Wet Summer Wing-Fit

This is no longer contemporary (summer 2010) but I have only just organized my photos.


I live in a terrace of brick houses in an inner suburb of Dublin. My shop is very small so fitting the wings had to happen outside. Trouble is, the shop is tiny because the back garden (yard) is also tiny. Not to worry, the builder obviously had the dimensions of a Vans RV-9 in mind when he laid out these houses in 1902. ;)


I 'extended' the doorway of the workshop to get the fuselage out and placed it across the garden with the tail extending slightly into our "boiler house" (a small outside storage shed where our furnace lives). The boiler house door had to come off and I had to go inside to get around the tail, which was the only way to get from one side to the other.

I erected a cheap 'party tent' over the fuselage, not realizing how vital it was to become. The weather immediately turned very wet and a lot of the work was done with one eye on internet weather radar maps that told me when rain was on its way, giving me 15 minutes or so to cover up the wings.

The wing fit itself went relatively smoothly other than taping the spacing block to the level the wrong way around :eek:. The resulting imaginary 1/2 'twist' in the wings ruled out any proper edge distance and I nearly went crazy while I figured it out :eek: In fact, left to their own devices, the wings fell naturally into almost perfect incidence.

With the aft spars drilled, I fitted the ailerons and controls, and had them respond to the stick for the first time. The flaps were fitted and hooked up to the flap motor, which I also ran up and down. Next to come was drilling the tank attach angles to the fuselage and fitting the wing root fairings.


Afterwards, the wings were removed and placed back in the attic of the shop. Because the horizontal stab is wider than the shop, I fitted the tail plane with the aft end of the fuse sticking out into the garden.

All told, the plane was outside and subject to weather for two weeks. Sure it got wet, but being summer, it also dried quickly and completely. I have been watching for corrosion ever since but I can't see any.


With maybe 20 neighbors' windows overlooking the garden, I was sure I would get lots of comments but it seems they had already written me off as the local eccentric and paid no attention. So much for my plans to sell tickets for the eventual move to the hangar! I did have lots of help from family, including my son Conor (pictured).
Looks great, Loman! No wonder you had to sell me your steps - with them attached, the fuselage wouldn't fit through the door! Kidding, of course. Can't wait till I get there myself.
Can you post any pictures or details of the cradle that your fuselage is sitting on? That looks like a neat set up.

Great pictures, Loman. It doesn't matter that they're older, they provide "fresh" encouragement to those of us following you. I hope the intervening year and a half have been productive for you.


The best shot projection I've ever seen! I bet nobody in Dublin has airplane in the backyard :)
Not such a good cradle really

Can you post any pictures or details of the cradle that your fuselage is sitting on? That looks like a neat set up.


Thanks to all for the compliments.

Lots of work has been put in since that summer but there is not that much visible progress. I have just finished my forward canopy (Full Sikaflex - no holes).

Having the ability to move the fuselage easily and at will is indispensable to building in a restricted space but there are much better fuselage cart designs in circulation right here on VAF. Searching for "fuselage rolling cart" should find them. Lars Pedersen's design is particularly good and he has a pdf version of his beautifully drawn plans.

The only aspect of my cart that I would recommend is to get the fuselage as low as possible. After modifications to my cart, the fuse now rests directly on the base board at about 5" off the floor. You will come to appreciate this when you get to climb in and out several hundred times. Plus, if you are building a tip-up in a normal domestic garage, you need to watch out for headroom to fully open your canopy, so lower is better. From belly skin to the tip of the open canopy is about 76".

I fooled around with a rotisserie function but it didn't work out and I am no longer convinced of the net benefit of rotating your fuse in any case. Even a great rotisserie will seldom put the work at the perfect height and angle.
Thanks for the input. We built our -12 on saw horses and/or a table and I'm just looking for something a little better for next time. I fully agree with the height recommendation.

It's great to see how a determined builder will make the best use of the smallest space! I enjoyed the photos and wish you well. I can't wait to see your first flight "RV grin" photo. Setting up the angle of incidence and drilling that rear spar was the most stressful part of my RV-6A build. I'm glad you figured out your problem and got through it.

Jim Bower
RV-6A N143DJ
St. Louis, MO
Flying since August 2011
Wings on at the hanger

We moved the plane to the hanger last month and began the process of attaching the wings and tail. Here we have the wings final set with horizontal and vertical stabilizer attached. This month we plan on attaching all the control surfaces and final wire to the terminal ends. Still a long way to go but it was nice to see progress after nearly 600 man hours of prep, primer and paint. We still have some buffing to do then wax and rebuff. Mechanical work first.



Pat Garboden
N942PT (reserved)
Lycoming O-320 150 hp
Thanks Jeff.

I can't wait to place all the parts on this to take a final picture. We even painted black stripes on the leg fairings, with the parts facing outward orange and the inside white to match the white belly and toenails on the wheel pants. I was given a military helmet by a friend of mine that lost a battle with cancer and I upgraded this to match the plane. He told me to paint it like the plane and wear it, so that is what I am going to do.




Pat Garboden
N942PT (reserved)
Lycoming O-320 150 hp
Started Riveting...

Hey guys,

It's not much to share but here it is... after one month and a half of work since receiving my kit, here are the first rivet installed on my kit!

Vertical stabilizer rear spar...



I installed most of those with my rivet gun; I have more experience with a rivet gun so I find it's way faster for me to use than my hand squeezer... Also, sometimes with the squeezer, the shop head doesn't set straight, which I don't have any problems when bucking instead...

Anyway, here's the rivet gun I am using; ATS Pro E Series... The new trigger is soo sweet and easy to control!


Finally, for those who would be interested in following my build, take a look at my kitlog website;

Exterior is complete

The large parts of the puzzle are in place. Now we are working on the interior and the thousands of little items that have to be checked off the list. Hope to start the engine for the first time this month. Several people have asked to see what it looks like when all the parts are in place, so, here is a sampling to enjoy. Thanks to those that have encouraged me along the way.



Pat Garboden
Katy, TX
N942PT (reserved)
RV9A Lycoming O-320 150 hp Sensenich prop
First Start

Finally got to the first start today! I had serious questions about whether my 4.5 yr old, highly-abused Odyssey would crank it over but piece of cake! Even with two plain Slick Mags the thing fired after only 2-3 blades! Thanks Aerosport Power! No drips, fire, or smoke! Only issues:

1. My Dynon tach values need to be changed b/c my RPM was only reading half of what I finally figured out it should have been. As a consequence, I was running at higher RPM than I intended until I figured out what was going on.

2. I might have some radio noise, perhaps from the alternator (Brand new Plane Power) but, honestly, things seemed to be happening so fast that I really didn't have time to see if my intercom settings might have been the culprit. We'll see on the next go around.

Per Mahlon's instructions via one of Paul Dye's posts, I kept everything under 300F on the CHT, let it cool, and then ran it for just a minute a second time with a portable tachometer to confirm that my RPMs were double what they showed on the Dynon.

As someone else recently mentioned... if you have a chance, have a video camera inside the cockpit to record what the Dynon is showing. Other than keeping my eyes on the CHT and oil pressure indications, I was having a hard time processing everything I was seeing! I suppose I could try to download the Dynon data, but that's another learning curve itself!

Anyway, all in all, a good use of my day in between church and Easter dinner!

Quality not great, but here's the proof: http://youtu.be/r7aVU5RKIZU
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Way to Go!!!!!!

Hey Steve,
Congratulations !!!!! Must be getting close to the first flight now! Just turned 930hrs in mine. Your going to LOVE flying your plane!
Best of Luck on your first flight.
Nice Work

Nice work Steve, we all remember that first start, exciting tim, adn a great milestone to get by, the engine sounds great, good luck, you have some fun times ahead of you.
Sunday evening we had friends over for dinner, so instead of walking the dog.... We took 608MA for a walk.

It's about a mile from my house to the hanger, and it was perfect weather for a walk.

My buddy Nate was the mule. :D I was tugging and stearing.

My wife Dyane and neighbor Karl were the brakes for the downhill sections.

A few of the kids enjoyed the ride.

** Quality of photos are due to extraction from video taken on an iPhone in the hands of a running 10 year old. **
Seriously, that's funny! Never seen one moved like that. Ephrata probably hasn't either! Did you make the local paper?

Nobody even knew about it. It was an impulse...

The conversation went like this.

Friend: "Dinner was great. Where you at with the plane Nate?"
Me: "I'm running out of things to do on it. Mainly just fiberglass stuff. Fuse is ready to move out of the garage so I can get the wing tips done and get the wings installed."
Friend: "Let's move it."
Me: "Ok!"

Didn't even think about having someone take a decent photo or video (which I regret now).
It's Alive!

Really winding up a lot of stuff now! I am almost complete with the wiring stuff. FWF is done with the exception of the sensor wiring. I am mating the wings for the first time this weekend and will put it on the gear finally. I kept it on the cart so it's a lot easier to work on.;)




Pristine application

Beautiful application and very clean looking. Looks like a show stopper to me. Congratulations on your progress.

Pat Garboden
N942PT (reserved)
Big cut for my birthday !...

To day I have done the "big cut". Good job to celebrate my birthday who is to day !...
Actually it is spring time in France but the weather is exceptionally cold so I have done the job in my workshop with the heating to get the 70 ? minimum.



Happy Birthday Philippe!

One of those most important and stressful jobs well done! Excellent craftsmanship. One suggestion for baffle where oil cooler is attached. Beef it up. Look for tips on VAF. Otherwise it will crack after couple hundred hours. ;)
Looking good there Bruce. Now you only have to figure a way to remove that vertical section of the house without it falling down on you and you're all set?:rolleyes:

Or Try This...

...Now you only have to figure a way to remove that vertical section of the house without it falling down on you and you're all set?:rolleyes:


Nahh. Just pull it forward til the LE is almost touching the pillar, then yaw it to the right...it'll twirl right out the door. (Former forklift driver).:D
Getting close


The plan is to get the rest of the fairings on and interior in and weigh it this week and the first engine start over the weekend!! I flushed the fuel lines over the weekend and put the first drink of oil in it. Turned it over by hand and then the starter and got oil pressure fairly quickly. I'm excited. Now to get some transition training and the inspection!!
Started Quick Build Fuselage

The wings are sitting in the cradle without the bottom skin rivets done and the wing tips and plumbing to go. I decided to go with a quick build fuselage which Vans had in stock. I had it shipped to arrive just as my flaps were completed. The fuselage looks good. I've notice a couple odd things so far, but not concerning. The firewall was already dimpled, yet I was still needing to match drill the recess. Second item is the seat ribs where the stick control columns attach were not complete. The inner most ribs had the access opening with nut plates but the next ribs over did NOT have the 1.5 inch hole cut with trimming to allow the control stick mount (WD610 I think) to fit. It looks like there should be clearance to get in there and drill it out.

The flap trailing edges in this picture were not done yet. They are sitting on the table letting the pro seal set up.


Picking up quick build at ABF freight


It took about 6 hours from arrival at ABF freight until it was unpacked and all items inventoried.

Fuselage done.

Making good progress and am waiting for the delivery of the Finish kit.
The empennage is on temporarily but I haven't fit the wings yet. I have them in storage and did not want to haul them back to the house to fit them. Plus I don't have the fairings until the finish kit shows up anyway.
RV-9A Panel

Concocted this panel design along with the help of Paul at Stein and now I've been poking away at the assembly. So, What do ya think? dont be too harsh, as you can see im pretty far in already!. Im particularily interested in suggestions for panel color/paint paint options and lettering suggestions. You can see i've got some samples going... a couple of the hammered finish and a couple 3M Di noc samples....






Status Update: The airframe is complete, wings and tail sections fitted. Gear mounts on and working on the wiring. Canopy fitted and hanging in the garage. It is actually starting to look like an airplane.


I was able to find a new engine, O-320 D2A, at a price I felt was a good deal. It has been sitting for just under 10 years in Wyoming at the Husky airplane factory. Lycoming pickled them for long term storage and they have remained in their box since. After doing as much of an examination as a person who knows nothing about Lycomings could, I purchased the engine. In fact, I bought 2 of them!! My friend Dave who is building a -3 said if they checked out, get one for him too. Now I have 2 shinny new Lycomings in the back of my car. I have to tell you, the Styrofoam crate they are sitting in is NOISY and squeaks at every bump.

Now I get to drive back to Colorado listening to squeaks the whole way. For the deal we got, worth every minute of it!

It looks like I am going to need the heater for the garage when we get back!

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Wow, those look great!! congrats on your progress so far! that pic of the two of them in your car is classic:)
i need an engine too:eek:
Rocky it looks like you move ahead fast indeed. Exactly as you stated. Motor looks great! I can't believe you got so much snow already.
When we going.......

......Skiing? We have been warm with rain all weekend. Let's get out the long boards and show the kids how it's done! When does Aspen open Wednesday?
First engine start!

I am making some real progress. Started the engine the first time last Sunday.
Ran like a dream, only squawk was reversed amp reading on the dynon's and my
used carb with no idle cut off. Replacement carb on the way. Mel is scheduled to do the inspection on January 6th.
Was hoping to test fly it New Years Day, but the MIDO had different plans and wouldn't allow
Mel to do the inspection until after the first of the year, (don't know what that's about)
Here is a short video. Turn up the volume. The audio is lousy. The mic sensitivity is turned down so it works
feeding it audio panel outputs.
You would never be able to tell my wife is really excited when it fires up, lol. (she almost seemed surprised):rolleyes:

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