When I started dating my current wife 3 years ago she always wanted to go flying but at that time I was still building and only had my Cessna 140. She loved flying ever where in that. She even started her ground school for her PP thinking she wanted to get her ticket. When I got the RV in the air last year she short of got out of the habit of flying while I was flying off the 40 hours and when she got her first ride it was January and cold and hard to get in the plane with her heavy jacket. It has influenced her to this day that she does not like the RV as much as the Cessna because it is too complicated/sporty/fast or something. She still goes flying with me when ever I ask but she says she prefers the Cessna. The Cessna is currently down for some restorations so I guess I need to get it done ASAP. We may end up with his and her planes.
I don't pretend to understand it

I don't pretend to understand it but it is not an uncommon attitude that your wife has. Thank God I don't have that problem. I do not think there is a cure for it. This year we flew our RV-6A (my wife is not a pilot) to Charleston, SC; San Louis Obispo, CA; St. Louis, MO and New York City, NY just to visit and Taylor, TX (twice); Dayton, OH; Fond Du Lac, WI; Wichita, KS; and Memphis, TN to race. We also flew to Athens for a tour of Greece and Turkey. Each of the planes has their strong points. I do not think building the RV-10 to try to accommodate your wife is a good idea - I believe it would be a wasted effort and you would be saddled with a sedan when you want a rocket. Never the twain shall meet someone once said. Life is too short, stay happy.

Bob Axsom
Hey Scott!

Build the 10... feel free to see me your 7a!.. it's Beautiful!!! Tell your wife to contribute to the marriage by bucking rivits and when she gets to fly in something she helped build... she will come around.. if not... well you still have the 10!!!:D
I'm a lucky guy

I recently had to go the divorce route. The plane was not the big issue but it certainly was one of the more important issues. I had to give up my interest in the home and a newer paid off truck in order to retain the plane but I got it and we are happy together. It does not care if I call it names or leave it in a cold hangar all by itself. Never complains about the money I spend or how I spend it.

Here is wheere I lucked out. I found a great gal. She is a nurse and loves the idea of the plane. She even sits out in the cold hangar smelling the kerosene heater and works on it with me. If I do not have anything for her to do she loves watching me do whatever I am doing. We talked about the cost of an engine and she didn't even flinch. She just asked when I will need it.

Here is where things are not so good for me now. All of my friends now come to the hangar and ask her to fly with them instead of asking me. She has had more RV-4 rides than I have. She goes with my hangar mate in his 6A and they do all kinds of aerobatics. They all say that they love having her in the cockpit because she smells so good. She loves the attention and just wants me to get mine done so that we can go together. D*** the luck.
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The key to getting my spousal unit "on board" (so to speak) was flying to places SHE wanted to go. Her mom and sister live up in Michigan anywhere from 7 to 9 hrs away by car. Until I get my 9A done, we fly up see them in a club-owned 172S ... yeah, it's slow by RV standards, but it sure beats the pants off an all daydrive in the car. In July we flew up on a Saturday, had a great birthday dinner with her sister, then flew home on Sunday. Now Kris thinks this private plane thing is pretty nifty. :D:D:D

With visiions of Sam Buchannan's avitar buzzing around, I'll throw in my observation. After years of research I have found that;

95% of the time: Girlfriends fly-----------Wives, don't. This phenomina is somewhat akin to that old question of "What is the one food that will ruin a lot of good relationships"????

Wedding cake!;)
Get her a flight in a -10 ASAP!

The -10 is a completely different beast and is pretty roomy, especially the back seats. Georgia is one state where a small plane rocks! Savannah to PDK in an RV about an hour, driving 4 hours! Savannah to Wilmington, NC in an RV about an hour, driving on the Sunday after Thanksgiving 6.5 hours. Savannah to Key West in an RV under 3 hours, driving 11-12 hours. If your child/children is/are active in any sports in Georgia the chances are you will have to travel throughout the state. Trust me you want a plane!

My wife told me she got married so she wouldn't have to drive. So guess who gets stuck driving on long trips!The airplane has helped a lot!
90% of the time I fly alone.

Local flying, I'll pick calm days to fly with my wife.
This makes the experience enjoyable for her.

Otherwise, she's ok when we fly away for weekends.

While building, she came to the realization that some day I would make her fly in it.

Horses are her thing, not mine. We trade off time in each others hobbies.
It's all about balance.
I'm one of the lucky ones. My wife loves flying, loves the RV, hates aluminum tubes, and has no problem with weather delays or the occasional mechanical problem. She doesn't want to be a pilot, but she'll eventually learn to "pinch hit". The only concern we both have is that the RV6 doesn't handle back-country strips that well. Wife's attitude? Need another (bush) airplane. Can't get any better.
I'm amongst the lucky ones.. My wife also likes to fly.. When we first started dating she was all about the "road trip."

"But you get to see alll that scenery..." she used to always tell me..

After her first 1.5 hour XC (that normally takes 7+ hours in the car) she was sold.. :)

No longer do I have to hear "We get to see all that scenery.."

Now I get to hear..

"Is there an airport near X?"
"Is there an airport near Y?"

Life *is* good.. :D
I jut finished a long trip

Colorado to Florida. Key West (Beach, Hemingway House, Butterfly Garden). Bahamas (Pink Sand beach). Then Crystal River to swim with manatees.

I have been on day trips to Mt Rushmore, Devils Tower, Oklahoma, Texas, Arizona, Nebraska, New Mexico, etc.

Live your life even if she decides to stay at home.