Tailcone is looking good. I'm ready to prime my tail cone parts, hopefully in the next couple of weeks.
Wings On!

[QB RV10 ZU-LUX (aka RV ZULU 10) : Week 135: Total Hours = 1639]

Major Milestone: WINGS ON

Fitted the wings for good, my wife around to lend a hand and take pictures while i crawled around under the airplane ;-)

Sticking on the REG letters under the wing

Crawling under the airplane installing the wings

The Top Bolts

After crawling around they are both installed and torq'ed for good. Me tired but satisfied!

Lots and lots of odds and ends to complete...

Till next time
I took this photo the other night while working late on the build and really love how it turned out. Thought you all might enjoy it too.

Looks great!

I took this photo the other night while working late on the build and really love how it turned out. Thought you all might enjoy it too.

I agree! The pic looks great. More importantly, that -10 looks ready for flight :)
Oh yes..

This sort of news and picture ALWAYS makes me tingle with joy!

Then again, I remember looking skyward as a toddler, the first time I ever saw an airplane fly...a lifelong obsession.

Congratulations to both of you.

phil said:
Come on.. We know Brandi took that.
:D Yes she usually deserves credit for anything that turns out looking great on the project. I'm clinging to my one good photo though, thats why I ran and posted it on here so fast lol.

I agree! The pic looks great. More importantly, that -10 looks ready for flight :)

Ready except no doors attached in that shot. We're bringing T-top style back into fashion! haha

Not at pretty as Brian & Brandi's

After 1200 hours my fuselage kit is now "complete" the same day that my finishing kit arrived. I have not riveted the upper forward fuselage as I have not started any of my electrical system. Timing could not have been better as I was just finishing up a last coat of clearcoat on my aerosport panel when the truck pulled up to deliver my finishing kit.

I know I am only about 1/2 done, but after watching Brian and Brandi get thier pink slip I am highly motivated to pound (sand) out my finishing kit and get the plane flying.


Hang on to that motivation! It'll help you push through the doors.

Call Brian if you need a hand. ;)
After 1200 hours my fuselage kit is now "complete" the same day that my finishing kit arrived. I have not riveted the upper forward fuselage as I have not started any of my electrical system. Timing could not have been better as I was just finishing up a last coat of clearcoat on my aerosport panel when the truck pulled up to deliver my finishing kit.

I know I am only about 1/2 done, but after watching Brian and Brandi get thier pink slip I am highly motivated to pound (sand) out my finishing kit and get the plane flying.

You're on the downward stretch. You're half way done. Just remember that while some of the tasks may seem overwhelming, just focus on the next tasks, not the rest of the project. You'll get through it. I feared the finish kit, but know that I'm past it, both my wife and I have acquired many new fiberglass skills.

Leave the upper fuselage assembly off until you are ready to glass in the windscreen. You can take it on and off, even with the cabin cover in place. This will greatly reudce the amount of time you'll need to spend under the panel. I wired my entire panel on the dining room table durng the winter this past year. Much nicer than working in the hangar.
Leave the upper fuselage assembly off until you are ready to glass in the windscreen. You can take it on and off, even with the cabin cover in place. This will greatly reudce the amount of time you'll need to spend under the panel. I wired my entire panel on the dining room table durng the winter this past year. Much nicer than working in the hangar.

That's the plan.... Now I just have to decide what EFIS I am going to go with, then I can start the wireing :) Oshkosh is going to be VERY expensive this year. (Engine, and Avionics)
Nice inventory management to have the kits showing up right on time, Bill. Keep up the great work!

Call Brian if you need a hand. ;)

I thought I was a clever guy when I convinced Brandi that we should build a plane in the first place.. who knew that the depths of my genius knew no bounds when I later convinced her that SHE got to do the doors??!! Call Brandi.. shes done them before :D
Parking is starting to get a little tight.

Finishing kit is due in next week and its starting to get a little congested in my current parking spot:D
Steve, that is an awesome picture. Save it, frame it; it could be a conversation piece in your office or at home. I'm getting really jealous of all this progress; this past winter put me behind in my schedule. I've made a lot of progress this past month, but nothing photo-worthy (interior work, systems, etc.) so it looks like nothing much is going on.

Harking back a bit in the thread, Brandi is a door guru? Hmmm. Maybe you guys need to come see the Grand Canyon this winter.;)
I've been pretty much just doing odds and ends waiting for the finish kit to get here(pretty boring when you don't see much progress). I decided to put the tail feathers on just so I could see some kind of progress. In a couple weeks it will be full steam ahead, looking forward to seeing it up on its own legs.:D
Harking back a bit in the thread, Brandi is a door guru? Hmmm. Maybe you guys need to come see the Grand Canyon this winter.;)

So we starting a Brandi tour schedule as a door guru? :D

I'm working on my doors this weekend and could use the assistance of a subject matter expert. I have to resize the door gap after applying fiberglass to the infamous cabin cover flat spot.

Sounds like Brandi may have a new career if she wants to stop programming.

Well, it's not huge progress but I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. I have the cast pedals with 'R' and 'V' on them and fitted them to the stock pedals. Then i had them powder-coated a textured neutral two-tone color to help hide dirt.


I also replaced the brake tubing with Bonaco lines. Looks much prettier. Now I'm ready to install a panel.

She can stand on her own!

After only 5 1/2 years my baby took her first steps(under human power:D) and now stands on her own! She a little wobbley(a bit tail heavy:D) and starting to out grow her house:).
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Fuselage Progress

There hasn't been a recent progress post, so I thought I would contribute a picture of riveting the lower fuselage skins.

Always can't wait for what's next!
Good progress!

Good progress Justin,
Keep at it and one day she will support you "literally" and your family.:D
Its time to train some help

Its a great day when your son is old enough to understand bucking rivets and still small enough to fit in the tight spots.:D
Wheel Pants


A bit of an unusual question.
I would like to use RV wheel pants on a different plane. So my question is:
What size tires will fit an RV-6 wheel pant and an RV-10 wheel pant?
I would like to use two different tires: 6.00 x 6 and 15 x 6.00 x 6
What would you recommend?

Thank you,

You can reply direct.
Barry, the -10 has 600 X 6 mains and a 500 X 5 nosewheel. However, the mains are an unusual, low profile tire, but the main wheelpants ' might' fit your application.

Bear in mind that Van places the wheelpants on the RV's much lower than you normally see, so you can probably mount the mains on a standard 600 X 6 a little higher than we do on RV's.

The mains for an RV-10 are 15X6.0X6, which is much smaller than the 600X6. As Pierre stated, there is a slight possibility that a standard 600X6 could fit, but I doubt it very much.
Recently, i was wondering what the difference was with the 15x600-6 vs 600-6. There is a 50% price difference.

Does anyone have specs on exactly what is difference between the two tires?
Background: I purchased the tail kit back in December from a builder who completed the vertical, horizontal, and rudder.

Within the last couple of weeks, I have started to see some actual hard work and progress coming together after nearly 4 months into the build. The elevators went together without any major snags. I got lucky with the trim tabs, they came out perfect and are currently curing. As the elevators were nearing completion, I had some random down time (usually due to poor planning, or disorganization), so I was able to get a start on the tail cone from time to time and am currently in the initial assembly stage.
I talked to Van's last month and they had a couple QB wings in stock, I knew it was a little ahead of schedule, but I wanted to beat their annual price jump. The wings showed up at my house a week ago, delivered by SAIA Trucking, and the crates had about 4 punctures from fork lifts from its journey across the country. But upon opening the crates, there was no damage to the wings or any components... So, that's when the "Smile" showed up! ... and I gotta say, the workmanship on my QB wings is outstanding!

So anyway, I will quit rambling now and show some pictures ...




P.S. I live by myself, so especially since the wings showed up, I am able to decorate nearly every corner of my house with airplane parts :D Be jealous
One Year of Building My RV-10

March 23rd 2013 was my anniversary for starting my RV-10. I thought I would give a "tour" around my shop to show where I'm at in the build.

For more detailed stats on times etc see my blog.

The following are pictures of all the parts I have completed in one year or are still in work. A tour around the shop!


Fuselage on top of stand. Taicone stored on top of fuselage. LH Fuel tank stored under fuselage. Bottom wing skins on LH side of picture in storage.


RH Fuel tank in work.


LH Wing waiting to moved to stand after RH wing top skin is finished being riveted.


RH wing on stand waiting to finish riveting. Notice harware bins to left side of picture, very handy.


Vertical Stabilizer, Rudder, Elevators in storage. Hardware bags and lists layed out on top for convenience. Stairs to loft on right side of pic.


Horizontal Stabilizer stored on loft. Canopy stored up on the loft waiting to be used, along with many other piece parts.


Panoramic view (makes it look huge) showing the crowded workshop. When the wings are completed they will be moved to the loft and the shop will be rearranged to gain a lot more space.


A normal picture just to put the scale of the shop in perspective.


My other joy that arrived in Dec of 2012. She is now 3 months old and a tiny 10lbs.
Beautiful shop (and kid!)

That reminds me that I really need to clean my garage up. It's getting pretty cluttered up since the never-ending winter began!
Thanks Ed. You're making good progress as well I see.

I also wanted to note on the previous post I had 587.25 hrs over last year.