No toilet paper......

Just a few thoughts after a visit on Friday and Saturday.

A most enjoyable part of the visit was watching airplanes come and go, and looking at what was flown in. Some of the tail draggers were using the grass strip which brought them in over where I was standing. That was cool. The air show performers had some challenge maintaining center line as the wind was not gentle.

A drop in fly-in attendance? Only SNF officials have the numbers. Perhaps, but I doubt public flight line access had anything to do with it. OSH has had such a policy for years. Total numbers may be off - that would be a reason to open the flight line to the public. Total cost of attending is a problem and some just won't or can?t do it.

These gatherings are a great place to scope out an airplane or some of the peripheral stuff that goes along with home building. But once an airplane is built and flying, that reason to attend goes away. It then becomes a matter of whether or not one wants to fly-in and be looked at. The best reason to go is to meet and visit with other like minded aviators. The public is irrelevant and OK if they behave.

If EAA had a sense of history of the show, they would make it attractive for builders to show their machines. A free registration pass and free camping for "THE BUILDER" would be very positive. It would be good for the association, vendors, the public, and individuals who do it.

The event is a combination marketing tool and opportunity to see great airplanes. If you are looking to build, or if it's just fun looking at airplanes, 2 days isn't enough time.

(What WAS irritating, and I don't like being negative, was the fact that on Saturday all toilet paper had been used up in the portable crappers I visited. Sure hope there was a re-supply for the Sunday crowd. :)