Oops... hit return a bit early.

Agreed that the OP had a super nice looking list. It's almost exactly the Boeing format of the QRH or QRC that they publish for their commercial aircraft. And looking at some of his comments re. his work experience, he may have hit a copyright wall trying to send this out to the public.

I am working on my POH and would be happy to share what exists so far. It did start with another copy of a POH, then modified to suit my specifics. It is in a 5x7 ish format that will fit in a small binder.

Drop me a pm if I can help at all.


Hi Justin, Thanks for the offer. I do not have G3X, But I was searching for some Handy type Checklist, not a POH and nothing real technical but maybe just a simple set of cards that can be reviewed while warming up the engine oil. Segregated Checklists on one side and possibly emergency procedures on the other. Pre-flight / Cruise / Pre-Landing / shutdown. Simple Stuff that can be crammed onto 5"X8" Colorful and laminated card. I see plenty of them for Certified Planes but not for Experimental. I know EAB's are owner/builder specific but I think most of the similar built models may also be nearly the same for check list purposes. (HMMM,now if I just had a good printer:eek:)
Does anyone have a nicely formatted POH for their 7A in Word format that I could edit for my own plane? I have one but the formatting is not the best and was hoping to upgrade.
Does anyone have a nicely formatted POH for their 7A in Word format that I could edit for my own plane? I have one but the formatting is not the best and was hoping to upgrade.

If you do a few Google searches for RV-7A POH, you may find some examples of other people's POH they shared, in docx format. I don't like how any of them are formatted and typeset, but they are good examples of the kind of contents you could include in your plane's POH.
The OP checklist is outstanding. I would love to see pictures of other folks in cockpit checklists.
Nice POH and Checklist

I'd like to purchase one like that for my RV8. I'm one of those guys that two finger types and am not into word processing. I know i'm 11 years late to this forum but are there check lists and POH samples out there for sale that may fit in the glove box of an RV8?
I'd like to purchase one like that for my RV8. I'm one of those guys that two finger types and am not into word processing. I know i'm 11 years late to this forum but are there check lists and POH samples out there for sale that may fit in the glove box of an RV8?

I went to some of the builder's sites and found a POH for one of the guy's RV9As and printed it off.
My plan now is to have my 26 yo daughter help me modify it to my airplane.
in-cockpit checklist

The OP checklist is outstanding. I would love to see pictures of other folks in cockpit checklists.
Here's my simple checklist that I use to just ensure I haven't missed anything. I've tried to design the cockpit and switches to be simple and "idiot proof" but I do still sometimes forget to set my altimeter unless I follow the checklist. The rest is almost impossible to overlook if I'm even half way awake. Although I only write some things once in the list, I do check them many times - like tank selector, flight controls, fuel pump, mixture.

PDF - VAF does not like .doc files:

View attachment Laminated Checklist - HB-YMM - 20210130.pdf

I just print it, fold it in half, and then toss it into a plastic laminator. Makes it about the right size for a kneeboard. I have my full checklist including emergencies in my booklet under my right elbow.

Any RV pilot could fly mine with about 15 seconds of training. "All switches on, hit the giant start button."

I remove the battery ground (10mm wrench via oil door) if I don't want someone running off with my RV.
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I'd never buy one of those. Building an airplane such a personal thing that I want to make the manual, too.

Also, that binding doesn't let the reader fold the pages under. Recommend spiral binding, which does; it's much handier.

There's another manual to be considered, the maintenance manual. Each airplane will have a few unusual quirks that need to be addressed.

Quick reminder that there are POHs and a couple checklists available for download on the VAF home page - look in the left column...
