Scott Will

Well Known Member
So my wife and I were discussing finishing an RV-10 the other day. I told her I didn't want to put the time, effort, and money into the project only to come to find out in the end it will not be used like it should be used. Then she emailed me this quote to which I am still baffled. This from a woman who has spent over 12 years in higher education.

To me travelling is not synonymous with flying an RV.

Needless to say, that pretty much sealed the deal. The tail kit may be for sale real soon. That's OK... two seaters are more fun anyway. It's extremely dissappointing to me to learn that... even though she lists traveling as her number one favorite hobby. She'd rather fly around in an aluminum people tube. I told her I will take our charming little girl all over the country in the two-seater. I want to show her all this great country has to offer.

My wife kept referring to the future RV-10 as "my plane" not "our plane". I told her if it's gonna be "my plane" then it will be a plane that suits my needs (I'm thinking Super-8 fastback). Even descriptions of trips we could take as a family didn't seem to interest her... she'd rather deal with the hassle of the TSA at the big airports only to risk not getting on a particular flight because we always fly standby.

How do ya'll with non-flying spouses put up with this?
That was easy.

How do ya'll with non-flying spouses put up with this?

Scott, I have the exact same spousal situation. The solution was an easy one however, I built an RV-3. It travels with me in it just fine!

Hang in There

My wife was very relucant to get in N214TK at the beginning. However, the first couple of times we went somewhere, she commented, "This is sure quicker than the Cherokee!" Keep working on her. Hopefully, she will come around. Good Luck!

Darren Kerns
RV8 N214TK
Taswell, IN

I don't know if this will make you feel any better but my girlfriend absolutely hates the fact that I am building an airplane. She has even said that she wishes that the roof would fall in on it. I keep telling myself that it is because she wants me to spend more time with her:rolleyes:. However...I have no doubt that once it is flying and she has her first ride in it, we will be tooling all around the country.... Especially when she realizes that we can fly for 3 1/2 hours (the drive is 12 hours) and she can visit her family for a long weekend.

My advice is to keep building and when she sees how much fun you are having flying places she will want to get in on it.

Jim Kinsey
7A Fuselage tipped

My wife is not convinced either that the RV will provide her any benefit in the end but I intend to show her otherwise! She has pointed out many times that there are only two seats and we are a family of four.

She also is not super fond of flying but will go when I press her to. Once she sees that we can be zipping around to little mini getaways every once and a while, I think she will come around.

Hopefully you two work this out because a 10 is a significant investment and you are correct, if you can't use it as a convinient air taxi for you and the family, what good is it?
My ex-wife hated flying. After 27 years of that **** (and a lot of other ****) she became an ex. After 6 years, I met a wonderful lady at church that not only loves to fly, but LOVES building the plane with me. I married her last month. Her idea of a good time is building (and lets finish it quick so we can go flying). Borrowed my co-captains V-35 for honeymoon and she loved every minute. I have been told that I have Aviation Induced Divorce Syndrome. (A.I.D.S):D
Not good


.............. She has even said that she wishes that the roof would fall in on it.
Jim Kinsey
7A Fuselage tipped

My ex said something similar:) Life's too short for this .....

New wife always asks, "Where are we going this Friday? To the beach, the mountains?" Out 'n back in a day to distant places are what RV's are best at.

Don't get me wrong... she's not afraid of flying. She's been up in my RV-7A dozens of times. The farthest about 100nm away to KPLR for some good, cheap lunch. Don't think it's a fear issue.

My little girl absolutely loves flying in my plane. Every time we land she says "that was fun" or "I want more1". However the past few weeks she's said she likes Delta planes more... hmmm, coersion?
Dittos here. My wife doesn't like to fly in the small planes and goes up with me maybe once or twice a year (an Aircoupe, just about to begin a -9A). I consider myself pretty fortunate anyway. She understands the airplane is important to me, I understand it's not her thing, we're both good. Once I flew my Coupe from Sacramento to Bellingham Washington to visit a sister, my wife airlined up to join me...whatever works!
Ohhh and here's another anecdote where an RV-10 would be perfect for us...

A few weeks ago she flew Delta from KATL-KTYS to go to Gatlinburg where her brother had a time share. Total time door-to-door... about 4.5 hours. I did it the very next day in my RV. Total door-to-door? 1 hr 20 min! On Monday, she goes to KTYS to get a flight home on Delta. Couldn't get a flight out allllll day. First avail was 6pm (and this was 8am). I said I'll come up and get you, we'll be home in 35 min. No way. She chose to drive to KBNA and get a flight from there!!! UGH.

Drove from KTYS to KBNA for a flight to KATL???????? Why not drive KTYS to KATL??
Sorry Dude!!
This probably doesn't help.

My wife has been supportive and enthusiastic throughout the building of our -7A. She listens to all my worries and concerns and is the best cheerleader I could hope for. She has bucked most of the rivets on the plane. One day she got a ride with a friend of ours in his -6A... now she is on fire for me to get thing done. Her first statement after she landed was "Not to put any pressure on you but... HURRY UP!! I want to go places!"

So maybe you can arrange a ride for her in a -10 so she can see for herself what you want to do and what an RV-10 really like. Has she been in any RVs? (I see in your profile that you have -7a experience). Even for my enthusiastic spouse the experience was nothing ike she'd imagined. Her previous homebuilt experience was in a Kitfox and she commented on how solid and responsive and comfortable the RV was. Maybe your wife would have a similar improvement in opinion from "I don't really care" to "Hey, this is kind of nice".

The thing about travelling in "people tubes" is that for a lot of trips you can get there in an RV in less time than you spend NOT going anyplace commercially (check-in, security, delays, baggage claim, rent the car, drive an hour or 2 or 3 to a destination you could have flown directly to in the RV, etc). Now whenever we fly commercial we have conversations about how far we'd have gotten while we're standing in lines at the airport, where we'd be by the time we take off and how nice it would be to not have a 3 hour drive from Kansas City to the small town in central Kansas where my family lives.

Good luck.
My typical reaction to negative comments from the spousal unit regarding my hobbies is: "I am going to do what I am going to do regardless of how anyone feels about it. I got my education, work hard, provide for my family and I am going to persue my dreams while I am able. Anyone who wants to come along with me is welcome." That is very selfish I know but that is how I feel.
I firmly believe that everyone should persue their own interests as long as no one else is hurt and other commitments are still honored.
My wife has been much less negative since the plane has been finished. She brags to her friends about me and even wants to go on a trip with me. She has flown with me once and handled it very well. The problem has been finding a time when our schedules and the weather allow.
Sure, we would have much more savings and less debt without the plane but I would not have it any other way. I am deliriously happy with my -9 and a happy Bruce is much more fun to be around!
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I am lucky!

With no kids and a wife that loves to travel, the problem is when I leave her at home and go fly by myself or with a buddy, I never hear the end of it. Oh well, there could be worse things in the world.

The other problem I have is that I MUST leaver her at home when I feel the need to do some rolls! :D

Like many of the other S.O.'s, she learned very early on how quickly we can get places in the -9. In fact, she is so comfortable that her 2nd ride was a trip to North Myrtle Beach with all of 42 hours on the plane and she fell asleep after about 20 minutes. On the return trip that afternoon, all she kept saying was, "I can't believe how quick (<1 hr) and easy it was for us to get there, nothing like the 4 to 5 hour drive."
My typical reaction to negative comments from the spousal unit regarding my hobbies is: "I am going to do what I am going to do regardless of how anyone feels about it. I got my education, work hard, provide for my family and I am going to persue my dreams while I am able. Anyone who wants to come along with me is welcome." That is very selfish I know but that is how I feel.

Right on! You have restored my faith in manhood.

That is not selfish at all. I've been dismayed as of late by some of the comments I've seen on other threads about asking spouses for permission to build (even when they're nowhere to be seen). I pity those who feel they have to relinquish their gonads to their spouse's purse and have to ask to use 'em every now and then.

To the original poster: screw the 10, fly your two seater, be happy.
Experience helps

My family and I now travel frequently in my Cessna Cardinal. When I first bought it in 1996, my wife was very much where your wife is now. After her seeing me make many great trips alone, she started to join in a bit here and there. We made several trips with the family. Once we planned to visit family in Dallas for the holidays, and the weather was bad. I insisted on driving as I was not comfortable with the WX. Best thing I could have ever done. The 9 hour drive was absolutely horrible.

This year, my wife made plans to go back to Dallas to visit family and declared to all that our plans are contingent on weather because she will never drive again, and the Cardinal is way cheaper than 4 airline tickets.

She has also experienced several lousy airline trips that are also helping.

This past summer, we all flew to the Bahamas (from New Orleans) in the Cardinal and we had the adventure of a lifetime. Other extended family members flew commercial and met us down there. We were able to hop many islands. They were not. After seeing where we were able to go, my wife knows what they missed. Due to lousy airline service that is now typical, we tied them going down, and beat them coming home!!! If we had an RV-10, we would have beaten them badly both ways.

My wife is now on board with our plans to finish the RV-6 and use it for all our US travels once the kids leave home. This was especially true when I flew her in my buddies RV-7.

If we had an RV-10, we would use it much more than we use the Cardinal for sure!!! If my wife can be swayed, anybody can!

Don't give up hope. Don't push too hard, but do what you know is right and she will eventually figure it out.

Dale Lambert
RV-6 finishing kit
Before we started building (RV-10) I had numerous conversations with my wife on this topic.

Fortunately, our personal goals are very much the same. We both want to travel (fast), carry passengers, and do all of the above in a comfortable plane.

I personally didn't want to spend the money for a RV-10. I wanted something less expensive and smaller.

My wife (Sara) is responsible for pushing me into a RV-10. To her, a plush RV-10 is directly linked to travel.

I probably wouldn't have spent much money making a 2-seater a plush traveling machine. But the -10 is a completely different ballgame in my mind and in hers. You just have to disconnect the traditional RV-X yank and bank planes from the RV-10.


I have a GF that's 20 yrs my senior.... but she loves to fly... I would like kids one day, she says no... but the chance of meeting the right woman that's my age and mature and loves to fly... dunno... think I'll marry this one.... She was SO happy when I bought the tail kit.... blew me away....
If I were dating, I'd take her in the airplane in the first 3 dates, if she does not like it.... out the door!!!!!!
My little girl absolutely loves flying in my plane. Every time we land she says "that was fun" or "I want more1". However the past few weeks she's said she likes Delta planes more... hmmm, coersion?
I feel your pain, Scott, but there's an easy way to solve that problem. Ice cream cones wherever you fly. Delta doesn't provide those!
spousal support

My wife complained the whole 9 years of build time and would not ride in the back of my RV-4 until...... I took one of her "hot" friends for a ride then she insisted on going along.
To me travelling is not synonymous with flying an RV.

Hmm.. how does she know my wife? :) This is nearly identical to what my wife once said.. I'm afraid that's just the way things are... and you go with it... I don't expect to change my wife's opinion... what I hope for is that she tolerates travelling... I know she'll never "enjoy/love" it.. at best, she'll tolerate it and come along..
i told my girlfriend last night that i may just buy her a tail kit for a -7 one of these years for christmas. she said that was fine, but then it would be 'her' airplane :) I think I may have a keeper
well that sums it up for me

My typical reaction to negative comments from the spousal unit regarding my hobbies is: "I am going to do what I am going to do regardless of how anyone feels about it. I got my education, work hard, provide for my family and I am going to persue my dreams while I am able. Anyone who wants to come along with me is welcome." That is very selfish I know but that is how I feel.
amen to that. if i give up all i like its just more **** for me to blame on you when i have my midlife crisis.:D;)
Non-flying wives

After literally years of trying to convince my wife of the utility and fun of flying places in our 210, then a Seneca II, then a C-340 pressurized twin, I gave up. We sold the 340, and my inspection of N811AK (RV-7A) is scheduled for this weekend. I plan on flying just about anywhere with an open seat next to me. Should she elect to come along, there will be an empty seat for her. Love her like crazy, but she just is not a flyer.

You can play nice, or you can play dirty. Change your job so you lose the stand-by privileges and see how fast she comes around. :D:D
You know, if we substituted "husband" for "wife", and "horse" for "airplane", this thread could be duplicated by a lot of couples who dont share their spouses passion.

Just a fact of life that different folks like different things. Would be kinda boring otherwise.

I am very lucky that my wife loves to fly, and she is totally behind our having the 10.

Unfortunately, some of you are not so lucky, and I am sorry for you. Not gloating here, I truly feel your pain. BTDT in a previous life.

Be thankful that you get to fly, accept that you will have to fly alone more than you would like, and then be thankful for a wife who is O.K. with your flying..

Who knows, people change over time, maybe she will catch the bug down the road.

You can play nice, or you can play dirty. Change your job so you lose the stand-by privileges and see how fast she comes around. :D:D

May not need to. The airlines are getting a lot better at filling empty seats. I would not be surprised to learn employee perks like this become harder to exercise.
Best Wife

Hi All
I am so lucky my wife will fly anywhere with me as long as we are going somewhere. She?s not to hot on flying the pattern. The only thing Jill has asked for is an in-flight drink or meal. Scott hange in there she will come around.
Scott, I have the exact same spousal situation. The solution was an easy one however, I built an RV-3. It travels with me in it just fine!

Susie's not big on flying, either (and it's my career!!!). She's of the 'it's cheaper than therapy and/or a mistress and it keeps Doug sane' mindset. It's my (insert guy thing here).


PS: 99% sure I'm building a -3 next
Well... I think the best thing for me to do is to remove the ability to get free flights on the airline. Obviously that would mean a change in career. Anyone hiring Aerospace Engineers in Atlanta?

PS - I know how the airline loads are these days and I keep telling her... and she knows it. But she likes to play chance. As I'm getting older and getting more spoiled with the RV, I'm tired of playing the non-rev (standby) game. Gone are the good ol days when 50 percent load factor still meant lots of profit to the airlines. We're running fuller than ever and still struggling to make a buck.
One reason I don't want to change jobs (besides the fact I've been here since 1995) is that we are able to take our daughter to sooooo many more places than kids her age 'normally' get to go. Traveling opens up so much for them that I do not want to deprive her of trips we could take down the road. Little Heather has already been to 7 countries (14 if you count her being a fetus at the time), Hawaii twice and numerous other places...even spent her first birthday in the Falkland Islands!

It sucks. On one had it's a blessing to be able to travel all over the world very cheaply (free). On the other hand it hinders my ability to use the RV as it should be used.

She knows flying makes ME happy. And without her there's no way I'd have a -7A (and know the great RV guys that I do). So I'm very thankful for that.

I just hated to pass up a great deal on a mostly completed -10. It was exactly what I was looking for.
RV Travel is the best.

I recently flew my RV8 out to a company meeting in Houston. The mileage money paid for the fuel, hanger and rental car with cash left over. It was great seeing my companions who also attended the meeting complaining about their fights and problems with the airlines. In fact, one did not make it until the next day due to a missed connection.

When it came time to leave, they were complaining about having to get up at 0400 to be at the airport in time to catch their flights. Me.....well GG was only 2.5 miles away at West Houston airport. We left at 1400 to go visit GG's old stopping grounds at Lockhart Texas. She took me home the next day with one fuel stop in Mississippi and averaged about 215 mph.:cool:
I've heard it before!

After 30 years of flying and going on my 13th airplane, my advice to any NEW pilot or NEW airplane wan-a-be owner is BUY or BUILD THE AIRPLANE FOR YOU with your flying and desires in mind! The fact is we are the ones that want a plane. While most of us WISH our significant other would want to fly or build as much as us, except maybe for a lucky few, this is NOT the case. My wife flies with me in the RV when it is the best or quickest way to get somewhere, ie OSH or the parents farm or somewhere not easily serviced by airline. But by and large, the airline WILL be cheaper, more reliable and safer...really! And your kids??? One cross country ride in the bumps and airsickness and their desire to fly with you is OVER. So, what I tell prosepective buyers or builders (even tho they won't listen...the first time!) is BUY or BUILD FOR NUMERO UNO...YOU! I have a bud out at the airport who sold his Stearman and bought a C-182 because 'my family was going to fly to the NE coast with me more often...' yah....ONCE! Bumps and airsickness on the way up to MAine and got stuck for three days because of the WX on the RTB. Now I see him on weekends pull his -182 out for a trip around the patch wishing he had a fun plane like he used to.

My advice: Build and/or Buy for YOU! Because YOU are the pilot stuck with the desease of flight. Rent for the family!

P.S. Statistically for any multi-seat airplane, the load factor is either one or two seats full, rearely ever more....again, statistically!

dos centavos!
Well... I think the best thing for me to do is to remove the ability to get free flights on the airline. Obviously that would mean a change in career. Anyone hiring Aerospace Engineers in Atlanta?

Nope, but I know of a place in Warner Robbins. We've got one guy who flys to work from his airpark in Henry County (in a citabria) already, so an RV7 from LZU would be about the same.
My wife brings people to the hangar to see the RV. My wife invited a lot of the family to see the first engine start, when I thought just a few, to hold the fire extinguisher would be fine. :D

My wife loves P-51's & Reno, and insisted that I paint invasion strips, even if it's a nose gear! :)

But, somewhat like flying commercially, she now prefers the comfy heated seats of the Chevy Silverado versus the back seat of a motorcycle.

L.Adamson -- RV6A
When I met my future wife, I was flying a Luscombe. She went up with me a "few" times but never really liked it, although she flies the airlines a lot. She knew I wanted to build an RV-8 and went with me to OSH in 2003. She got to sit in an 8A, (in the back seat of course) and then tried to talk me into a 7 instead of an 8. I told her that since 90% of my flying would probably be without her, I was going to build what I wanted to fly. She accepted that... until we went to Sun-N-Fun and she got to sit in the RV-10. She REALLY likes the RV-10. I told her that we didn't need a 10 since we don't have kids, but she now wants to be able to travel with friends. This is a good sign... I told her that if she flies with me enough when we get the 8 done, that maybe then we could build a 10 if she still wanted to. We'll see...
When I met my future wife, I was flying a Luscombe. She went up with me a "few" times but never really liked it, although she flies the airlines a lot. She knew I wanted to build an RV-8 and went with me to OSH in 2003. She got to sit in an 8A, (in the back seat of course) and then tried to talk me into a 7 instead of an 8. I told her that since 90% of my flying would probably be without her, I was going to build what I wanted to fly. She accepted that... until we went to Sun-N-Fun and she got to sit in the RV-10. She REALLY likes the RV-10. I told her that we didn't need a 10 since we don't have kids, but she now wants to be able to travel with friends. This is a good sign... I told her that if she flies with me enough when we get the 8 done, that maybe then we could build a 10 if she still wanted to. We'll see...

SWMBO has occasionally suggested we get a 4 place airplane so we can take friends on trips with us. I've told her that for the 2 times a year we'd actually do that, it would be cheaper for us to fly the RV-6 and charter a plane for our friends.

Also, people hauling isn't the primary reason I fly. I consider myself more of an RV-3 guy who likes having extra shoulder room. ;-)
How do ya'll with non-flying spouses put up with this?

Scott, there's flying and there's traveling, they are not the same.

Traveling for my wife is relaxing in first class with a glass of wine and enjoying what used to be a good dinner.

Flying with me in the RV is a dramadene (sp) experience for her. It's noisey, drafty, usually bumpy and she knows I've had 2 engine failures ending up in the boonies. She bugs me for a local ride about once every 3 or 4 years so she can tell her friends about it.

Make a deal with your wife, you'll do the flying in an RV for your own satisfaction and travel with her now and then in her world. Very few wives are aviators and that is not a big deal at all, at least not in our world.
This post really strikes a chord amongst us!!

The very fact that I am jumping into this thread on page five is evidence that this is a universal issue. I was going to use the word "problem" but it really isn't a problem as such. Marriage is ,at its' best, a combining of two different personalities to form a bond and committment to each other. Both parties will (or should have their own personalities and desires in life.

I envy those of you who do share this common passion for aviation with your partners. When I met my now second wife, I thought I had such a common passion for flying with her.

She was an active pilot and enjoyed accompanying me to various airshows. I was able to convince her to get her tailwheel endorsement and check out in my Citabria. Which she did.... and had fun with it, until one day she had a little "incident" with the airplane at our home strip. It scared her and after getting the airplane fixed, she wouldn't fly it it again. I decided to sell it for something a little more her comfort level. A classic C-172. She flew it a while and then got pregnant with my son.

Now that she was with child, her priorities about everything changed! She wasn't afarid to fly the Cessna, ....just not as interested as before. Now, planning for the family (nesting) seemed to take over, and once our son was born, then meeting with mothers' groups became more important. We still did the hamburger runs and even trips to visit relatives in New England with the airplane, and she would even take a landing once in a great while. I just hate when someone who lands a plane about once or twice a year makes better landings than me! The Cessna was great for family trips once kids came into the picture, ...just slooooooww!!!

Then came 9/11 and life as we all know it...stopped... airline bankruptcies, 50% pay cuts, and loss of pensions.

The Cessna was sold two years ago and now I am plugging along on the RV-8 and getting some ocassional summer flying in a friends' warbird.

The other part of my life is full of the richness of being a Dad and all that entails!! With a couple of very smart and active kids, we ( you know,,the couple) are carting these kids around to hockey and soccer games, after school activities, church functions, Boy name it! ...and just lovin' life as a family!

Do I envy the couples who do in fact share the love for aviation? Well, maybe a little. But would I trade my lot for that.. with possibly no kids.? Absolutely not!! I love my life, I love my wife ( even if she isn't the ideal "aviation" spouse), I love my kids and I truly feel blessed!

And ...oh yeah.... the RV-8 is for me to go screw holes in the sky when I get her finished. Life is a balance you know...
Well... I think the best thing for me to do is to remove the ability to get free flights on the airline. Obviously that would mean a change in career. Anyone hiring Aerospace Engineers in Atlanta?

Scott..... dude.. So she gets you to ditch the 10 AND ditch your day job?
You are going the wrong way! Where is the man in you? If she wont support you, go it alone.

My 2 cents.
Scott..... dude.. So she gets you to ditch the 10 AND ditch your day job?
You are going the wrong way! Where is the man in you? If she wont support you, go it alone.

My 2 cents.

Amen Kahuna!!! I had one of those, I ended up giving up just about every fun thing I did in life. I looked around at my white picket fence world that I got cornered into, and decided... SEE YA... The problem is it happened so slowly I didn't realize it. With my new supportive significant other, my new problem is, I'm too busy having fun :D
Spouse and Flying

"I am going to do what I am going to do regardless of how anyone feels about it. I got my education, work hard, provide for my family and I am going to persue my dreams while I am able. Anyone who wants to come along with me is welcome."'re my new hero!

I feel everybody's pain as I also have a white knuckle hate to fly wife. She wants these wonderful long as it is on an Airbus! Oh well. I still get my hall pass to go to the hanger and get my fix.
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Build what you want to fly. My ex hated flying and was stressed in the plane. I realize as PIC you have enough going on without someone to babysit especially in a demanding situation.

BTW - when i was dating my new bride a short ride in the plane was in order - her comment "OMG this is the best" - i knew she was for me.
My wife is a slave driver.:cool:

Every day she forces me out to the shop with "hurry up and get the plane back together so we can fly it."

Doesn't even let me come home for lunch. She brings it to me. Says coming home to eat would take too much time away from the project. Then if I am not working fast enough she hhangs around and helps ponting out her glass layups are superior to mine.

Oh **** here she comes I gotta go work on the plane or she'll yel at me.:D
I'm 50 and the kids are grown, the oldest is 28. But I remember the early days of kids in the house and at the time I didn't fly full scale, my excape was the RC airplanes, fishing and camping. I had fun with the kids doing these things and wouldn't go back and change a thing. In the back of my mind I had a real love for flying and the wife knew it. About 5 years ago the wife found out about an open house for the local flight school and just took me out there, I didn't know anything about it, and said here you go, go have fun, a demonstration flight, cool, what fun. She let me go for it and I got my license. Now I fly over 300hrs a year and she loves to fly with me. Now this is really cool, when it's time for her to see her mom, she drops me off at the airport and says, see ya in an hour or whatever. If she wants to go shopping, the same. Once or twice a week she's wanting a ride in the airplane, I take her up and tame myself way down so she enjoys it, no problem, I get my time quit often.

First wife and 30 years. Sure she has her thing that she likes and I have my thing that I like, what makes us the same is how we treat things, we are the same on that one. If we go to an airshow and it is stuppid we both come up with that thought, not just one of us, and the next time it comes up, we go somewhere else. When we fly long distance we generally fly for about an hour and then land, get out and stretch, take the bathroom visit and continue on. I love it cause I like to land, so visiting the different airports is a venture for me.
What an interesting thread!

My wife has little interest in flying herself, but she likes that I like it. I wish we did it together - that's what being married is about IMHO - but she is supportive of my flying, so I guess I'll take that and go with it.

I would certainly prefer if she were interested in my hobbies and vice-versa, but that's Ok. We're different people. I doubt she'll ever fly with me and certainly isn't interested in earning a PP herself. But, like others have said, do your own thing, because if you're not happy with yourself, how can you be happy with someone else?

And on a slightly different note, whether RVs are good for traveling is dependent on how you like to travel. Some folks would be fine with traveling in a cramped/cozy fuselage that's a little noisy and has no amenities - they look at travel as fun because it's an adventure. Others won't be happy unless they have a first class sleeper seat and can get a martini brought to them on demand - they look at travel as something that must be endured. This being America, we have a choice in how we travel. Just because we choose to build/buy/fly airplanes because it's cool and fun to us doesn't mean everyone else will.