is now 18...
Speaking of the C-17's intended target, MacDill, many years ago a commercial passenger flight, while turning left base to final for 36 at Tampa international, popped out of a cloud layer, saw 4 at MacDill in front of him, reported runway in sight and that he was too high, descended rapidly and landed. About the time he stopped, he realized what he had done, perhaps aided by the Tampa tower controller going nuts at the same time, trying to figure out why he couldn't see him.