Fernando, Looks Fantastic! Good Luck.

Hi folks,

My 8 is ready to fly just waiting for DGAC (Chilean FAA) athorization to fly. next weekeknd I will fly with Alex from RvTraining and I will be ready too.

Empty weight is 1113 lbs that include full alodine and corrosion resitant paint interior and exterior, fire extinguisher, headset but no wheel pant, both wheel pant weight 5,7 lbd.

Any other RVs in your area? You live in a beautiful country (talk about never ending coast lines!) so I'm hoping you can take a bunch of sweet aerial pics for us soon while we're stuck up north of the border, so to speak, freezing our butts off!
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Hi folks,

My 8 is ready to fly just waiting for DGAC (Chilean FAA) athorization to fly. next weekeknd I will fly with Alex from RvTraining and I will be ready too.

Empty weight is 1113 lbs that include full alodine and corrosion resitant paint interior and exterior, fire extinguisher, headset but no wheel pant, both wheel pant weight 5,7 lbd.

Thanks a lot, Fernando...you just made me drool all over my laptop (and my computer, too!) :D :D

It's gorgeous!
Buena suerte

Buena suerte con tu primer vuelo! Tus amigos del norte esperan ansiosos para saber como te fue.

(Good luck with your first flight. Your friends to the north anxiously wait to know how it went.)

Not writing in English probably violates a forum rule, but hopefully including a translation will make it acceptable.

It is................

absolutely stunning!!!!!! You've got me re-figuring my own shceme. Truly masterful execution! Hope to see this beauty up close some day soon.

A well deserved congrats. You should be very proud of that baby.


Any other RVs in your area? You live in a beautiful country (talk about never ending coast lines!) so I'm hoping you can take a bunch of sweet aerial pics for us soon while we're stuck up north of the border, so to speak, freezing our butts off!

Yes their is two RV9A that fly from the same airport and their is two more 8 that are in building stage. I will take lot of pictures for you;)

I did not build her but have modified her to a fully IFR platform.



New upgraded panel
Yes their is two RV9A that fly from the same airport and their is two more 8 that are in building stage. I will take lot of pictures for you;)

Felicitaciones....Que lindo te quedo!!!
(congratulations. The end product is beautiful)
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I did not build her but have modified her to a fully IFR platform.

I like it, looks like you made it a solid platform. You are one of the few people I have seen that added a Marker beacon, I am still trying to decide if I need one or not.
Primero, Gracias por su respuesta. Mitch
Tim, Being from the old school, even with waas in my 430 GPS, I still like to fly an ILS every now and then. I also believe in as many back ups as possible.
Also I use the 496 for weather and the Avmap for traffic.
First Flight RV-8 81901

I am pleased to announce the successful first flight of my RV-8 on February 11th. With some family and close friends along for support at Springbank Airport west of Calgary we completed our first flight. The day was sunny and calm. I'd like to thank my wife Linda for 7 years of support, she gave me a cleco pliers as a Christmas present in 2003 which started all this, for my 4 kids for putting up with my time at the airport and to Ralph Inkster, Bengt Follinger for their valuable help and to Michael Anderson for holding the bucking bar.


Now on to the testing phase.
Another member of the RV8 Invasion Squadron

hey guys, just finished painting an RV8 for a customer of mine.. it was in pretty sad shape when i picked up the project, but after ALOT of stripper and finishing the construction (well still working on the build actually) this is what its looking like now. Joe Sills (http://www.sillsaviation.com) and I are finishing this one up and should have it flying in the next couple weeks.


I have a TON of pictures i took in the last couple months of this little jewel at http:www.airbornekustomz.com/RV8.html
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John Murphy's RV8

John Murphy knows a thing or three about aircraft. Well known in the St. Louis, MO. area, in 1970 John founded St. Louis Helicopter Airways Inc. Although I did not know John at the time, as an airshow spectator I will always remember his unique routine. Piloting a Sikorsky S-58, John would lift an old clunker automobile to altitude, hover in place, then release the vehicle to fall and smash to the ground. That spectacle was the highlight and exciting finale to many an airshow around here.


Over the years, John has owned and flown many aircraft including a Cassett Racer, T-28B, Extra 200, L39, Kitfox, Baron 58, and built and flys a Helicycle, single seat turbine powered helicopter.

John has long since turned the reins of his thriving company over to employees and lately has developed a real appreciation for RV's. Fresh out of the paint shop, AirSpectrum of Quincy, Illinois, 217-885-3455 here is John's RV8 posing in all its glory. Gotta love those RV's!

Sharp 8


You have one good looking airplane! Your paint really stands out with some blue sky back drop. Look forward to some posts.

Beautiful airplane and great photos.
Did you have a TV crew filming your maiden flight?
Stan Sutterfield
75W now 639PW gets paint/polish

First post so let's see if this works....

Built by Thomas Weathers and recently purchased from Paul Story but polished by me. I read much about polishing versus painting and I was almost scared off from all the opinions on polishing. Too much work, the polishing tools can do damage, too shiny in flight.... It's a lot of work, but it's not difficult once you learn the technique and I didn't have a single incident with the tools. The shine creates no more challenge than the sun does through the canopy in flight. I'm glad I did it. It looks great and I built a bond with the plane over the past two months polishing.

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Long time coming ...

I've been waiting a LONG time to post pictures on this thread. Although "Smokey" flew for the first time last summer, he was far from being "finished". After paint and some cosmetic changes, I think I can safely post pics on this thread ...




Hi Smokey,
Looks like you've got a HUD in your 8. Care to share your impressions?

Tom, I hate to break it to you, but it's fake. Until someone comes up with a functiona HUD that can be mated to my Dynons, it'll have to do. Can't have a fighter without one, right? :D
Beautiful airplane and great photos.
Did you have a TV crew filming your maiden flight?
Stan Sutterfield

Thank you and yes two tv channel and also a newspaper, here in Chile is not so common that regular people build an airplane at home:D

But things are changing for good!!!!
I am currently building an RV-8 and plan a polish/paint scheme similar to yours. I would be really interested in a somewhat detailed description of the polish/paint process, tools used, polishing media, paint to polished surface transition, etc. If you have the time, could you give us some detail?


Pete Britton
RV-8 Fuselage Kit, Archer Flying
Paint and Polish

"I am currently building an RV-8 and plan a polish/paint scheme similar to yours. I would be really interested in a somewhat detailed description of the polish/paint process, tools used, polishing media, paint to polished surface transition, etc. If you have the time, could you give us some detail?"

Long answer so I hope this the information you're looking for.....

First of all, the paint scheme is an example of the best type of flattery. I copied someone else.

For the polish I used Nuvite and simply followed the detailed instructions they provide. Check out www.perfectpolish.com. I used a 8" wool bonnet on a disk polisher with Nuvite's G6 for compounding, followed by F7 with a Cyclo dual head polisher and the rags that come with the Nuvite system. I then finished with the S, again with the Cyclo. The G6 compounding will make the aluminum start to shine but it leaves swirl marks the width of the pad across the surface. The F7 cyclo removes those swirl marks and increases the shine to the point where one could probably stop and be happy depending on the finish desired. The S simply takes it to the mirror finish you're probably after if you like a polished plane. I didn't bother to use the S on the underside of the wings or fuselage and those areas are still quite shiny considering you have to kneel down to appreciate the shine there. More on the bottom surfaces at the end.... I used mineral spirits and lots of cotton t-shirts to wipe away the excess polish in the seams and rivets after each step. Except on the S, as you actually dull the shine if you follow the S with mineral spirits. I read that corn starch works well, and I was quite impressed that it does. It cleans off any excess polish and leaves a great shine.

Midwestern Aircraft in Hibbing, MN did the painting before it was polished. The transition from paint to polish is simply a very clean tape line. There is of course a perceptible paint "ridge" a few mils thick, and I even had some concern about having that ridge close to the leading edge along the span of the airfoils. I also have an annoying friend who is an experimental test pilot that cautioned messing with the laminar flow so close to the leading edge, so I gave it way more thought than anyone should before I committed to painting the leading edges. We decided in the end the biggest risk was a change in stall characteristics and that's worth the risk of a nice paint job right:confused: None noted during recent stall testing though, so without a wind tunnel to see what disruption is occurring I'm not giving it any more thought. It's really nice to be able to wipe the bugs off after flying without messing with the polished finish....and it looks good.

I taped the painted edges before compounding and using the F7. The compounding will definitely mess up the paint but the cyclo doesn't seem to be a problem. The S is about the consistency of lotion. It doesn't hurt the paint or vinyls with direct contact. I added the vinyls after the F7 and then cyclo'd with the S. The vinyls are all in perfect condition and I removed a few of the small air bubbles as a bonus. Minerals spirits will clean up any bleed over onto the painted surfaces.

There's a learning curve to determining how much polish to use. It's not as much as you might think. Too much and you'll simply push the polish around without actually altering the characteristics of the metal. Too little and you're just buffing the existing surface. My first two square feet took me an hour and I still had to go back and touch it up at the end. I did the entire left side from the canopy back in about three hours at the end. The entire project took me 50-60 hours. The bottom surfaces where definitely the worst part of the project. I'm 35 and in decent shape and I'm not sure I'll ever do this again because lying on your back working a 20 lb rotating polisher along the surface of a plane is not easy. I did 30-45 sec bursts and then rested my arms. Repeat for about 2 hours at a time over two weekends. The maintenance coats should be a bit easier. I'm told to expect to have to touch it up with the Cycle in about 6 months after the initial polish and then yearly from then on. Of course it depends on the finish one is trying to maintain. Mine isn't perfect but I'm happy with it. I could have even been satisfied without the S. It's a flying plane, not a show plane, and flying planes get dirty. Oh and I also have a 3 and a 5 year old who find it amusing to leave their hand and nose prints on Dad's shiny plane. Mom likely puts them up to it. :rolleyes:

US Army

RV8A Flying
N639PS FKA 75W Built by Thomas Weathers
Paint and Polish

Thanks for the detailed description on the paint and polish procedure on your RV-8A. Your posting was exactly what I have been looking for. I still have a long way to go on my project but assuming I complete the airframe without any major skin/rivet flaws, I am planning a paint/polish finish similar to yours. Based on your comment about polishing the bottom skins, I may consider doing some or all the paint and polish before doing the final assembly. I have done more than my share of cleaning on the bottom of my current Archer so am not looking forward to holding a polisher up against the airframe while lying on a creeper (I have about 25 years on you). Thanks again for taking the time to describe your process. Your plane looks great!

RV-8 Fuselage Kit
Me too

That makes two of us. That is the first post I have seen that accounts for polishing an airplane with paint and vinyl graphics.
Thanks Mike for the info and thanks Pete for asking the question.
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Not fair

Not fair. Two years and an awesome plane and web-site for us all to see? Gives those of us hope that have been slaving away for years (and years) -- congrats and it will be neat to see you paint scheme. Dave:D
Here is a pic of N184TA, recently out of the paint shop in Ormond Beach --- Saltaire Aircraft Refinishing. This RV-8 has a IO-360M1B with blending airfoil prop, Vertical Power VP-200 electrical system, GNS-430, GTX-330 Mode S TXP, Dynon D-180, Becker 4201, Trutrak VSVGII Autopilot , PMA 9000EX Audio panel and Classic Aero interior.

Like rabbits!

These 8s are multiplying like rabbits.
Congrats Tom and Flynwest (not sure what your name is)! Both machines are gorgeous!
I hope to join your ranks in the future!
N880KM Finished and Flying

N880KM flew for the first time Sunday August 8
I got to witness the first flight, and a very happy RV owner!
I painted this one a few months ago.. during the construction and painting its owner had some medical problems. He has fully recovered and is flying it!


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RV-8 Trip To Brownsville California...

We flew up to Brownsville California on Saturday and since the RV-8 had just had baby's first bath since the test flight (now at 85 hours TTSN, and almost 10,000 miles), there were some great chance for photo ops. Everyday I seem to enjoy flying the RV-8 even more. It is truly a joy to fly in every respect. On the way home, I had the IO-390 engine dialed in at 7000ft, 22.4" MP / 2200 RPM and 204 MPH True at 8.8 GPH. Earlier in the week I took it to 18,000ft (on oxygen) and was seeing 170 MPH True at 5.5 GPH, 192 MPH @ 6.5 GPH, and 202 MPG @ 7 GPH. At the 5.5 GPH, that's about a 1300 mile range less reserves. Coupled with the 3000+ FPM climb solo, its a truly amazing machine!

Keep at it! You won't be sorry! It is so worth all the hard work!

Matt Dralle
RV-8 #82880 N998RV
http://www.mattsrv8.com - Matt's RV-8 Construction Log
http://www.youtube.com/MattsRV8 - Matt's RV-8 HDTV YouTube Channel
Status: Enjoying The Fruits of 2500 Hours of Labor...

2010.08.14 - RV-8 - Trip To Brownsville California (4).jpg

2010.08.14 - RV-8 - Trip To Brownsville California (3).jpg

2010.08.14 - RV-8 - Trip To Brownsville California (8).jpg

2010.08.14 - RV-8 - Trip To Brownsville California (11).jpg

2010.08.14 - RV-8 - Trip To Brownsville California (6).jpg

2010.08.14 - RV-8 - Trip To Brownsville California (5).jpg

2010.08.14 - RV-8 - Trip To Brownsville California (7).jpg

2010.08.14 - RV-8 - Trip To Brownsville California (2).jpg
Here's mine but??

I'd love to show pic's of my newly completed 8A but i'm just computer stupid and haven't been able to figure out the posting??:confused::confused::confused:
I'd love to show pic's of my newly completed 8A but i'm just computer stupid and haven't been able to figure out the posting??:confused::confused::confused:

You have to have the photos "hosted" on the internet somewhere. Then you insert a link to the hosted photo in your message here on VAF. This is done by using the icon above that looks like a yellow square with a "sun over a mountain" in it.

Click on "insert Pics" just under the large VAF logo on the top left of the screen, this will take you to a set of more detailed instructions.
Some more pics of Richard Boone's RV-8
which I got to fly to Oshkosh 2010

On the way to Oshkosh

Smooth landing at KOSH with the typical tail-low wheel landing characteristic of the RV-8

At the Tulsa / Bartlesville Fly-in two weeks ago

EDIT: Just learned that N421RT won the experimental award at the 54th Annual Tulsa Fly-in :D

N421RT's "older brother", an RV-4 (N621RT) completed about 5 years ago and painted with the exact same color scheme won this same award at Bartlesville back in 2006!
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Matt: That's a beautiful airplane. Thanks for giving the performance data which is really exciting. Hopefully our -8, when it's flying with the Lycon IO-360 and 10:1 pistons will come close to yours. Can't wait. Enjoy!
My newly finished RV8-A

After 8 years+ I have an awesome RV8-A to report flying, and FLY she does!!!

I will post better finished pic later, but you can check out some progress photo here:


This is one SWEET flying airplane!

Many thanks to my dad and all the guys at Leeward Air Ranch that put blood, sweat and tears into this plane!!

Specific kudos to:
Esten Spears - Dad, builder, mentor and all around great guy!
Mike & Mac McKenna - both builders extraordinaire and true friends
Alan Woodson - Owner of Texas Aerocolor in Brady, TX, I Highly recommend him as an excellent aircraft refinisher and a **** of a great guy!
The "coffee group" at Leeward Air Ranch for their constant support, guidance, advice and encouragement. You all make this fun!

I definitely have a major RV grin that nothing can wipe away, thanks Van's!!

More to come..

Best regards,

Bruce Spears
RV8-A - N922ES
Based at West Houston airport (KIWS)