
Active Member
Got Any RV6 Tip Up Seating Mods For 6'2" Pilot?

After searching for four months trying to get first in line for a RV6, I bought 722DK From John H. out of S.C. It is time to fit the plane to my body, install a smoke system and fly.

I previously owned N89PC a RV6A with a slider. In 89PC, I installed the "Almost a 14 seat mod" from Antisplat and additionally moved the front bottom piano hinge behind the last bottom hinge under the seat. As a result of that work, I could ride in 89PC for up to four hours at a time.

My new ride, 722DK is a tip up which has the canopy locking bar behind the seats. Thus it looks like the "Almost a 14" seat mod won't work. Am I right?

What are the solutions to fit my long legged 6'2" frame into the tip up RV6?

By the way my new -6 has an injected Titan 370 with electronic ignition...I'm looking forward to flying as -4 in formation ;)
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How To Fit 6'2" Pilot into RV6?

There is enough space to move the upper rudder pedal bars forward approximately 11/2". Then I will move the bottoms of the pedals as far forward and possible without affecting the function of the pedals and/or the brakes.
I plan on shaving the seat back cushions down to about ½" which is what I also did on the -6A.
Antisplat show a way of fitting the almost a 14 mod to a tip up in their download section. Looks like a bit more work but has been done before.
Rudder pedals

I’m 6’1” and sit quite comfortably in my 6. Rather than move the rudder pedal bar, I put a tang between the cable and the rudder pedal. This however changed the geometry of the pedal. I then took the pedals out, removed the part of the pedal that connects to the cable( side of pedal), and fabricated a new one that would allow the pedal to tip forward more. This allowed me to use my rudders without applying the brakes.
seating area rib modification

Can be done by removing the floor and cutting the top flanges of the seat ribs off and adding new flanges a little lower, or similar modification of the rib. Maybe gain an inch? A lot of work though. Perhaps look into different densities of comforfoam to create a thinner seat pad that has sufficient support?
Your new ride sounds like a screamer!
Thanks Bill,

Bill, thanks for your response which is aligned with the modification that Vans suggests (I found it today going through their build instructions) about lowering the "bucket seat". Before I do that I'm going to modify the bottom cushion thinning it out under the butt area and making it thicker further forward to provide support for my legs. I'm going to buy some foam layers, experiment with different thicknesses and hopefully come up with the right combination.
Just to reiterate: There is a modified version of the "Almost a 14" mod for tip-ups. It's not as easy as the mod for the slider, but it can be done.

Search on VAF, and contact AntiSplat aero. They will be very helpful.

PC-thanks, I looked it up on the antisplat website last night. It's a bit of a job but doable. The question arises how much clearance between the pilots head and the canopy support (roll bar) which is behind the pilot. I will check that out today. Right now the plan is to move the rudder pedal upper bars forward-there's about 13/4" there and modify the seat cushions.
One of the things that dawned on me for this plane is that because it is a taildragger, moving the seat back will further reduce the visibility over the front while taxiing.
Cable Lock For Tip Up


Thanks for your response. I looked at your system and would like to copy it. Any chance I can give you a call to discuss?

Working towards getting my 200hp -6 up and running...

Is there a Rocket in my future? Mayhaps!

Got the side by side -6 to get tailwheel instruction and to have snacks & drinks next to me when I go cross
