Actually it's my night job...

Day job

Retired at 52. My day job for the last two years has been building my 7a but I do work part time in the summer driving a shuttle in Rocky Mountain National Park.

My career job was Telecom Manager. I managed a very large school district network with 120 telephone systems. I also managed the data centers. After 911, the main data center had a biometric access denial system installed. I actually retired as a Technology Project Manager. It was fun.
Retired at 52. My day job for the last two years has been building my 7a but I do work part time in the summer driving a shuttle in Rocky Mountain National Park...

THAT's the kind of job I want in retirement! (hopefully before turning 60...)
Wow, this thread still lives!

I've since changed careers, now flying these to put gas in the -8 :D

Big bush plane

Taking families to Disneyland
I work from home as a software engineer / problem solver during the week. Saturday and Sunday are committed to A&P work (my previous career) on other airplanes, building my 7A or flying my 1966 Cherokee 140 (until the 7 is done).
Wow, this thread still lives!

I've since changed careers, now flying these to put gas in the -8 :D

Big bush plane

Taking families to Disneyland

Oh no! I've already told all my friends you are a real pilot not a button pusher and a sky manager. :D

Thirty five years in the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, General Duties, Forensic scene examination, labor relations and criminal operations. Now I do polygraph questionnaire reviews, interviews and field investigtions on people aspiring to the job.

Joe Hine

I am a Vans guy. I will tell anyone that. That becomes a bit of a problem with my day job. I work at Glasair Aviation! It is at my home airport and it is great experience. I love working there :cool:
I am a college student and a student pilot (I solo'd last week) so this job is perfect for a young guy like me!
I manage the R&D and business of products, in various spectrums of software and hardware.

At the last job, I worked on this (plus some other things):

Today, I am working on this:
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Stumbled across this thread today..... Thought I'd post some pics... I definitely don't have anything that compares to some other people.. nothing involving flying really fast things during the day...
What I do do is high end Audio/Video and Automation systems. I own my own company called A/V Consulting. Been pretty lucky to work completely off referrals... Designing and wiring BIG A/V systems and racks certainly is helping with the wiring and electrical design of the plane...
Here' a few Racks. As you can see, my guys and I are pretty picky about the wiring...

The back

Different system... No Equipment besides the displays and speakers in the rest of this 10k sq ft house.

The phone guys made a little bit of a mess of the left side of this one.. I did clean it up after this pic...

This is a theater I just finished... 12ft wide masking curved anamorphic screen (It changes from HDTV Shape, to what you see here so you never get the black bars for widescreen movies..)

And yes.... Caddyshack just happened to be on Cable.... Had to spend 30 minutes or so watching... ahem... I mean calibrating...

Man, I wish you would've posted this 2 years ago when I was assisting my parents with their home A/V system. Do you do any work in the desert? (Palm Springs/La Quinta) How about Control4 work?

Man, I wish you would've posted this 2 years ago when I was assisting my parents with their home A/V system. Do you do any work in the desert? (Palm Springs/La Quinta) How about Control4 work?

If the job is big enough I do... Palm Springs is easy.... esp if I fly (30 minutes). I have clients as far north as Bakersfield that I fly up to do work for... He's a pilot so I park in front of his hanger....
I don't do Control 4.. I'm a Crestron guy.... There's a lot of options these days in the Control 4 price range that IMO are better. Even Crestron....
I am a Vans guy. I will tell anyone that. That becomes a bit of a problem with my day job. I work at Glasair Aviation! It is at my home airport and it is great experience. I love working there :cool:
I am a college student and a student pilot (I solo'd last week) so this job is perfect for a young guy like me!

Hmmmm.... A "Vans" guy, working at Glassair, and just solo'd in a Cessna. There are some serious issues here!

This is what I drove for over 30 years. Well not just this one, there were others.

Then I retired and I Golf as much as possible. View of the golf course from my back yard.

This golf course that I belong to is adjacent to the Dayton Valley Airpark here in Dayton. It is hard to concentrate on a 20" putt when there is an RV in the pattern, I seem to always look up.

Since joining here I found out that I have Paul Dye to thank for the distraction.:D
I sit at work and watch YouTube all day ...

... so it continues showing funny cat videos and RV build videos to people all over the world. It's an amazing job.

As a bonus, my view out of the office window includes departure path for heavies taking off runways 28L and 28R at SFO :)
A pilot friend of mine from Alaska has retired down your way Gary.
She became commander of the Alaska State Troopers... after being told she was too short to fly seaplanes...
Motivational speaker now on ethics... might give her an RV ride..
What a great thread, I finally went and read the OP and the rules of the thread so I think I have an appropriate story and picture.
I used to turn our tax money into hydrocarbons in extremely satisfying and fun ways, but gave it all up to become a Stay At Home Dad.
But now that the last child is almost out of the nest, I guess I should call myself retired. So my day job is in fact occasionally sitting in a hangar drinking a beer.
Sometimes, it transforms to a night job: I needed to get night current, as well as evaluate my leading edge landing light installation tonight.
So I hit the runway three times at the appropriate hour, and then had 45 minutes to kill before Son Number One's indoor Lacrosse games started a few minutes away from the airport.
I walked over to the Gourmet Gas Station and bought a pint of brew, then back to the hangar to try a second iteration on the aim point for the landing light:


I really like this job.
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Hi everyone. I'm brand new to the forums, but I am enjoying them so far. I haven't flown a piston single since 2008.

These days I am sitting around waiting on these guys:


Or walking past scenes like this:


Occasionally getting up way too early:


Usually it is worth it though:


The real hurdle I face is putting the money together to get into an RV-7A without having to part with too many toys, but I have a feeling the little bass boat is going to get the axe now that I've caught the bug again. I am living in East Tennessee these days, and want to get back into GA. I finally renewed my EAA membership.

First flight with my son on the "day job"

Outstanding, Myron! I'm envious--looks like neither of my kids will follow me into a SWA cockpit.

You may or may not remember me--I used to fly a Bonanza out of the Mogollon Airpark about 10 years ago.

I live in Kansas City now, and I'm about 2 days away from purchasing a flying -8. Can't wait!
Outstanding, Myron! I'm envious--looks like neither of my kids will follow me into a SWA cockpit.

You may or may not remember me--I used to fly a Bonanza out of the Mogollon Airpark about 10 years ago.

I live in Kansas City now, and I'm about 2 days away from purchasing a flying -8. Can't wait!

Smart kids, they already know they don't want to spend their life in that awful cockpit! :D
My day job


I retired from the Royal Australian Air Force two years ago but I still put on the uniform for my work in the Active Reserve. One of my jobs involves a project where the RAAF provides assistance to the Indonesian Air Force in the area of aviation safety and airworthiness. This was my last trip to Indonesia with a KT-1B from the Indonesian Air Force formation display team, the Jupiters.
Yes, the KT-1B is very nice. One could be forgiven for thinking the South Koreans had copied the PC9 which I'm sure they didn't. Paint scheme is very close to our PC9s .. I watched one of their practice displays and if you didn't know you would swear it was the Roullettes up there.
G'day Warbo,

Careful - don't spend too much time working for the Reserve or your RV-7 build will drag on too long.

Regards to you both,
Haha thanks Rags .. It's a bit of a balancing act at the moment because the Reserve salary is paying for the aircraft :D



I took the partial cash option on the pension to finance the kit. The downside is the reduced pension $ will run out sooner.

On On !

My Job...

I spend my time fixing...

Sometimes doing this....

And this...

To give gas to These...

To Keep this Free

I was E&E as well. 18 years on the tanker here at Robins until my unit closed in 2008. Keep em' flyin'!!!